Acta Scientiarum - Health Sciences Acta Scientiarum - Biological and Health Sciences 1679-9291 0.15 Q4 Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research Administration in Mental Health, Mental Health Services Research 0894-587X 1.80 Q3 3区 Advances in Public Health 2314-7784 1.65 Q3 Aerospace medicine and human performance Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 2375-6314 0.99 Q4 4区 African Journal of AIDS Research 1608-5906 1.23 Q4 4区 African Journal of Reproductive Health 1118-4841 0.66 Q4 4区 AIDS and Behavior 1090-7165 2.70 Q2 2区 AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV 0954-0121 1.21 Q4 4区 AIDS Education and Prevention 0899-9546 1.66 Q3 4区 AIDS Patient Care and STDs AIDS Patient Care, Pediatric AIDS and HIV Infection 1087-2914 3.54 Q1 2区 American Journal of Epidemiology American journal of hygiene 0002-9262 4.85 Q1 2区 American Journal of Health Behavior Health Values 1087-3244 2.20 Q3 4区 American Journal of Health Education Journal of health education / Association for the Advancement of Health Education 1932-5037 0.88 Q4 American Journal of Health Promotion 0890-1171 2.30 Q2 4区 American Journal of Industrial Medicine 0271-3586 2.79 Q2 3区 American Journal of Infection Control 0196-6553 3.90 Q1 3区 American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine 1559-8276 1.57 Q3 American Journal of Men's Health 1557-9883 2.00 Q3 4区 American Journal of Preventive Medicine 0749-3797 4.49 Q1 2区 American Journal of Public Health American journal of public health and the nation's health 0090-0036 9.46 Q1 1区 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Journal. National Malaria Society 0002-9637 1.73 Q2 4区 Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra 1137-6627 1.14 Q4 4区 Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita Rendiconti - Istituto superiore di sanità 0021-2571 1.29 Q4 4区 Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 1232-1966 1.31 Q4 4区 Annals of Epidemiology 1047-2797 3.14 Q1 3区 Annals of Global Health Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 2214-9996 2.52 Q2 4区 Annals of Human Biology 0301-4460 1.06 Q4 4区 Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2052-4374 1.29 Q4 Annals of Work Exposures and Health Annals of Occupational Hygiene 2398-7308 1.94 Q3 4区 Annual Review of Public Health 0163-7525 21.41 Q1 1区 Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2047-2994 4.68 Q1 2区 Applied Biosafety 1535-6760 0.37 Q4 Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de Medecine du Travail 1775-8785 0.38 Q4 4区 Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health Archives of Environmental Health 1933-8244 1.35 Q3 4区 Archives of Public Health 0778-7367 3.10 Q2 3区 Arhiv za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju 0004-1254 1.55 Q4 4区 Arts and Health 1753-3015 1.68 Q3 4区 Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 1010-5395 1.23 Q3 4区 Asian Journal of Social Health and Behavior 2772-4204 5.01 Q1 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 1995-7645 1.90 Q2 4区 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health Australian Journal of Public Health 1326-0200 2.68 Q2 3区 Australian Journal of Emergency Management 1324-1540 1.21 Q4 Australian Journal of Primary Health Australian Journal of Primary Health - Interchange 1448-7527 1.19 Q4 4区 Australian Journal of Rural Health 1038-5282 1.81 Q3 4区 Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 0895-3988 3.16 Q2 3区 Biosafety and Health 2096-6962 3.38 Q1 BMC International Health and Human Rights BMC Public Health 1472-698X 3.08 Q2 3区 BMC Public Health BMC International Health and Human Rights 1471-2458 3.52 Q1 2区 BMC Women's Health 1472-6874 2.49 Q2 3区 BMJ Global