
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
3C Empresa3C Empresa2254-33761.15Q4
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de AdministracionARLA1012-82551.20Q34区
Academy of Management AnnalsANNALS1941-606714.19Q11区
Academy of Management JournalAcad. Manage. J.0001-42739.46Q11区
Academy of Management PerspectivesAMP1558-90807.03Q12区
Academy of Management ReviewAMR0363-742519.17Q11区
Accounting History Review2155-28510.99Q4
Administrative Science QuarterlyAdm. Sci. Q.0001-83928.39Q11区
African Journal of Business EthicsAfr. J. Bus. Ethics0976-36000.54Q4
American Journal of BusinessAm. J. Bus.1935-51811.02Q4
Arts and the MarketAAM2056-49450.64Q4
Asia Pacific Business ReviewAsia Pac. Bus. Rev.1360-23811.89Q34区
Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and EntrepreneurshipAPJIE2071-13953.99Q2
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics1355-58553.70Q24区
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business AdministrationAPJBA1757-43233.11Q2
Asian Business and Management1472-47822.04Q34区
Asian Case Research JournalAsian Case Res. J.0218-92750.13Q4
Asian Journal of Technology InnovationAsian J. Technol. Innov.1976-15971.74Q24区
Australasian Marketing JournalAustralas. Mark. J.1441-35824.14Q2
Australian Journal of ManagementAust. J. Manag.0312-89622.19Q34区
Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis0340-53700.25Q44区
British Journal of ManagementBr J Management1045-31724.33Q12区
BRQ Business Research QuarterlyBRQ Bus. Res. Q.2340-94363.92Q24区
Business and SocietyBus. Soc.0007-65035.50Q13区
Business and Society ReviewBusiness & Society Review0045-36091.67Q3
Business Ethics QuarterlyBus. Ethics Q.1052-150X3.34Q12区
Business HorizonsBus. Horiz.0007-68135.80Q13区
Business Process Management JournalBPMJ1463-71544.67Q13区
Business Strategy and the EnvironmentBus Strat Env0964-473312.39Q11区
Business Systems ResearchBus. Syst. Res. J.1847-83441.19Q4
Caderno Profissional de Marketing Unimep2317-6466Q4
California Management ReviewCalif. Manag. Rev.0008-12566.43Q12区
Canadian Journal of Administrative SciencesCan J Adm Sci0825-03831.15Q44区
Časopis za Ekonomiju i Tržišne Komunikacije2232-88230.19Q4
Central European Business ReviewCent. Eur. Bus. Rev.1805-48541.45Q3
CLIO América1909-941X0.45Q4
Clothing and Textiles Research JournalClothing Text. Res. J.0887-302X2.44Q14区
Cogent Business and ManagementCogent Bus. Manag.2331-19752.88Q2
Competitiveness ReviewCR1059-54222.88Q2
Construction Management and EconomicsConstr. Manag. Econ.0144-61933.04Q2
Consumption Markets and CultureConsum. Mark. Cult.1025-38661.83Q34区
Corporate CommunicationsCCIJ1356-32892.62Q2
Corporate Reputation ReviewCorp. Reput. Rev.1363-35891.37Q3
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental ManagementCorp Soc Responsibility Env1535-39588.34Q12区
Critical Perspectives on International Businesscpoib1742-20432.05Q3
Electronic Commerce ResearchElectron Commer Res1389-57533.53Q24区
Electronic Commerce Research and ApplicationsElectron. Commer. Res. Appl.1567-42235.94Q13区
Electronic MarketsElectron Markets1019-67817.24Q13区
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability IssuesJESI2345-02821.30Q4
Entrepreneurship Research JournalEntrep. Res. J.2157-56652.17Q34区
Entrepreneurship Theory and PracticeEntrepreneurship Theory & Pract1042-25877.78Q11区
ESIC MarketEsic Market0212-18671.72Q3
Eurasian Business ReviewEurasian Bus Rev1309-42973.98Q23区
EuroMed Journal of BusinessEMJB1450-21943.91Q2
European Business ReviewEBR0955-534X3.81Q2
European Journal of Innovation ManagementEJIM1460-10605.04Q13区
European Journal of Management and Business EconomicsEJMBE2444-84514.15Q2
European Journal of MarketingEur. J. Mark.0309-05663.73Q23区
European Management JournalEur. Manag. J.0263-23737.46Q12区
European Research on Management and Business EconomicsEur. Res. Manag. Bus. Econ.2444-88347.01Q13区
Family Business ReviewFam. Bus. Rev.0894-486510.08Q11区
Foundations and Trends in EntrepreneurshipFNT in Entrepreneurship1551-31141.67Q3
Foundations and Trends in MarketingFNT in Marketing1555-07530.59Q4
