
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
ACM Transactions on Internet of ThingsACM Trans. Internet Things2577-62073.68Q2
ACM Transactions on Sensor NetworksACM. Trans. Sens. Netw.1550-48593.81Q24区
Ad Hoc NetworksAd Hoc Netw.1570-87054.53Q13区
Ad-Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks1551-98990.44Q44区
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and CommunicationsInt. J. Electron. Commun.1434-84113.12Q23区
Annales des Telecommunications/Annals of TelecommunicationsAnn. Telecommun.0003-43471.95Q34区
Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society JournalAppl. Comput. Electromagn. Soc. J.1054-48870.60Q44区
Applied System InnovationAppl. Syst. Innov.2571-55773.99Q2
China CommunicationsChina Commun.1673-54473.12Q23区
Computer CommunicationsComput. Commun.0140-36644.61Q13区
Computer NetworksComput. Netw.1389-12864.46Q12区
Digital Communications and NetworksDigit. Commun. Netw.2352-86487.50Q12区
ETRI JournalETRI J.1225-64631.43Q44区
Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and NetworkingJ Wireless Com Network1687-14722.20Q34区
Frontiers in Communications and NetworksFront. Comms. Net.2673-530X1.94Q3
GetMobile: Mobile Computing and CommunicationsGetMobile: Mobile Comp. and Comm.2375-05290.54Q4
ICT ExpressICT Express2405-95954.19Q23区
IEEE Access2169-35363.41Q23区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
IEEE Antennas and Propagation MagazineIEEE Antennas Propag. Mag.1045-92434.36Q24区
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation LettersAntennas Wirel. Propag. Lett.1536-12253.59Q22区
IEEE Communications LettersIEEE Commun. Lett.1089-77983.72Q23区
IEEE Communications MagazineIEEE Commun. Mag.0163-68048.13Q12区
IEEE Communications Surveys and TutorialsIEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials1553-877X34.44Q11区
IEEE Consumer Electronics MagazineIEEE Consumer Electron. Mag.2162-22483.76Q24区
IEEE Internet of Things JournalIEEE Internet Things J.2327-46628.26Q11区
IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency IdentificationIEEE J. Radio Freq. Identif.2469-72812.42Q3
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in CommunicationsIEEE J. Select. Areas Commun.0733-871613.93Q11区
IEEE Microwave MagazineIEEE Microwave1527-33423.89Q23区
IEEE NetworkIEEE Netw.0890-80447.00Q12区
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and PropagationIEEE Open J. Antennas Propag.2637-64313.68Q2
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications SocietyIEEE Open J. Commun. Soc.2644-125X6.50Q1
IEEE Pervasive ComputingIEEE Pervasive Comput.1536-12681.78Q34区
IEEE Systems JournalIEEE. Syst. J.1932-81843.87Q23区
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic SystemsIEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst.0018-92515.04Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and PropagationIEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat.0018-926X4.70Q11区
IEEE Transactions on BroadcastingIEEE Trans. on Broadcast.0018-93163.14Q21区
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and NetworkingIEEE Trans. Cogn. Commun. Netw.2332-77317.59Q11区
IEEE Transactions on CommunicationsIEEE Trans. Commun.0090-67787.18Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Consumer ElectronicsIEEE Trans. Consumer Electron.0098-30634.50Q22区
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic CompatibilityIEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat.0018-93752.20Q33区
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in ComputingIEEE Trans. Emerg. Topics Comput.2168-67504.91Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and NetworkingIEEE Trans. on Green Commun. Netw.2473-24005.31Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Mobile ComputingIEEE Trans. on Mobile Comput.1536-12337.80Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale CommunicationsIEEE Trans. Mol. Biol. Multi-Scale Commun.2332-78042.48Q3
IEEE Transactions on MultimediaIEEE Trans. Multimedia1520-92108.56Q11区
IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over NetworksIEEE Trans. on Signal and Inf. Process. over Networks2373-776X3.16Q23区
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable ComputingIEEE Trans. Sustain. Comput.2377-37822.82Q23区
IEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsIEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.1536-12768.79Q11区
IEEE Wireless CommunicationsIEEE Wireless Commun.1536-128410.99Q11区
IEEE Wireless Communications LettersIEEE Wireless Commun. Lett.2162-23374.50Q13区
IEEE/ACM Transactions on NetworkingIEEE/ACM Trans. Networking1063-66923.12Q23区
