
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Advances in GerontologyAdv Gerontol2079-05700.58Q4
Age and AgeingAge Ageing0002-07296.20Q12区
Ageing Research ReviewsAgeing Res. Rev.1568-163712.55Q11区
Aging and DiseaseAging dis2152-52506.96Q12区
Aging and Mental HealthAging Ment. Health1360-78632.77Q23区
Aging Cell1474-97187.96Q11区
Aging clinical and experimental researchAging Clin Exp Res1594-06673.31Q23区
Aging MedicineAging Medicine2475-03602.08Q3
Aging Medicine and HealthcareAging Med Healthc2663-88511.09Q4
American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and other DementiasAm J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen1533-31752.71Q34区
American Journal of Geriatric PsychiatryAm. J. Geriatr. Psychiatry.1064-74814.49Q12区
Annals of Geriatric Medicine and ResearchAnn Geriatr Med Res2508-47982.79Q3
Archives of Gerontology and GeriatricsArch. Gerontol. Geriatr.0167-49433.54Q23区
Australasian Journal on AgeingAustralas J Ageing1440-63811.38Q34区
BMC GeriatricsBMC Geriatr1471-23183.49Q22区
Canadian Geriatrics JournalCan Geri J1925-83481.74Q4
Clinical GerontologistClin. Gerontol.0731-71152.80Q23区
Clinical Interventions in AgingCIA1176-90923.46Q23区
Clinics in Geriatric MedicineClin. Geriatr. Med.0749-06903.14Q34区
Current Geriatrics ReportsCurr. Geriatr. Rep.2196-78651.10Q4
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive DisordersDement Geriatr Cogn Disord1420-80082.31Q34区
Drugs and AgingDrugs Aging1170-229X3.39Q23区
European Geriatric MedicineEur. Geriatr. Med.1878-76493.31Q23区
European Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology2687-26250.11Q4
European Review of Aging and Physical ActivityEur Rev Aging Phys Act1813-72533.75Q21区
Experimental Aging ResearchExp. Aging Res.0361-073X1.23Q34区
Experimental GerontologyExp. Gerontol.0531-55653.34Q23区
Frontiers in AgingFront. Aging2673-62173.26Q2
Frontiers in Aging NeuroscienceFront. Aging Neurosci.1663-43653.99Q22区
Geriatric NursingGeriatr. Nurs.0197-45722.60Q13区
Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery and RehabilitationGeriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil2151-45851.80Q24区
Geriatrics (Switzerland)Geriatrics. (Basel).2308-34172.01Q3
Geriatrics and Gerontology InternationalGeriatr. Gerontol. Int.1444-15862.24Q24区
Gerontology and Geriatric MedicineGerontol. Geriatr. Med.2333-72142.06Q3
Immunity and AgeingImmun Ageing1742-49335.13Q12区
Innovation in AgingInnov. Aging.2399-53004.79Q13区
International Journal of Geriatric PsychiatryInt J Geriat Psychiatry0885-62303.43Q13区
International Journal of GerontologyInt. J. Gerontol.1873-958X0.37Q44区
International journal of older people nursingInt J Older People Nursing1748-37351.61Q24区
International PsychogeriatricsInt. Psychogeriatr.1041-61024.57Q12区
Iranian Journal of AgeingSalmand1735-806X0.86Q4
Journal of Aging and Physical ActivityJ. Aging. Phys. Act.1063-86521.34Q34区
Journal of Aging ResearchJ. Aging Res.2090-22041.54Q4
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and MuscleJ cachexia sarcopenia muscle2190-59919.44Q11区
Journal of Geriatric CardiologyJ. Geriatr. Cardiol.1671-54111.96Q34区
Journal of Geriatric OncologyJ. Geriatr. Oncol.1879-40683.04Q23区
Journal of Geriatric Physical TherapyJ. Geriatr. Phys. Ther.1539-84121.64Q34区
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and NeurologyJ Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol0891-98872.86Q24区
Journal of Gerontological NursingJ. Gerontol. Nurs.0098-91340.90Q34区
Journal of Nutrition, Health and AgingJ Nutr Health Aging1279-77074.49Q13区
Journal of Religion, Spirituality and AgingJ. Relig. Spiritual. Aging.1552-80300.69Q4
Journal of the American Geriatrics SocietyJ Am Geriatr Soc0002-86144.38Q12区
Journal of the American Medical Directors AssociationJ. Am. Med. Dir. Assoc.1525-86104.13Q22区
Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical SciencesGERONA1079-50064.24Q12区
Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social SciencesGERONB1079-50144.63Q12区
Mechanisms of Ageing and DevelopmentMech. Ageing. Dev.0047-63745.39Q13区
Neurobiology of AgingNeurobiol. Aging0197-45803.51Q23区
npj Aging2731-60684.12Q2
npj Aging and Mechanisms of Diseasenpj Aging Mech Dis2056-39735.44Q1
Rejuvenation ResearchRejuvenation Res.1549-16842.20Q34区
The Journal of frailty & agingJ Frailty Aging2260-13413.28Q2
The Lancet Healthy LongevityLancet. Healthy. Longev.2666-756813.20Q1
Turk Geriatri Dergisitjgeri1304-29470.39Q44区
Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und GeriatrieZ Gerontol Geriat0948-67041.20Q34区
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