Frontiers of Business Research in ChinaFront. Bus. Res. China1673-73261.45Q3
Future Business JournalFutur Bus J2314-72023.10Q2
Gadjah Mada International Journal of BusinessGadjah Mada Int. J. Bus.1411-11280.97Q4
Gender in ManagementGender in Mgmt: Int J1754-24132.38Q13区
Gurukul Business Review0973-14660.20Q4
Harvard Business ReviewHarv. Bus. Rev.0017-80129.20Q14区
IEEE Transactions on Engineering ManagementIEEE Trans. Eng. Manage.0018-93914.47Q13区
Industrial and Corporate ChangeInd Corp Change0960-64912.78Q24区
Industrial Marketing ManagementInd. Mark. Manag.0019-85017.74Q11区
Information Systems and e-Business ManagementInf Syst E-Bus Manage1617-98462.26Q34区
Innovative MarketingInnov. Mark.1814-24271.17Q4
Inquietud Empresarial0121-10480.04Q4
International Business ReviewIBR0969-59315.76Q11区
International Entrepreneurship and Management JournalInt Entrep Manag J1554-71916.08Q13区
International Journal of Accounting Information SystemsInt. J. Account. Inf. Syst.1467-08954.20Q23区
International Journal of AdvertisingInt. J. Advert.0265-04875.42Q13区
International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management1947-96381.12Q4
International Journal of Bank MarketingInt. J. Bank Mark.0265-23236.30Q13区
International Journal of BusinessInt. J. Bus.1083-43460.63Q4
International Journal of Business Analytics2334-45470.47Q4
International Journal of Business and SocietyIJBS1511-66700.88Q4
International Journal of Business EnvironmentInt. J. Bus. Environ.1740-05890.93Q4
International Journal of Consumer StudiesInt J Consumer Studies1470-64238.48Q12区
International Journal of e-Business ResearchInt. J. Bus. Res.1548-11310.72Q4
International Journal of Electronic CommerceInt. J. Electron. Commer.1086-44154.06Q13区
International Journal of Emerging MarketsInt. J. Emerg. Mark.1746-88092.73Q24区
International Journal of Engineering Business ManagementInt. J. Eng. Bus. Manag.1847-97905.02Q1
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and ResearchIJEBR1355-25544.54Q12区
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation1465-75032.08Q3
International Journal of Gender and EntrepreneurshipIJGE1756-62663.29Q2
International journal of Indian culture and business managementIJICBM1753-08060.90Q4
International Journal of InnovationInt. J. Innov.2318-99750.39Q4
International Journal of Innovation ScienceInt. J. Innov. Sci.1757-22233.02Q2
International Journal of Internet Marketing and AdvertisingIJIMA1477-52121.12Q3
International Journal of Management EducationInt. J. Manag. Educ.1472-81175.87Q12区
International Journal of Management ReviewsInt J Management Reviews1460-85457.61Q11区
International Journal of Managing Projects in BusinessIJMPB1753-83782.17Q34区
International Journal of Market ResearchInt. J. Mark. Res.1470-78532.54Q34区
International Journal of Online MarketingInt. J. Online Mark.2156-17451.26Q4
International Journal of Research in MarketingInt. J. Res. Mark.0167-81165.76Q12区
International Journal of Retail and Distribution ManagementIntl J of Retail & Distrib Mgt0959-05525.32Q13区
International Marketing ReviewInt. Mark. Rev.0265-13354.72Q13区
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research0959-39692.85Q2
International Review on Public and Nonprofit MarketingInt Rev Public Nonprofit Mark1865-19841.61Q3
International Small Business JournalInt. Small Bus. J.0266-24264.43Q22区
Internet ResearchINTR1066-22435.83Q13区
Is Ahlak? Dergisi1308-40700.09Q4
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship DevelopmentJIBED1549-93241.58Q3
Journal of AdvertisingJ. Advert.0091-33675.31Q12区
Journal of Advertising ResearchJAR0021-84991.98Q24区
Journal of African BusinessJ. Afr. Bus.1522-89161.91Q3
Journal of Asia Business StudiesJABS1558-78942.33Q3
Journal of Brand ManagementJ. Brand Manag.1350-231X4.07Q23区
Journal of Business and Industrial MarketingJBIM0885-86243.72Q24区
Journal of Business EthicsJ Bus Ethics0167-45445.75Q11区
Journal of Business ResearchJ. Bus. Res.0148-296310.44Q11区
Journal of Business VenturingJ. Bus. Ventur.0883-90267.73Q11区
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing1051-712X2.14Q34区