IEICE Transactions on CommunicationsIEICE Trans. Commun.0916-85160.61Q44区
IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation1751-87251.28Q44区
IET OptoelectronicsIET Optoelectron.1751-87682.35Q34区
IET Quantum Communication2632-89252.46Q3
IET Radar, Sonar and NavigationIET Radar Sonar & Navi1751-87841.49Q44区
IET Smart Cities2631-76802.18Q3
IET Wireless Sensor SystemsIET Wirel. Sens. Syst.2043-63861.44Q3
IETE Journal of ResearchIETE J. Res.0377-20631.44Q44区
IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India)IETE Tech. Rev.0256-46022.52Q34区
Infocommunications JournalInfocommunications journal2061-20790.95Q4
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous ComputingIJAHUC1743-82250.79Q44区
International Journal of Antennas and PropagationInt. J. Antennas. Propag.1687-58691.29Q44区
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications SystemsIJAACS1754-86320.53Q4
International Journal of Communication SystemsInt J Communication1074-53511.62Q34区
International Journal of Distributed Sensor NetworksInt. J. Distrib. Sens. Netw.1550-13291.80Q34区
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications0867-67470.39Q4
International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems1947-31760.47Q4
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking (IJITN)1941-86630.39Q4
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless TechnologiesInt. j. microw. wirel. technol.1759-07871.28Q44区
International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia CommunicationsInt. J. Mob. Comput. Multimedia Commun.1937-94040.48Q4
International Journal of Network ManagementInt. J. Network Mgmt1055-71481.41Q34区
International Journal of Satellite Communications and NetworkingInt J Satell Commun Network1542-09730.78Q44区
International Journal of Sensor NetworksInt. J. Sens. Netw.1748-12790.96Q44区
International Journal of Wireless Information NetworksInt. J. Wirel. Inf. Netw.1068-96051.43Q3
Internet of Things (Netherlands)2542-66056.14Q13区
Internet ResearchINTR1066-22435.83Q13区
Internet Technology LettersInternet Technol. Lett.2476-15080.79Q4
IT ProfessionalIT Prof.1520-92022.17Q34区
Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information TechnologyJJCIT2413-93511.08Q4
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart EnvironmentsAIS1876-13641.92Q34区
Journal of Communications and NetworksJ. Commun. Netw.1229-23702.80Q23区
Journal of Communications Software and SystemsJCOMSS1845-64210.43Q4
Journal of Communications Technology and ElectronicsJ. Commun. Technol. Electron.1064-22690.41Q44区
Journal of Computer Networks and CommunicationsJ. Comput. Networks Commun.2090-71412.14Q3
Journal of Information and TelecommunicationJ. Inf. Telecommun.2475-18392.64Q3
Journal of Internet TechnologyJournal of Internet Technology1607-92640.92Q44区
Journal of Lightwave TechnologyJ. Lightwave Technol.0733-87244.21Q21区
Journal of Location Based ServicesJ. Locat. Based Serv.1748-97251.37Q4
Journal of Network and Systems ManagementJ Netw Syst Manage1064-75704.04Q23区
Journal of Optical Communications and NetworkingJ. Opt. Commun. Netw.1943-06203.86Q22区
Journal of Sensor and Actuator NetworksJSAN2224-27083.12Q2
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information SystemsKSII TIIS1976-72771.20Q44区
Microwave Journal0192-62250.45Q44区
Mobile Networks and ApplicationsMobile Netw Appl1383-469X2.22Q34区
Nano Communication NetworksNano Commun. Netw.1878-77892.82Q24区
Navigation, Journal of the Institute of NavigationJ Inst Navig0028-15223.05Q23区
Optical Fiber TechnologyOpt. Fiber Technol.1068-52002.42Q33区
Optical Switching and NetworkingOpt. Switching Networking1573-42771.72Q34区
Peer-to-Peer Networking and ApplicationsPeer-to-Peer Netw. Appl.1936-64423.40Q24区
Pervasive and Mobile ComputingPervasive. Mob. Comput.1574-11923.18Q23区
Photonic Network CommunicationsPhoton Netw Commun1387-974X1.61Q34区
Physical CommunicationPhys. Commun.1874-49071.80Q34区
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous TechnologiesProc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.2474-95673.45Q2
Progress in Electromagnetics ResearchPIER1070-46986.03Q11区
Radio ScienceRadio Sci.0048-66041.49Q34区
Satellite NavigationSatell Navig2662-13638.80Q11区
Security and Privacy2475-67251.30Q3
Telecommunication SystemsTelecommun Syst1018-48641.85Q34区
Telecommunications PolicyTelecomm. Policy.0308-59616.10Q12区
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications TechnologiesTrans Emerging Tel Tech2161-39152.61Q34区
Wireless NetworksWireless Netw1022-00382.17Q34区
Wireless Personal CommunicationsWireless Pers Commun0929-62121.94Q34区
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