aBIOTECH 2096-6326 4.70 Q1 4区 Acta Agrobotanica 0065-0951 1.97 Q2 Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 0001-5296 0.70 Q4 4区 Acta Botanica Brasilica 0102-3306 1.01 Q4 4区 Acta Botanica Croatica 0365-0588 0.92 Q3 4区 Acta Botanica Mexicana 0187-7151 0.84 Q4 4区 Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 0137-5881 2.48 Q2 4区 Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 1346-7565 0.37 Q4 4区 Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 0001-6977 1.24 Q3 4区 Adansonia Bulletin - Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Section B: Adansonia 1280-8571 0.79 Q4 4区 Advances in Weed Science 2675-9462 1.94 Q2 4区 Agronomy 2073-4395 3.44 Q1 2区 中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊 Algae 1226-2617 3.00 Q2 3区 Alpine Botany Botanica Helvetica 1664-2201 2.49 Q2 3区 American Fern Journal 0002-8444 0.76 Q4 4区 American Journal of Botany Applications in Plant Sciences 0002-9122 2.34 Q2 2区 Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid 0211-1322 0.75 Q4 4区 Annales Botanici Fennici 0003-3847 0.50 Q4 4区 Annali di Botanica 0365-0812 1.08 Q3 4区 Annals of Botany 0305-7364 3.50 Q1 2区 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 0026-6493 1.05 Q3 3区 Annual Plant Reviews Online 2639-3832 1.00 Q3 Annual Review of Phytopathology 0066-4286 9.00 Q1 1区 Annual Review of Plant Biology Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 1543-5008 21.30 Q1 1区 AoB PLANTS 2041-2851 2.52 Q2 3区 Applications in Plant Sciences American Journal of Botany 2168-0450 2.52 Q2 3区 Applied Vegetation Science 1402-2001 2.07 Q2 3区 Aquatic Botany 0304-3770 1.72 Q2 4区 Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 0323-5408 0.93 Q3 Australasian Plant Disease Notes 1833-928X 0.75 Q4 Australasian Plant Pathology Australian Plant Pathology Society Newsletter 0815-3191 0.81 Q4 4区 Australian Journal of Botany 0067-1924 0.95 Q4 4区 Australian Systematic Botany 1030-1887 1.60 Q3 3区 Bangladesh Journal of Botany 0253-5416 0.26 Q4 4区 Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1028-2092 0.46 Q4 4区 Biologia Plantarum Ceskoslovenská biologie 0006-3134 0.61 Q4 4区 Blumea: Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Plant Geography 0006-5196 0.59 Q4 4区 BMC Plant Biology 1471-2229 4.13 Q1 2区 Boletin de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica 0373-580X 0.69 Q4 4区 Botanica Marina 0006-8055 1.68 Q3 4区 Botanica Serbica 1821-2158 0.86 Q4 4区 Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany 0024-4074 2.39 Q2 2区 Botanical Sciences Boletin de la Sociedad Botanica de Mexico 2007-4298 0.90 Q3 4区 Botanical Studies Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 1817-406X 3.98 Q1 3区 Botany Canadian Journal of Botany 1916-2790 1.03 Q3 4区 Botany Letters Acta Botanica Gallica 2381-8107 1.58 Q3 4区 Bothalia 0006-8241 0.70 Q4 4区 Bradleya 0265-086X 1.13 Q3 4区 Breeding Science 1344-7610 2.12 Q2 4区 Brittonia 0007-196X 0.54 Q4 4区 Bryologist 0007-2745 0.86 Q4 4区 Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 0706-0661 1.67 Q3 4区 Canadian Journal of Plant Science 0008-4220 0.96 Q3 4区 Candollea 0373-2967 0.74 Q4 4区 Castanea 0008-7475 0.11 Q4 4区 Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 0735-2689 5.89 Q1 2区 Crop Journal 2095-5421 5.85 Q1 1区 Cryptogamie, Algologie 0181-1568 1.60 Q3 4区 Cryptogamie, Bryologie Cryptogamie, Bryologie, Lichenologie 1290-0796 0.58 Q4 3区 Current Opinion in Plant Biology 1369-5266 8.46 Q1 2区 Current Plant Biology 2214-6628 5.49 Q1 Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 1212-1975 