Journal of CompetitivenessJOC1804-171X4.29Q21区
Journal of Consumer BehaviourJ of Consumer Behaviour1472-08174.39Q23区
Journal of Consumer MarketingJCM0736-37612.50Q2
Journal of Consumer PolicyJ Consum Policy0168-70341.40Q3
Journal of Consumer PsychologyJ Consum Psychol1057-74083.95Q12区
Journal of Consumer ResearchJ CONSUM RES0093-53015.53Q11区
Journal of Developmental EntrepreneurshipJ. Dev. Entrepreneurship1084-94671.14Q3
Journal of East-West BusinessJ. East-West Bus.1066-98681.05Q4
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations1539-29290.80Q4
Journal of Electronic Commerce ResearchJ. Electron. Commer. Res.1526-61332.27Q34区
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-MJ. Eng. Tech. Manage.0923-47483.68Q23区
Journal of Enterprising CommunitiesJEC1750-62042.33Q3
Journal of enterprising cultureJ. Enterprising Cult.0218-49580.69Q4
Journal of EntrepreneurshipJ. Entrep.0971-35571.95Q3
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging EconomiesJEEE2053-46042.95Q2
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and InnovationJEMI2299-70752.29Q3
Journal of Family Business StrategyJ. Fam. Bus. Strategy1877-85859.33Q11区
Journal of Fashion Marketing and ManagementJFMM1361-20263.08Q24区
Journal of Financial Services MarketingJ Financ Serv Mark1363-05392.95Q2
Journal of Food Products MarketingJ. Food Prod. Mark.1045-44463.80Q2
Journal of Global Entrepreneurship ResearchJ Glob Entrepr Res2228-75661.24Q4
Journal of Global Fashion MarketingJ. Glob. Fash. Mark.2093-26853.39Q2
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science: Bridging Asia and the WorldJ. Glob. Sch. Mark. Sci.2163-91592.02Q3
Journal of Historical Research in MarketingJnl of Hist Res in Mrkting1755-750X0.31Q4
Journal of Hospitality Marketing and ManagementJ. Hosp. Mark. Manag.1936-862311.80Q11区
Journal of Indian Business ResearchJIBR1755-41952.09Q3
Journal of Industry, Competition and TradeJ Ind Compet Trade1566-16790.92Q4
Journal of Innovation and KnowledgeJ. Innovation Knowl.2444-569X15.59Q11区
Journal of Intellectual CapitalJIC1469-19306.10Q12区
Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business2001-015X0.96Q4
Journal of Inter-Organizational Relationships2694-39800.74Q4
Journal of Interactive MarketingJ. Interact. Mark.1094-99686.72Q11区
Journal of International Business PolicyJ Int Bus Policy2522-06915.77Q1
Journal of International Business StudiesJ Int Bus Stud0047-25068.51Q11区
Journal of International Consumer MarketingJ. Int. Consum. Mark.0896-15301.77Q3
Journal of International EntrepreneurshipJ Int Entrep1570-73853.40Q2
Journal of International MarketingJ. Int. Mark.1069-031X5.02Q12区
Journal of Internet CommerceJ. Internet Commer.1533-28613.96Q2
Journal of Islamic MarketingJ. Islam. Mark.1759-08332.97Q2
Journal of MacromarketingJ. Macromarketing0276-14673.59Q24区
Journal of ManagementJ. Manag.0149-20639.10Q11区
Journal of Management Analytics2327-00123.79Q12区
Journal of Management StudiesJ Management Studies0022-23807.00Q11区
Journal of MarketingJ. Mark.0022-242911.67Q11区
Journal of Marketing AnalyticsJ Market Anal2050-33183.95Q2
Journal of Marketing for Higher EducationJ. Mark. High. Educ.0884-12412.21Q13区
Journal of Marketing ManagementJ. Mark. Manag.0267-257X3.61Q23区
Journal of Marketing ResearchJ. Mark. Res.0022-24375.03Q11区
Journal of Marketing Theory and PracticeJ. Mark. Theory Pract.1069-66794.42Q2
Journal of Media Business StudiesJ. Media Bus. Stud.1652-23540.63Q4
Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing1049-51421.38Q3
Journal of Organizational BehaviorJ Organ Behavior0894-37966.37Q12区
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management0885-31344.00Q2
Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing2691-13611.55Q3
Journal of Product and Brand ManagementJnl of Product & Brand Mgt1061-04215.36Q12区
Journal of Product Innovation ManagementJ of Product Innov Manag0737-67829.93Q11区
Journal of Public Policy and MarketingJ. Public. Policy. Mark.0743-91565.04Q1
Journal of Research in Interactive MarketingJRIM2040-71229.76Q12区
