
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Actas Urologicas EspanolasActas Urol. Esp.0210-48061.36Q34区
Advances in Chronic Kidney DiseaseAdv. Chronic. Kidney. Dis.1548-55952.14Q23区
Advances in UrologyAdv. Urol.1687-63691.82Q3
African Journal of UrologyAfr J Urol1110-57040.47Q4
Aging MaleAging. Male.1368-55382.73Q24区
Aktuelle UrologieAktuelle Urol.0001-78680.44Q44区
American journal of clinical and experimental urology2330-19101.53Q3
American Journal of Kidney DiseasesAm. J. Kidney. Dis.0272-63869.60Q11区
American Journal of NephrologyAm J Nephrol0250-80954.21Q13区
American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology1931-857X3.88Q12区
Arab Journal of UrologyArab J. Urol.2090-598X1.22Q3
Archivio Italiano di Urologia AndrologiaArch Ital Urol Androl1124-35621.47Q3
Archivos Espanoles de UrologiaArch. Esp. Urol.0004-06140.62Q44区
Asian Journal of AndrologyAsian J Androl1008-682X3.00Q12区
Asian Journal of UrologyAsian J. Urol.2214-38822.39Q23区
BJU InternationalBJU Int1464-40963.57Q12区
BJUI Compass2688-45261.45Q3
Bladder CancerBLC2352-37270.91Q44区
Blood PurificationBlood Purif.0253-50682.03Q23区
BMC NephrologyBMC Nephrol1471-23692.03Q24区
BMC UrologyBMC Urol1471-24901.52Q33区
Brazilian Journal of NephrologyBraz. J. Nephrol.0101-28001.30Q3
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and DiseaseCan J Kidney Health Dis2054-35811.75Q3
Canadian Journal of UrologyCan. J. Urol.1195-94791.20Q34区
CardioRenal MedicineCardiorenal Med.1664-38282.23Q24区
Case Reports in Nephrology and DialysisCase Rep Nephrol Dial2296-97050.64Q4
CEN Case ReportsCEN Case Rep.2192-44491.05Q4
Central European Journal of UrologyCent European J Urol2080-48061.48Q3
CKJ: Clinical Kidney JournalClin. Kidney J.2048-85053.89Q12区
Clinical and Experimental NephrologyClin Exp Nephrol1342-17512.34Q24区
Clinical Genitourinary CancerClin. Genitourin. Cancer1558-76732.42Q23区
Clinical Journal of the American Society of NephrologyCJASN1555-90418.63Q11区
Clinical NephrologyClin. Nephrol.0301-04301.08Q34区
Contributions to NephrologyContrib. Nephrol.0302-51441.584区
Current Bladder Dysfunction ReportsCurr. Bladder Dysfunct. Rep.1931-72120.26Q4
Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension1062-48212.08Q23区
Current Opinion in UrologyCurr. Opin. Urol.0963-06432.11Q23区
Current Sexual Health ReportsCurr. Sex. Health Rep.1548-35840.90Q4
Current UrologyCurr. Urol.1661-76490.97Q44区
Current Urology ReportsCurr Urol Rep1527-27372.57Q22区
European UrologyEur Urol0302-283825.16Q11区
European Urology FocusEur. Urol. Focus2405-45694.71Q12区
European Urology OncologyEur. Urol. Oncol.2588-93118.19Q11区
European Urology Open ScienceEur. Urol. Open. Sci.2666-16833.36Q13区
Hemodialysis InternationalHemodial Int1492-75351.22Q34区
Indian Journal of NephrologyIndian J. Nephrol.0971-40650.94Q4
Indian Journal of UrologyIndian J Urol0970-15911.32Q3
International braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of UrologyInt. braz j urol.1677-55383.17Q13区
International Journal of Impotence ResearchInt. J. Impot. Res.0955-99302.81Q23区
International Journal of NephrologyInt. J. Nephrol.2090-214X1.58Q3
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular DiseaseIJNRD1178-70582.21Q2
International Journal of Urological NursingInt J Urol Nurs1749-77010.50Q4
International Journal of UrologyInt J of Urology0919-81721.61Q33区
International Neurourology JournalInt. Neurourol. J.2093-47771.67Q33区
International Urogynecology JournalInt Urogynecol J0937-34621.81Q33区
International Urology and NephrologyInt Urol Nephrol0301-16231.67Q34区
Investigative and Clinical UrologyInvestig Clin Urol2466-04932.30Q23区
Iranian Journal of Kidney DiseasesIran. J. Kidney Dis.1735-85820.92Q44区
Journal of Clinical UrologyJ. Clin. Urol.2051-41580.31Q4