1.21 Q3 4区 Economic Botany 0013-0001 1.55 Q2 2区 Egyptian Journal of Botany 0375-9237 1.46 Q3 Environmental and Experimental Botany Radiation Botany 0098-8472 4.32 Q1 2区 Euphytica 0014-2336 1.50 Q3 3区 European Journal of Phycology British Phycological Journal 0967-0262 2.05 Q2 4区 European Journal of Plant Pathology Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 0929-1873 1.58 Q2 3区 Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 0367-2530 1.85 Q2 4区 Folia Geobotanica Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica 1211-9520 1.00 Q3 4区 Fottea 1802-5439 1.45 Q3 3区 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 3.94 Q1 2区 Functional Plant Biology Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 1445-4408 2.69 Q2 4区 Gayana - Botanica 0016-5301 0.57 Q4 4区 Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution Die Kulturpflanze : Berichte und Mitteilungen aus dem Institut fur Kulturpflanzenforschung der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin in Gatersleben Krs. Aschersleben 0925-9864 1.51 Q3 3区 GM Crops and Food GM crops 2164-5698 4.52 Q1 2区 Gorteria: Tijdschrift voor Onderzoek aan de Wilde Flora 0017-2294 0.05 Q4 4区 Grana Grana Palynologica 0017-3134 0.73 Q4 4区 Hacquetia 1581-4661 0.77 Q4 Haseltonia 1070-0048 2.17 Q2 4区 Herzogia 0018-0971 0.45 Q4 4区 Horticultural Plant Journal 2095-9885 5.50 Q1 1区 Horticulture Research 2052-7276 7.77 Q1 1区 Iheringia - Serie Botanica 0073-4705 0.20 Q4 4区 In Silico Plants 2517-5025 2.64 Q2 In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology 0073-5655 2.38 Q2 3区 Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 0019-5200 1.06 Q3 4区 Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources 0976-0504 0.68 Q4 Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 0972-5938 0.64 Q4 4区 International Journal of Plant Sciences Botanical Gazette 1058-5893 1.37 Q3 3区 Invasive Plant Science and Management 1939-7291 1.47 Q3 4区 Israel Journal of Plant Sciences Israel Journal of Botany 0792-9978 1.07 Q4 4区 Journal fur Kulturpflanzen 1867-0911 0.43 Q4 Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality Journal of Applied Botany 1439-040X 1.08 Q3 4区 Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 2214-7861 3.76 Q1 2区 Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 0146-6623 1.16 Q3 4区 Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 1028-6020 1.50 Q3 3区 Journal of Berry Research 1878-5093 1.64 Q3 4区 Journal of Bryology Transactions of the British Bryological Society 0373-6687 1.10 Q3 3区 Journal of Cotton Research 2096-5044 3.16 Q2 4区 Journal of Crop Improvement Journal of Crop Production 1542-7528 1.04 Q3 Journal of Ecology 0022-0477 5.21 Q1 1区 Journal of Essential Oil-Bearing Plants 0972-060X 2.11 Q2 4区 Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 1746-4269 2.94 Q2 2区 Journal of Ethnopharmacology 0378-8741 4.84 Q1 2区 Journal of Experimental Botany 0022-0957 5.59 Q1 2区 Journal of General Plant Pathology 1345-2630 0.93 Q3 4区 Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants 1049-6475 1.31 Q3 Journal of Integrative Plant Biology Acta Botanica Sinica 1672-9072 9.38 Q1 1区 Journal of Medicinal Plants and By-Products 2322-1399 0.63 Q4 Journal of Natural Products Lloydia: A Quarterly Journal of Biological Science 0163-3864 3.42 Q1 2区 Journal of Phycology 0022-3646 2.74 Q2 3区 Journal of Phytopathology 0931-1785 1.27 Q3 4区 Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 0971-7811 1.78 Q3 4区 Journal of Plant Biology Singmul Hakhoe chi. The Korean journal of botany 1226-9239 2.00 Q2 4区 Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 1861-3829 2.30 Q2 4区 Journal of Plant Ecology 1752-9921 2.99 Q2 2区 Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 0721-7595 3.78 Q1 3区 Journal of Plant Interactions 1742-9145 2.80 Q2 3区 Journal of Plant Nutrition 0190-4167 1.50 Q3 4区 Journal of Plant Pathology 1125-4653 2.16 Q2 4区 Journal of Plant Physiology Z. PFLANZENPHYSIOL. 