Health 2059-7908 6.95 Q1 2区 Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy 2526-8910 0.78 Q4 Bulletin of the World Health Organization World Health Forum, World Health Statistics Quarterly 0042-9686 8.46 Q1 2区 Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz Bundesgesundheitsblatt 1436-9990 1.84 Q3 4区 Cadernos de Saude Publica 0102-311X 1.96 Q3 4区 Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality Sieccan journal 1188-4517 1.23 Q3 Canadian Journal of Public Health 0008-4263 2.97 Q2 4区 Cancer Causes and Control 0957-5243 2.38 Q2 4区 Cancer Epidemiology Cancer Detection and Prevention 1877-7821 2.24 Q2 3区 Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 1055-9965 3.53 Q1 3区 Central European Journal of Public Health Journal of Hygiene Epidemiology Microbiology and Immunology 1210-7778 0.99 Q4 4区 Chemical Health and Safety ACS Chemical Health and Safety, Chemical Health and Safety 1074-9098 2.76 Q2 Children's Health Care 0273-9615 0.83 Q4 4区 China CDC Weekly 2096-7071 4.50 Q1 4区 Ciencia e Saude Coletiva 1413-8123 1.03 Q4 4区 Clinical Epidemiology 1179-1349 3.35 Q1 2区 Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 2213-3984 2.46 Q2 Clinical Social Work and Health Intervention 2076-9741 0.30 Q4 Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 0301-5661 1.67 Q3 3区 Community Mental Health Journal 0010-3853 1.76 Q3 4区 Comunidad y Salud 1690-3293 0.05 Q4 Conflict and Health 1752-1505 3.09 Q2 2区 Critical Public Health 0958-1596 3.18 Q1 3区 Current Environmental Health Reports 2196-5412 7.53 Q1 2区 Current Epidemiology Reports 2196-2995 3.15 Q2 3区 Current Pollution Reports 2198-6592 6.29 Q1 2区 Digital Health 2055-2076 3.00 Q2 3区 Disability and Health Journal 1876-7583 3.50 Q1 2区 Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 1935-7893 1.76 Q3 4区 Disaster Prevention and Management 0965-3562 1.72 Q3 4区 Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society Journal 1833-3516 0.93 Q4 4区 Drug Safety Medical Toxicology and Adverse Drug Experience 0114-5916 3.80 Q1 2区 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 1020-3397 1.78 Q3 4区 Economics and Human Biology 1570-677X 2.01 Q2 3区 Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 1742-7622 3.56 Q1 Environmental Epidemiology 2474-7882 3.28 Q1 Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 1342-078X 3.91 Q1 3区 Environmental Health Insights 1178-6302 2.45 Q2 Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source 1476-069X 5.26 Q1 2区 Environmental Research 0013-9351 7.65 Q1 2区 Environnement, Risques et Sante 1635-0421 0.32 Q4 Epidemiologia e prevenzione 1120-9763 1.27 Q4 4区 Epidemiologic Reviews 0193-936X 5.06 Q1 2区 Epidemiology 1044-3983 4.62 Q1 2区 Epidemiology and health 2092-7193 2.30 Q2 4区 Epidemiology and Infection Journal of Hygiene 0950-2688 2.55 Q2 4区 Ethiopian Journal of Health Development 1021-6790 0.35 Q4 4区 Ethnicity and Disease 1049-510X 3.60 Q1 3区 Ethnicity and Health 1355-7858 2.73 Q2 3区 European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 1362-5187 1.80 Q3 4区 European Journal of Epidemiology 0393-2990 7.59 Q1 1区 European Journal of Public Health 1101-1262 3.77 Q1 3区 Evolution, Medicine and Public Health 2050-6201 3.13 Q1 3区 Families, Systems and Health Family Systems Medicine 1091-7527 1.14 Q4 4区 Family and Community Health 0160-6379 1.61 Q3 4区 Fluoride - Quarterly Reports 0015-4725 0.89 Q4 4区 Frontiers in Health Services 2813-0146 1.46 Q3 Frontiers in Public Health 2296-2565 2.95 Q2 3区 Gaceta Sanitaria 0213-9111 1.36 Q3 4区 Games for health journal 2161-783X 2.37 Q1 3区 GeoHealth 2471-1403 4.50 Q1 2区 Geospatial health 1827-1987 0.98 Q4 4区 Gesundheitsokonomie und Qualitatsmanagement 1432-2625 0.15 Q4 Gesundheitswesen Das Offentliche