AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 0365-0359 0.61 Q3 Acta Scientiarum - Technology 1806-2563 0.75 Q3 4区 Ad Alta : Journal of Interdisciplinary Research 1804-7890 0.63 Q3 Advanced Theory and Simulations 2513-0390 2.75 Q1 4区 African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 2042-1338 1.16 Q2 All Life Frontiers in Life Science 2689-5293 1.11 Q3 4区 American Scientist 0003-0996 0.66 Q4 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 0001-3765 1.29 Q3 4区 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Annals of The Lyceum of Natural History of New York 0077-8923 4.06 Q1 3区 Applied Network Science 2364-8228 1.20 Q2 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2191-4281 2.44 Q2 4区 ARO-The Scientific Journal of Koya University 2307-549X 1.17 Q3 Avances 1562-3297 0.30 Q4 Baghdad Science Journal 2078-8665 1.15 Q3 Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 2314-8535 2.62 Q2 BMC Research Notes 1756-0500 1.46 Q2 Chemistry, Didactics, Ecology, Metrology 1640-9019 0.57 Q3 Chiang Mai Journal of Science 0125-2526 0.67 Q3 4区 CienciaUAT 2007-7521 0.45 Q4 Complexity 1076-2787 1.58 Q2 4区 中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊 Comptes Rendus de L'Academie Bulgare des Sciences 1310-1331 0.11 Q4 4区 Cultura Científica 1657-463X 0.08 Q4 Current Science 0011-3891 1.06 Q3 4区 Data 2306-5729 2.06 Q2 Data in Brief 2352-3409 1.16 Q3 Defence Science Journal 0011-748X 0.72 Q3 4区 Die Naturwissenschaften 0028-1042 2.15 Q2 3区 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1026-0226 1.39 Q2 4区 Doklady Nacionaln̈oj akademii nauk Belarusi 1561-8323 0.17 Q4 Endeavour 0160-9327 0.67 Q4 4区 Estudios Digital 0328-185X 0.04 Q4 Eurobiotech Journal 2564-615X 1.36 Q3 Everyman's Science 0531-495X Q4 Facets 2371-1671 2.88 Q1 3区 Forecasting 2571-9394 2.40 Q2 Fractals 0218-348X 3.38 Q1 3区 Frontiers in Big Data 2624-909X 2.29 Q2 Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2296-4185 4.20 Q2 3区 Fundamental Research 2096-9457 5.68 Q1 3区 Gazi University Journal of Science 1303-9709 0.90 Q3 GigaScience 2047-217X 11.96 Q1 2区 Global Challenges 2056-6646 4.35 Q1 4区 Heliyon 2405-8440 3.24 Q1 3区 Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1019-3316 0.49 Q4 4区 Heritage 2571-9408 2.11 Q2 Holos 1518-1634 0.16 Q4 Informes Científicos y Técnicos (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral) 1852-4516 Q4 Innovaciencia 2346-075X 0.10 Q4 Innovation 2666-6758 33.25 Q1 1区 International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences 2313-3724 0.55 Q4 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 0218-1274 1.81 Q2 4区 International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 0219-5259 0.73 Q3 4区 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A: Science 1028-6276 1.47 Q2 4区 iScience 2589-0042 4.63 Q1 2区 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED APPLIED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH 2454-3225 0.28 Q4 Journal of Advanced Research 2090-1224 11.58 Q1 1区 Journal of King Saud University - Science 1018-3647 3.67 Q1 3区 Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences ITB Journal of Science 2337-5760 0.60 Q4 Journal of Physical Science 1675-3402 1.21 Q3 Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences 1687-8507 1.89 Q2 4区 Journal of Rajasthan Academy of Physical Sciences 0972-6306 0.20 Q4 Journal of Science and Arts 1844-9581 0.22 Q4 Journal of Taibah University for Science 1658-3655 2.98 Q2 3区 Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 0019-4964 1.79 Q2 Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 1391-4588 0.23 Q4 4区 Journal of the Royal Society Interface 1742-5662 3.66 Q1 2区 Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 0303-6758 2.29 Q2 4区 Journal of the Selva Andina Research Society 2072-9294 0.16 Q4 Journal of Visualized Experiments 1940-087X 1.36 Q3 