0176-1617 3.92 Q1 3区 Journal of Plant Protection Research 1427-4345 0.69 Q4 Journal of Plant Registrations 1936-5209 0.73 Q4 4区 Journal of Plant Research The Botanical Magazine Tokyo 0918-9440 2.57 Q2 3区 Journal of Systematics and Evolution Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 1674-4918 3.58 Q1 1区 Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 1095-5674 0.68 Q4 4区 Journal of Vegetation Science 1100-9233 2.20 Q2 3区 Kew Bulletin 0075-5974 0.94 Q4 4区 Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 1225-8318 0.61 Q4 Lichenologist 0024-2829 1.70 Q3 4区 Maydica 0025-6153 0.27 Q4 4区 Mediterranean Botany 2603-9109 0.90 Q3 4区 Modern Phytomorphology 2226-3063 0.42 Q4 Molecular Breeding 1380-3743 2.79 Q2 3区 Molecular Horticulture 2730-9401 10.72 Q1 Molecular Plant 1674-2052 17.20 Q1 1区 Molecular Plant Pathology 1364-3703 4.91 Q1 1区 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 0894-0282 3.35 Q2 3区 Mycorrhiza 0940-6360 3.47 Q1 2区 Nature Plants 2055-026X 15.62 Q1 1区 New Phytologist 0028-646X 8.40 Q1 1区 New Zealand Journal of Botany 0028-825X 0.66 Q4 4区 Nordic Journal of Botany Norwegian Journal of Botany 0107-055X 1.17 Q3 4区 Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 0255-965X 1.29 Q3 4区 Nova Hedwigia 0029-5035 0.72 Q4 4区 Novon 1055-3177 0.39 Q4 4区 Ornamental Horticulture 2447-536X 0.90 Q3 Pakistan Journal of Botany 0556-3321 0.78 Q4 4区 Palynology 0191-6122 1.39 Q3 4区 Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 1433-8319 3.37 Q1 3区 Pharmaceutical Biology International Journal of Pharmacognosy 1388-0209 3.99 Q1 3区 Photosynthesis Research 0166-8595 2.96 Q2 3区 Photosynthetica 0300-3604 2.07 Q2 4区 Phycologia 0031-8884 1.51 Q3 4区 Physiologia Plantarum 0031-9317 5.49 Q1 2区 Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology Physiological Plant Pathology 0885-5765 2.95 Q2 3区 Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 0971-5894 3.56 Q1 3区 Phytobiomes Journal 2471-2906 3.13 Q1 3区 Phytochemical Analysis 0958-0344 2.87 Q2 3区 Phytochemistry 0031-9422 3.39 Q2 2区 Phytochemistry Letters 1874-3900 1.46 Q3 4区 Phytochemistry Reviews 1568-7767 7.31 Q1 2区 Phytocoenologia 0340-269X 0.92 Q4 4区 PhytoKeys 1314-2003 1.24 Q3 3区 Phytomedicine 0944-7113 6.84 Q1 1区 Phyton - Annales Rei Botanicae 0079-2047 0.07 Q4 4区 Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 0031-9457 1.23 Q3 4区 Phytoparasitica 0334-2123 1.54 Q3 3区 Phytopathologia Mediterranea 0031-9465 1.88 Q2 3区 Phytopathology 0031-949X 2.62 Q2 2区 Phytopathology Research 2096-5362 3.11 Q2 2区 Phytoprotection 0031-9511 0.19 Q4 4区 Phytotaxa 1179-3155 1.17 Q3 4区 Plant and Cell Physiology 0032-0781 4.02 Q1 2区 Plant Biology Acta Botanica Neerlandica, Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, Botanica Acta, Plant Biology 0365-9631 4.06 Q1 3区 Plant Biosystems Giornale Botanico Italiano 1126-3504 1.63 Q3 4区 Plant Biotechnology 1342-4580 1.40 Q3 4区 Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7644 10.00 Q1 1区 Plant Biotechnology Reports 1863-5466 1.90 Q2 4区 Plant Breeding 0179-9541 1.32 Q3 4区 Plant Cell 1040-4651 10.00 Q1 1区 Plant Cell Reports 0721-7714 5.28 Q1 