Gesundheitswesen 0941-3790 0.77 Q4 4区 Global Health & Medicine 2434-9186 1.94 Q3 Global Health Action 1654-9716 2.21 Q2 3区 Global Health Promotion Promotion & education 1757-9759 1.74 Q3 4区 Global Health Research and Policy 2397-0642 3.96 Q1 2区 Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics 2054-4200 0.90 Q4 Global health, science and practice 2169-575X 2.41 Q2 3区 Global Public Health 1744-1692 2.45 Q2 3区 Globalization and Health 1744-8603 6.03 Q1 2区 GMS Hygiene and Infection Control 2196-5226 1.70 Q3 Health (United Kingdom) 1363-4593 1.72 Q2 4区 Health and Human Rights 1079-0969 2.32 Q2 3区 Health and Justice 2194-7899 2.99 Q2 Health and Place Geographia Medica 1353-8292 3.90 Q1 2区 Health and Social Care in the Community 0966-0410 1.92 Q1 4区 Health Behavior and Policy Review 2326-4403 0.41 Q4 Health Care for Women International Issues in Health Care of Women 0739-9332 1.10 Q2 4区 Health Education 0965-4283 0.88 Q4 Health Education and Behavior Health Education Quarterly 1090-1981 2.53 Q2 3区 Health Education Journal 0017-8969 1.30 Q4 4区 Health Education Research 0268-1153 2.19 Q3 4区 Health Equity 2473-1242 2.76 Q2 Health Expectations 1369-6513 3.20 Q2 3区 Health Physics 0017-9078 0.88 Q4 4区 Health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Canada : research, policy and practice Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada 2368-738X 2.05 Q2 4区 Health Promotion International Health Promotion 0957-4824 2.34 Q2 4区 Health Promotion Journal of Australia 1036-1073 1.57 Q3 4区 Health Promotion Perspectives 2228-6497 2.29 Q2 Health Promotion Practice 1524-8399 1.66 Q3 Health Reports 0840-6529 2.75 Q2 2区 Health Science Reports 2398-8835 2.02 Q3 Health Scope 2251-8959 0.50 Q4 Health security Biosecurity and Bioterrorism 2326-5094 2.29 Q3 4区 Health systems and reform 2328-8604 1.70 Q3 3区 Health, Risk and Society 1369-8575 1.91 Q3 4区 HERD 1937-5867 1.82 Q3 4区 High Altitude Medicine and Biology 1527-0297 1.43 Q3 4区 Hispanic Health Care International 1540-4153 1.66 Q3 Indian Journal of Community Health 0971-7587 0.40 Q4 Indian Journal of Community Medicine 0970-0218 0.94 Q4 Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 0973-2284 0.97 Q4 Indian journal of public health 0019-557X 1.03 Q4 4区 Indoor Air 0905-6947 4.20 Q1 2区 Indoor and Built Environment 1420-326X 3.16 Q2 3区 Industrial Health 0019-8366 1.82 Q4 4区 Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology Infection Control 0899-823X 3.18 Q2 4区 Infection Prevention in Practice 2590-0889 1.67 Q3 Infection, Disease and Health Healthcare Infection 2468-0451 2.66 Q2 Injury Epidemiology 2197-1714 2.43 Q2 3区 Injury Prevention 1353-8047 2.57 Q2 3区 Interface: Communication, Health, Education 1414-3283 0.85 Q4 International Archives of Health Sciences 2383-2568 0.13 Q4 International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health Internationales Archiv fur Arbeitsmedizin 0340-0131 2.51 Q2 3区 International Health 1876-3405 2.20 Q2 4区 International Journal for Equity in Health 1475-9276 4.52 Q1 2区 International Journal of Circumpolar Health Arctic medical research 1239-9736 1.11 Q4 4区 International Journal of Environmental Health Research 0960-3123 2.04 Q2 4区 International Journal of Epidemiology 0300-5771 6.33 Q1 2区 International Journal of Health Geographics 1476-072X 3.17 Q2 2区 International Journal of Health Planning and Management 0749-6753 2.07 Q3 4区 International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health Zentralblatt fur Hygiene und Umweltmedizin 1438-4639 4.32 Q1 2区 International Journal of Indigenous Health 2291-9368 1.29 Q4 International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion Injury Control and Safety Promotion 1745-7300 2.19 Q2 4区 