
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
American Journal of BioethicsAm. J. Bioeth.1526-516117.01Q11区
Analyses of Social Issues and Public PolicyAnal Soc Iss & Public Policy1529-74891.88Q24区
Australian Journal of Social IssuesAust J Soc Issues0157-63211.87Q22区
Bulletin of the Atomic ScientistsBull. At. Sci.0096-34021.93Q24区
Ciencias Sociales y Educación2256-5000Q4
Columbia Journal of Law and Social ProblemsColumbia. J. Law. Soc. Probl.0010-19230.19Q44区
Encrucijadas: Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales2174-67530.47Q4
Engaging Science, Technology, and SocietyEngaging STS2413-80530.93Q3
Equidad y DesarrolloEquidad Desarro.1692-73110.08Q4
Foundation Review1944-56600.64Q3
Frontiers in Human DynamicsFront. Hum. Dyn.2673-27262.07Q2
Gender IssuesGend. Issues0270-66791.45Q3
Human Rights QuarterlyHum. Rights Q.0275-03920.61Q33区
Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and DevelopmentHumanity2151-43640.93Q3
International Journal of Engineering Social Justice and Peace1927-94340.73Q3
Issues in Science and TechnologyIssues. Sci. Technol.0748-54922.15Q24区
Journal of Bioethical InquiryBioethical Inquiry1176-75291.83Q33区
Journal of Cancer SurvivorshipJ Cancer Surviv1932-22593.03Q12区
Journal of European Social PolicyJ. Eur. Soc. Policy0958-92872.84Q11区
Journal of Medical EthicsJ Med Ethics0306-68003.21Q12区
Journal of Migration HistoryJ. Migr. Hist.2351-99160.18Q4
Journal of Occupational RehabilitationJ. Occup. Rehabil.1053-04872.09Q23区
Journal of Prison Education and ReentryJPER2387-23060.67Q3
Journal of Responsible InnovationJ. Responsible Innov.2329-90373.73Q11区
Journal of Social InclusionJ. Soc. Incl.1836-88080.22Q4
Journal of Social IssuesJ Social Isssues0022-45374.14Q11区
Journal of Social PhilosophyJ. Soc. Philos.0047-27861.29Q33区
Kennedy Institute of Ethics JournalKennedy Inst. Ethics J.1054-68630.96Q34区
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector QuarterlyNonprofit. Volunt. Sect. Q.0899-76402.32Q12区
Papeles del CEIC: International Journal on Collective Identity Research1695-64940.39Q3
Punto Género0719-04170.24Q4
Research EthicsRes. Ethics1747-01612.26Q2
Revija Za Socijalnu PolitikuRSP1330-29650.26Q44区
Revista CS2011-03240.49Q4
Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Cuerpos, Emociones y Sociedad1852-87590.09Q4
Science Technology and Human Values0162-24393.28Q12区
Social Evolution and History1681-43630.48Q4
Social Issues and Policy ReviewSocial Issues Policy Review1751-23957.37Q11区
South European Society and PoliticsSouth. Eur. Soc. Polit.1360-87463.51Q11区
Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and SocietyTapuya.2572-98611.02Q3
Theoretical Medicine and BioethicsTheor Med Bioeth1386-74151.09Q43区
Tydskrift vir Geesteswetenskappe0041-47510.39Q44区
Zhurnal Issledovanii Sotsial'noi Politiki1727-06340.15Q4
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