2区 Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 0167-6857 2.18 Q2 3区 Plant Communications 2590-3462 9.56 Q1 1区 Plant Direct 2475-4455 2.29 Q2 3区 Plant Disease 0191-2917 4.59 Q1 2区 Plant Diversity 2096-2703 4.80 Q1 1区 Plant Ecology Vegetatio 1385-0237 1.90 Q2 4区 Plant Ecology and Diversity 1755-0874 1.58 Q2 4区 Plant Ecology and Evolution Belgian Journal of Botany, Systematics and Geography of Plants 2032-3913 1.30 Q3 4区 Plant Foods for Human Nutrition Qualitas Plantarum Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 0921-9668 3.16 Q2 2区 Plant Gene 2352-4073 2.24 Q2 Plant Genetic Resources: Characterisation and Utilisation Plant Varieties and Seeds 1479-2621 1.01 Q3 4区 Plant Genome 1940-3372 3.82 Q1 2区 Plant Growth Regulation 0167-6903 3.64 Q1 3区 Plant Health Progress 1535-1025 1.72 Q2 Plant Journal 0960-7412 6.25 Q1 1区 Plant Methods 1746-4811 4.66 Q1 2区 Plant Molecular Biology 0167-4412 3.79 Q1 2区 Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 0735-9640 1.69 Q3 4区 Plant Pathology 0032-0862 2.44 Q2 3区 Plant Pathology Journal 1598-2254 1.97 Q2 3区 Plant Physiology 0032-0889 6.63 Q1 1区 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 0981-9428 5.95 Q1 2区 Plant Physiology Reports Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 2662-253X 1.30 Q3 Plant Protection Science 1212-2580 1.89 Q2 4区 Plant Root 1881-6754 0.99 Q3 Plant Science Plant Science Letters 0168-9452 4.35 Q1 2区 Plant Science Today 2348-1900 0.50 Q4 Plant Signaling and Behavior 1559-2316 2.65 Q2 4区 Plant Species Biology 0913-557X 1.24 Q3 4区 Plant Stress 2667-064X 6.92 Q1 Plant Systematics and Evolution Oesterreichische Botanische Zeitschrift, Plant Systematics and Evolution 0029-8948 1.55 Q3 3区 Plant, Cell and Environment 0140-7791 5.82 Q1 1区 Planta 0032-0935 3.75 Q1 3区 Planta Daninha 0100-8358 0.66 Q4 Planta Medica 0032-0943 1.97 Q2 4区 Plants 2223-7747 3.87 Q1 2区 中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊 Plants People Planet 2572-2611 3.55 Q1 2区 Preslia 0032-7786 4.32 Q1 2区 Protoplasma 0033-183X 2.66 Q2 3区 Records of Natural Products 1307-6167 1.33 Q3 4区 Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 0034-6667 1.73 Q2 3区 Revista Brasileira de Botanica 0100-8404 1.47 Q3 4区 Rhodora 0035-4902 0.15 Q4 4区 Rice Science 1672-6308 5.57 Q1 2区 Russian Journal of Plant Physiology SOV. PLANT PHYSIOL. 1021-4437 1.04 Q3 4区 Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics 1029-7073 1.52 Q3 Scientific Papers: Series B. Horticulture 2285-5653 0.13 Q4 Seed Science and Technology 0251-0952 1.90 Q2 4区 Seed Science Research 0960-2585 1.98 Q2 3区 South African Journal of Botany 0254-6299 2.76 Q2 3区 Systematic Botany 0363-6445 1.03 Q4 3区 Taiwania 0372-333X 0.68 Q4 4区 Taxon 0040-0262 3.13 Q2 2区 Telopea 0312-9764 0.45 Q4 4区 The Botanical Review 0006-8101 2.67 Q2 3区 Theoretical And Applied Genetics 0040-5752 4.44 Q1 1区 Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology 2197-0025 2.40 Q2 4区 Trends in Plant Science 1360-1385 17.36 Q1 1区 Tropical Plant Biology 1935-9756 1.63 Q2 4区 Tropical Plant Pathology 1982-5676 1.44 Q3 3区 Tuexenia 0722-494X 1.28 Q3 4区 Turczaninowia 1560-7259 0.59 Q4 Turkish Journal of Botany 1300-008X 1.69 Q3 4区 Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 0939-6314 2.16 Q2 2区 Weed Biology and Management 1444-6162 1.11 Q3 4区 Weed Research 0043-1737 2.34 Q2 3区 Weed Science 0043-1745 2.16 Q2 2区 Weed Technology 0890-037X 1.37 Q3 3区 Willdenowia 0511-9618 1.63 Q2 3区 Wulfenia 1561-882X 0.43 Q4 4区 Zeitschrift fur Arznei- und Gewurzpflanzen 1431-9292 Q4 4区