4区 Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin 0023-074X 0.92 Q3 4区 Kuwait Journal of Science Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering 2307-4108 1.20 Q3 4区 Machine Learning: Science and Technology 2632-2153 6.35 Q1 2区 Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology 1905-7873 0.71 Q3 4区 Makara Journal of Science 2339-1995 0.63 Q3 Malaysian Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 2289-5981 0.75 Q3 MethodsX 2215-0161 1.61 Q2 Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology 2244-0410 0.37 Q4 Mìždisciplìnarnì doslìdžennâ skladnih sistem (Online) 2307-4515 0.09 Q4 Momona Ethiopian Journal of Science 2073-073X 0.26 Q4 National Academy Science Letters 0250-541X 1.21 Q3 4区 National Science Review 2053-714X 16.45 Q1 1区 NATURAL SCIENCES 2698-6248 2.65 Q2 Nature NATURE PHYSICAL SCIENCE, Nature: New biology 0028-0836 50.39 Q1 1区 Nature Communications NComm 2041-1723 14.74 Q1 1区 Nature Computational Science 2662-8457 12.15 Q1 Nature Human Behaviour 2397-3374 21.27 Q1 1区 NATURE REVIEWS METHODS PRIMERS 2662-8449 50.25 Q1 New Scientist New scientist and science journal 0262-4079 1.67 Q3 4区 npj Microgravity 2373-8065 4.38 Q1 1区 PeerJ 2167-8359 2.19 Q2 3区 Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology 0128-7680 0.67 Q3 Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences 1364-503X 4.35 Q1 3区 PLoS ONE 1932-6203 3.06 Q1 3区 中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊, ivySCI Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Estonian Journal of Engineering, Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences: Chemistry, Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences: Physics, Mathematics 1736-6046 0.89 Q3 4区 Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy 0370-0046 1.37 Q3 Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences 0386-2208 4.35 Q1 3区 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section A - Physical Sciences 0369-8203 0.67 Q3 4区 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PNAS 0027-8424 9.56 Q1 1区 Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A - Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science 1454-9069 0.73 Q3 4区 Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1364-5021 2.86 Q1 3区 Rendiconti Lincei - Scienze Fisiche E Naturali 2037-4631 2.17 Q2 4区 Research 2096-5168 8.56 Q1 1区 Research Synthesis Methods 1759-2879 5.02 Q1 2区 Revista de Investigaciones Altoandinas 2306-8582 0.64 Q3 Revista de Investigaciones Universidad del Quindío 1794-631X 0.24 Q4 Revista UniVap 1517-3275 0.20 Q4 Royal Society Open Science 2054-5703 2.96 Q1 3区 Sains Malaysiana 0126-6039 0.59 Q3 4区 Science The Scientific monthly 0036-8075 44.59 Q1 1区 Science advances 2375-2548 11.83 Q1 1区 Science and Engineering Ethics 1353-3452 2.89 Q2 2区 Science and Innovation 2409-9066 0.57 Q3 Science Bulletin Chinese Science Bulletin 2095-9273 18.63 Q1 1区 Science Diliman 0115-7809 0.22 Q4 Science Progress 0036-8504 2.68 Q2 4区 ScienceAsia 1513-1874 1.14 Q3 4区 Scientific African 2468-2276 2.86 Q2 Scientific American 0036-8733 2.99 Q1 4区 Scientific data 2052-4463 5.92 Q1 2区 Scientific Reports 2045-2322 3.93 Q1 2区 Smart Science 2308-0477 2.53 Q2 SN Applied Sciences Discover Applied Sciences 2523-3963 2.70 Q2 South African Journal of Science 0038-2353 1.60 Q2 4区 Suranaree Journal of Science and Technology 0858-849X 0.09 Q4 Symmetry 2073-8994 2.29 Q2 3区 中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊 Technology and innovation 1949-8241 0.71 Q3 Tecnología en Marcha 0379-3982 0 Q4 Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 2147-0294 0.61 Q4 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 0372-1426 0.81 Q3 4区 Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki 1815-6169 0.59 Q4 Uniciencia 1011-0275 0.75 Q3 Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta 1561-7793 0.10 Q4