International Journal of Mental Health Promotion 1462-3730 1.09 Q4 4区 International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 1747-9894 0.70 Q4 International Journal of Noncommunicable Diseases 2468-8827 0.28 Q4 International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health Polish Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 1232-1087 1.36 Q3 4区 International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 1080-3548 1.44 Q3 4区 International Journal of Prisoner Health 1744-9200 0.93 Q4 International Journal of Public Health Sozial- und Praventivmedizin 1661-8556 2.80 Q2 3区 International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 1748-2623 2.04 Q2 4区 International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine 0924-6479 0.86 Q4 International Journal of Sexual Health Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality 1931-7611 2.06 Q1 4区 International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 0266-4623 2.52 Q2 4区 International Journal of Transgender Health International Journal of Transgenderism 2689-5269 10.44 Q1 2区 International Journal of Workplace Health Management 1753-8351 2.33 Q2 International maritime health Bulletin of the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine in Gdynia 1641-9251 1.78 Q3 International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health International Family Planning Perspectives 1944-0391 4.50 Q1 3区 Iranian Journal of Public Health 2251-6085 1.24 Q4 4区 Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2045-4015 3.64 Q1 4区 JAMA Health Forum 2689-0186 9.53 Q1 JMIR Infodemiology 2564-1891 3.63 Q1 JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2369-2960 3.48 Q1 2区 JMIR Research Protocols 1929-0748 1.25 Q3 JMIR Serious Games 2291-9279 3.95 Q1 2区 Journal of Adolescent Health Journal of Adolescent Health Care 1054-139X 5.62 Q1 2区 Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 1074-7583 1.10 Q4 Journal of Agromedicine 1059-924X 2.19 Q3 3区 Journal of American College Health Journal of the American College Health Association 0744-8481 1.52 Q3 4区 Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases 2322-1984 0.42 Q4 4区 Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research Journal of Mental Health Administration 1094-3412 1.65 Q3 4区 Journal of Cancer Education 0885-8195 1.25 Q3 4区 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology Journal of Chronic Diseases 0895-4356 7.39 Q1 2区 Journal of Community Health 0094-5145 3.74 Q1 3区 Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet 1539-8285 0.20 Q4 Journal of Correctional Health Care 1078-3458 0.69 Q4 4区 Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 2040-1744 1.80 Q3 4区 Journal of Education and Health Promotion 2277-9531 1.45 Q3 Journal of Egyptian Public Health Association 0013-2446 3.24 Q1 Journal of Environmental and Public Health 1687-9805 2.66 4区 中科院 2023 年预警期刊, ivySCI Journal of Environmental Health The Sanitarian 0022-0892 0.63 Q4 4区 Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes Environmental letters 0360-1234 1.55 Q3 4区 Journal of Epidemiology 0917-5040 3.89 Q1 2区 Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine 0143-005X 4.97 Q1 2区 Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health 2210-6006 3.89 Q1 4区 Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 1559-0631 3.98 Q1 3区 Journal of Family and Community Medicine 1319-1683 1.72 Q3 Journal of Global Health 2047-2978 4.48 Q1 3区 Journal of Health and Safety at Work 2251-807X 0.39 Q4 Journal of Health and Social Behavior Journal of Health and Human Behavior 0022-1465 6.17 Q1 1区 Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 1049-2089 1.16 Q4 4区 Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition Journal of Diarrhoeal Diseases Research 1606-0997 2.45 Q2 3区 Journal of Hospital Infection 0195-6701 3.96 Q1 3区 Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition 1932-0248 1.28 Q4 Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health Journal of Immigrant Health 1557-1912 1.95 Q3 4区 Journal of Infection and Public Health 1876-0341 4.72 Q1 3区 Journal of Infection Prevention British Journal of Infection Control 1757-1774 0.80 Q4 Journal of Marine Medical Society 0975-3605 0.22 Q4 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Journal of Heat Treating, Journal of Materials Engineering, Journal of Materials Shaping Technology 1059-9495 1.78 Q3 4区 Journal of Medical Screening 0969-1413 2.70 Q2 4区 Journal of Men's Health Journal of Men's Health and Gender 1875-6859 0.59 Q4 4区 Journal of Migration and Health 2666-6235 4.01 Q1 Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health 2368-7924 0.76 Q4 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene AIHA journal : a journal for the science of occupational and environmental health and safety, Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 1545-9624 1.38 Q3 4区 Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Journal of Occupational Medicine 1076-2752 2.21 Q2 4区 Journal of Occupational Health Sangyo eiseigaku zasshi = Journal of occupational health 1341-9145 2.79 Q2 4区 Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 1076-8998 5.81 Q1 1区 Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 1745-6673 2.81 Q2 4区 Journal of Palliative Care 0825-8597 1.16 Q4 4区 Journal of Physical Activity and Health 1543-3080 2.80 Q2 4区 Journal of Prevention Journal of Primary Prevention 2731-5533 1.91 Q3 4区 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health 1975-8375 2.66 Q2 Journal of Primary Prevention Journal of Prevention 0278-095X 2.09 Q2 4区 Journal of Public Health Journal of Public Health Medicine 1741-3842 3.55 Q1 4区 Journal of Public Health Dentistry 0022-4006 1.82 Q3 4区 Journal of Public Health in Africa 2038-9922 0.46 Q4 Journal of Public Health Management and Practice 1078-4659 2.10 Q2 4区 Journal of Public Health Policy 0197-5897 2.15 Q2 3区 Journal of Public Health Research 2279-9028 1.52 Q3 Journal of Public Mental Health 1746-5729 1.53 Q3 Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities 2196-8837 3.10 Q2 3区 Journal of Religion and Health 0022-4197 2.12 Q2 1区 Journal of Research in Health Sciences 2228-7795 1.41 Q3 Journal of Rural Health 0890-765X 3.20 Q2 3区 Journal of Safety Science and Resilience 2096-7527 3.60 Q1 Journal of School Health 0022-4391 1.64 Q3 4区 Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 1055-3290 1.50 Q3 4区 Journal of the Nepal Medical Association 0028-2715 0.32 Q4 4区 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A: Current Issues Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 1087-2620 2.25 Q3 4区 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part B: Critical Reviews Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 1093-7404 6.21 Q1 2区 Journal of Transport and Health 2214-1405 3.10 Q3 3区 Journal of Travel Medicine 1195-1982 8.91 Q1 2区 Journal of Tropical Medicine 1687-9686 2.05 Q2 4区 Journal of Urban Health Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 1099-3460 4.50 Q1 2区 Journal of Women's Health Journal of Women's Health and Gender-Based Medicine 1540-9996 2.87 Q1 3区 Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health Employee Assistance Quarterly 1555-5240 1.45 Q3 Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional 1907-7505 0.44 Q4 Kontakt 1212-4117 0.53 Q4 LGBT Health 2325-8292 4.08 Q1 2区 Malawi Medical Journal 1995-7262 1.37 Q4 4区 Maternal