Journal of EndourologyJ. Endourol.0892-77902.77Q12区
Journal of NephrologyJ Nephrol1121-84282.85Q24区
Journal of Pediatric UrologyJ. Pediatr. Urol.1477-51312.19Q23区
Journal of Renal CareJ. Ren. Care1755-66781.60Q34区
Journal of Renal Injury PreventionJ Renal Inj Prev2345-27810.11Q4
Journal of Renal NutritionJ. Ren. Nutr.1051-22763.45Q13区
Journal of Sexual MedicineJ. Sex. Med.1743-60953.35Q13区
Journal of the American Society of NephrologyJASN1046-667310.41Q11区
Journal of the Canadian Urological AssociationCUAJ1911-64701.80Q34区
Journal of Urological Surgery2148-95800.19Q4
Journal of UrologyJ. Urol.0022-53476.07Q12区
Kidney and Blood Pressure ResearchKidney Blood Press Res1420-40962.20Q24区
Kidney CancerKCA2468-45621.24Q3
Kidney DiseasesKidney Dis2296-93573.34Q14区
Kidney InternationalKidney Int.0085-253814.82Q11区
Kidney International ReportsKidney Int. Rep.2468-02495.57Q12区
Kidney International SupplementsKidney. Int. Suppl. (2011).2157-171619.30Q12区
Kidney MedicineKidney. Med.2590-05953.32Q1
Kidney Research and Clinical PracticeKidney Res Clin Pract2211-91322.84Q13区
LUTS: Lower Urinary Tract SymptomsLow. Urin. Tract Symptoms1757-56641.44Q34区
Minerva Urology and NephrologyMinerva Urol Nephrol2724-60515.01Q12区
Nature Reviews NephrologyNat Rev Nephrol1759-506128.52Q11区
Nature Reviews UrologyNat Rev Urol1759-481212.11Q11区
NefrologiaNefrologia. (Engl. Ed).1989-22842.69Q34区
Nephrologie (Germany)2731-74630.28Q4
Nephrologie et TherapeutiqueNephrol. Ther.1769-72550.58Q44区
NephrologyNephrology. (Carlton).1320-53582.32Q24区
Nephrology Dialysis TransplantationNephrol. Dial. Transplant.0931-05094.60Q12区
Nephrology Nursing JournalNephrol. Nurs. J.1526-744X0.86Q44区
Neurourology and UrodynamicsNeurourol. Urodyn.0733-24671.72Q33区
Pediatric NephrologyPediatr Nephrol0931-041X2.50Q23区
Peritoneal Dialysis InternationalPerit Dial Int0896-86082.73Q23区
Progres en UrologieProg. Urol.1166-70870.67Q44区
Prostate Cancer and Prostatic DiseasesProstate Cancer Prostatic Dis1365-78524.90Q12区
Prostate InternationalProstate Int.2287-88822.84Q22区
Renal FailureRen. Fail.0886-022X3.12Q13区
Renal Replacement TherapyRen. Replace. Ther.2059-13811.03Q4
Research and Reports in UrologyRRU2253-24471.97Q2
Revista de Nefrologia, Dialisis y Trasplante0326-34280.04Q44区
Saudi journal of kidney diseases and transplantation : an official publication of the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation, Saudi Arabia.Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl1319-24420.66Q4
Scandinavian Journal of UrologyScand. J. Urol.2168-18051.49Q34区
Seminars in DialysisSemin Dial0894-09591.31Q34区
Seminars in NephrologySemin. Nephrol.0270-92952.96Q23区
Sexual MedicineSex. Med.2050-11612.48Q23区
Sexual Medicine ReviewsSex. Med. Rev.2050-05133.69Q12区
Therapeutic Advances in UrologyTher. Adv. Urol.1756-28722.79Q24区
Therapeutic Apheresis and DialysisTher Apher Dial1744-99791.39Q34区
Translational Andrology and UrologyTransl Androl Urol2223-46831.78Q33区
Trends in Urology & Men's Health2044-37300.27Q4
Turkish Journal of Nephrology2667-44400.19Q4
Turkish Journal of UrologyTurkish Journal of Urology1300-58040.97Q4
Urologia InternationalisUrol Int0042-11381.69Q34区
Urologia JournalUrologia0391-56030.70Q4
Urologic Clinics of North AmericaUrol. Clin. North. Am.0094-01432.34Q24区
Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original InvestigationsUrol. Oncol.1078-14392.50Q23区
Urological ScienceUrol Sci1879-52260.81Q4
Urology AnnalsUrol Ann0974-77960.65Q4
Urology Case ReportsUrol. Case Rep.2214-44200.63Q4
Urology JournalUrol. J.1735-13081.69Q34区
Urology PracticeUrol. Pract.2352-07790.84Q4
World Journal of Men's HealthWorld J Mens Health2287-42084.08Q13区
World Journal of UrologyWorld J Urol0724-49832.84Q22区
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