Journal of Research in Marketing and EntrepreneurshipJRME1471-52012.02Q3
Journal of RetailingJ. Retail.0022-43597.91Q11区
Journal of Retailing and Consumer ServicesJ. Retail. Consum. Serv.0969-698910.81Q11区
Journal of Service ResearchJ. Serv. Res.1094-67059.72Q12区
Journal of Service Theory and PracticeJSTP2055-62253.88Q23区
Journal of Services MarketingJSM0887-60453.67Q24区
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise DevelopmentJrnl of Small Bus Ente Dev1462-60043.07Q2
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship1942-06762.62Q3
Journal of Social MarketingJ. Soc. Mark.2042-67633.12Q24区
Journal of Strategic MarketingJ. Strateg. Mark.0965-254X3.58Q2
Journal of the Academy of Marketing ScienceJ. of the Acad. Mark. Sci.0092-07032.46Q21区
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce ResearchJTAER0718-18765.16Q13区
Journal of Vacation MarketingJ. Vacat. Mark.1356-76674.57Q13区
Journal of World BusinessJ. World Bus.1090-95168.85Q11区
Long Range PlanningLong. Range. Plann.0024-63017.21Q12区
Management and Marketing1842-02061.80Q3
Management DecisionMD0025-17473.98Q23区
Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development1822-67601.07Q4
Marketing Intelligence and PlanningMIP0263-45033.55Q23区
Marketing LettersMark Lett0923-06452.61Q33区
Marketing ScienceMark. Sci.0732-23994.19Q22区
Marketing TheoryMark. Theory1470-59313.40Q24区
Measuring Business ExcellenceMBE1368-30472.44Q3
MIT Sloan Management ReviewMIT Sloan Manag. Rev.1532-89373.97Q24区
Multinational Business ReviewMBR1525-383X2.09Q34区
Organizational DynamicsOrgan. Dyn.0090-26163.12Q24区
Pacific Business Review International0974-438X0Q4
Psychology and MarketingPsychology and Marketing0742-60468.93Q12区
Public Relations ReviewPublic Relat. Rev.0363-81114.28Q13区
Qualitative Market ResearchQualitative Mrkt Res: An Int J1352-27521.56Q3
Quantitative Marketing and EconomicsQuant Market Econ1570-71561.28Q34区
R and D ManagementR & D Management0033-68076.55Q12区
RAE Revista de Administracao de EmpresasRev. adm. empres.0034-75900.62Q44区
Recherche et Applications en Marketing2051-57070.70Q4
Research Technology ManagementRes. Manag.0895-63081.86Q34区
Reunir : Revista de Administração, Contabilidade e Sustentabilidade2237-36670.02Q4
Review of Business0034-64540.88Q4
Review of International Business and StrategyRIBS2059-60143.05Q2
Revista Brasileira de Gestao de NegociosRev. Bus. Manag.1806-48920.54Q44区
Revista Brasileira de InovaçãoRev. Bras. Inov.1677-25040.36Q4
Revista Brasileira de MarketingRev. Bras. Mark.2177-51840.31Q4
Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda ÉpocaReE0213-89640.14Q4
Revista de Gestao e ProjetosGeP2236-09720.65Q4
Revista Ecorfan2007-15820.30Q4
Revista Empresa y Humanismo1139-76080.53Q4
Revista Gestão e Desenvolvimento1807-54360.33Q4
Revista Perspectiva EmpresarialREVISTA PERSPECT. EMPRESARIAL2389-81860.05Q4
Revue internationale P.M.E. : Économie et gestion de la petite et moyenne entreprise0776-54360.59Q4
Service BusinessServ Bus1862-85084.56Q23区
Service ScienceServ. Sci.2164-39621.96Q34区
Small Enterprise ResearchSMALL ENTERPRISE RESEARCH1175-09791.54Q3
Social Enterprise JournalSEJ1750-85332.68Q2
Social Marketing QuarterlySoc. Mar. Q.1524-50042.10Q3
Society and Business ReviewSBR1746-56803.20Q2
South African Journal of Business ManagementSAJBM2078-55850.70Q44区
South Asian Journal of Business StudiesSAJBS2398-628X1.97Q3
Sport Marketing QuarterlySMQ1061-69341.85Q24区
Strategic Entrepreneurship JournalStrategic Entrepreneurship1932-43915.31Q12区
Strategic Management JournalStrat. Mgmt. J.0143-20956.61Q11区
Strategic OrganizationStrateg. Organ.1476-12705.17Q12区
Suma de Negocios2027-56920.29Q4
Supply Chain ManagementSCM1359-85468.04Q13区
Technological Forecasting and Social ChangeTechnol. Forecast. Soc. Chang.0040-162512.98Q11区
Thunderbird International Business ReviewThunderbird Intl Bus Rev1096-47622.03Q3
UCJC Business and Society Review2659-32700.69Q4
Universidad y Empresa0124-46390.44Q4
WPOM : Working Papers on Operations Management1989-90681.51Q3
Young ConsumersYC1747-36163.52Q2
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