and Child Health Journal 1092-7875 1.96 Q3 4区 Medical Care 0025-7079 3.28 Q1 2区 MEDICC Review 1527-3172 1.86 Q3 4区 Medicina del Lavoro 0025-7818 2.28 Q2 4区 Medycyna Pracy 0465-5893 0.66 Q4 4区 MMWR Recommendations and Reports 1057-5987 33.84 Q1 1区 MMWR Surveillance Summaries MMWR. CDC surveillance summaries : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. CDC surveillance summaries / Centers for Disease Control 1545-8636 37.23 Q1 1区 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 0149-2195 25.55 Q1 1区 Nepal Journal of Epidemiology 2091-0800 1.81 Q3 Neuroepidemiology 0251-5350 3.00 Q2 3区 New Solutions 1048-2911 1.67 Q3 Nicotine and Tobacco Research 1462-2203 3.11 Q2 2区 Noise and Health 1463-1741 1.48 Q4 4区 Occupational and Environmental Medicine British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1351-0711 3.92 Q1 2区 Occupational Health Science 2367-0134 1.46 Q3 Occupational Medicine Journal of the Society of Occupational Medicine 0962-7480 2.22 Q2 4区 One Health 2352-7714 4.05 Q1 2区 One Health Outlook 2524-4655 3.67 Q1 Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives 2210-9099 1.90 Q3 Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 0269-5022 2.66 Q2 3区 Palliative Care and Social Practice 2632-3524 2.83 Q2 Palliative Medicine 0269-2163 3.66 Q1 2区 Pan African Medical Journal 1937-8688 0.89 Q4 Parasite Epidemiology and Control 2405-6731 1.89 Q3 Pathogens and Global Health Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 2047-7724 4.76 Q1 4区 Patient Education and Counseling Patient Counselling and Health Education 0738-3991 2.86 Q1 2区 Pedagogy in Health Promotion 2373-3799 1.00 Q4 Perspectives in Public Health Journal of The Royal Society for the Promotion of Health 1757-9139 3.66 Q1 4区 Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety Post Marketing Surveillance 1053-8569 2.41 Q2 4区 Polish Hyperbaric Research 1734-7009 Q4 Population Health Metrics 1478-7954 3.30 Q2 2区 Pravention und Gesundheitsforderung 1861-6755 0.83 Q4 Prehospital Emergency Care 1090-3127 1.95 Q3 3区 Preventing chronic disease 1545-1151 4.32 Q1 3区 Prevention Science 1389-4986 3.06 Q2 2区 Preventive Medicine 0091-7435 4.50 Q1 2区 Preventive Medicine Reports 2211-3355 2.25 Q2 3区 Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action 1557-0541 0.73 Q4 4区 Progress in Disaster Science 2590-0617 2.75 Q2 Progress in Palliative Care 0969-9260 0.91 Q4 Psychiatric Services Hospital and Community Psychiatry 1075-2730 3.28 Q1 3区 Psychology and Health 0887-0446 2.50 Q2 3区 Psychology, Health and Medicine 1354-8506 2.33 Q2 3区 Public Health 0033-3506 3.73 Q1 3区 Public Health Ethics 1754-9973 1.30 Q3 3区 Public Health Genomics Community Genetics 1662-4246 1.15 Q4 4区 Public Health in Practice 2666-5352 2.08 Q2 Public Health Nursing 0737-1209 1.55 Q3 4区 Public Health Nutrition 1368-9800 2.84 Q2 3区 Public Health Reports Health services reports 0033-3549 2.92 Q2 4区 Public Health Research and Practice New South Wales Public Health Bulletin 2204-2091 2.35 Q2 Public Health Reviews 0301-0422 3.67 Q1 Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal 0738-0658 0.27 Q4 4区 Quality of Life Research 0962-9343 3.31 Q1 3区 Radioprotection 0033-8451 1.50 Q3 4区 Reproductive Health 1742-4755 3.64 Q1 2区 Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 1551-7411 3.54 Q1 3区 Reviews on Environmental Health 0048-7554 3.10 Q2 4区 Revista de Salud Ambiental 1577-9572 0.40 Q4 Revista de Salud Pública 1852-9429 Q4 Revista de Saude Publica Arquivos da Faculdade de Higiene e Saude Publica da Universidade de Sao Paulo 0034-8910 2.27 Q3 4区 Revista Espanola de Salud Publica Revista de sanidad e higiene publica 1135-5727 1.08 Q4 4区 Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica/Pan American Journal of Public Health Boletin de la Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organization, Educacion medica y salud 1020-4989 1.89 Q3 4区 Revue d'Epidemiologie et de Sante Publique REV.EPIDEM.MED.SOC. 0398-7620 1.06 Q4 4区 Risk Analysis 0272-4332 2.85 Q1 3区 Rural and Remote Health 1445-6354 1.82 Q3 4区 Safety 2313-576X 1.93 Q3 Safety and Health at Work 2093-7911 3.30 Q1 3区 Sahara J 1729-0376 0.87 Q4 4区 Salud Colectiva 1669-2381 0.51 Q4 4区 Salud Publica de Mexico 0036-3634 2.26 Q2 4区 Sante Publique 0995-3914 0.21 Q4 4区 Saude e Sociedade 0104-1290 0.58 Q4 4区 Scandinavian Journal of Public Health Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine 1403-4948 2.58 Q2 3区 Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health 0355-3140 4.84 Q1 2区 Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care Diabetes Educator 2635-0106 1.61 Q3 4区 Sex Education 1468-1811 1.57 Q3 4区 Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters Reproductive Health Matters 2641-0397 3.27 Q1 2区 Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare 1877-5756 1.44 Q3 3区 Sexual Health 1448-5028 1.74 Q3 4区 Social Science and Medicine Social Science and Medicine - Part C Medical Economics, Social Science and Medicine - Part D Medical Geography, Social Science and Medicine - Part E Medical Psychology, Social Science and Medicine. Part F Medical and Social Ethics 0277-9536 4.82 Q1 2区 Social Work in Public Health Journal of Health and Social Policy 1937-190X 1.50 Q1 4区 Sociology of Health and Illness 0141-9889 2.50 Q1 2区 Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 0125-1562 0 Q4 4区 Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 1877-5845 2.04 Q3 SSM - Mental Health 2666-5603 4.16 Q1 SSM - Population Health 2352-8273 3.68 Q1 2区 Statistics in Medicine 0277-6715 1.78 Q1 4区 Stigma and Health 2376-6964 2.68 Q2 Studies in Family Planning 0039-3665 2.09 Q3 3区 The Lancet Global Health 2214-109X 19.88 Q1 1区 The Lancet Planetary Health 2542-5196 24.27 Q1 1区 The Lancet Public Health 2468-2667 25.44 Q1 1区 The Lancet Regional Health - Americas 2667-193X 6.93 Q1 The Lancet Regional Health - Europe 2666-7762 13.41 Q1 The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia 2772-3682 5.13 Q1 The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific 2666-6065 7.42 Q1 1区 Tobacco Control 0964-4563 4.11 Q1 2区 Tobacco Induced Diseases 1617-9625 2.40 Q3 4区 Tobacco Regulatory Science 2333-9748 2.20 4区 Tobacco Use Insights 1179-173X 2.21 Q3 Toxicology and Industrial Health 0748-2337 1.86 Q4 4区 Traffic Injury Prevention 1538-957X 1.62 Q4 3区 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 0035-9203 2.05 Q2 4区 Transgender Health 2380-193X 2.20 Q2 4区 Translational Behavioral Medicine 1613-9860 3.56 Q1 3区 Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 1477-8939 6.34 Q1 3区 Tropical Doctor 0049-4755 0.39 Q4 4区 Tropical Medicine and International Health Annales de la Societe Belge de Medecine Tropicale, Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Tropical and Geographical Medicine 1360-2276 2.70 Q2 4区 Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 1530-3667 1.74 Q3 4区 Wellbeing, Space and Society 2666-5581 2.22 Q2 Western Pacific surveillance and response journal : WPSAR 2094-7313 1.20 Q4 Wilderness and Environmental Medicine Journal of Wilderness Medicine 1080-6032 1.30 Q3 4区 Women and Health 0363-0242 1.16 Q2 4区 Women's Health Issues 1049-3867 2.94 Q1 2区 Work 1051-9815 1.52 Q3 4区 World Medical and Health Policy 1948-4682 1.65 Q3 Zdravstveno Varstvo 0351-0026 1.80 Q3 4区 Zeitschrift für Gesundheitswissenschaften 2198-1833 1.94 Q3 Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz, Prophylaxe und Ergonomie 0944-2502 0.16 Q4