
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
AAC: Augmentative and Alternative CommunicationAugment. Altern. Commun.0743-46182.27Q13区
Acta Balneologica2082-18670.38Q4
Advances in Neurodevelopmental DisordersAdv Neurodev Disord2366-75321.48Q3
American Annals of the DeafAm. Ann. Deaf.0002-726X1.16Q44区
American Journal of Occupational TherapyAm J Occup Ther0272-94902.07Q14区
American Journal of Speech-Language PathologyAm J Speech Lang Pathol1058-03602.18Q13区
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesAm. J. Intellect. Dev. Disabil.1944-75151.95Q24区
Annals of DyslexiaAnn. Dyslexia0736-93872.25Q13区
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation MedicineAnn. Phys. Rehabil. Med.1877-06573.78Q13区
Annals of Rehabilitation MedicineAnn. Rehabil. Med.2234-06451.97Q1
Archives of PhysiotherapyArch. Physiother.2057-00822.21Q1
Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical TranslationArch. Rehabil. Res. Clin. Transl.2590-10951.93Q2
Arts in PsychotherapyArts. Psychother.0197-45561.62Q33区
Assistive TechnologyAssist. Technol.1040-04352.31Q14区
Australian Occupational Therapy JournalAust. Occup. Ther. J.0045-07661.54Q24区
Autism in AdulthoodAutism. Adulthood.2573-95819.30Q1
Balneo and PRM Research Journal2734-844X0.90Q4
Brain ImpairmentBrain. Impair.1443-96461.05Q34区
Brain InjuryBrain Inj.0269-90521.65Q34区
Brazilian Journal of Physical TherapyBraz. J. Phys. Ther.1413-35553.02Q13区
British Journal of Music Therapy1359-45750.78Q4
British Journal of Occupational TherapyBr. J. Occup. Ther.0308-02261.43Q34区
Canadian Journal of Occupational TherapyCan J Occup Ther0008-41741.71Q23区
Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology1913-200X0.37Q4
Career Development and Transition for Exceptional IndividualsCareer. Dev. Transit. Except. Individ.2165-14341.62Q23区
Chiropractic and Manual TherapiesChiropr Man Therap2045-709X2.16Q24区
Chiropractic technique0899-34670.96Q4
Clinical Linguistics and PhoneticsClin. Linguist. Phon.0269-92060.95Q44区
Clinical RehabilitationClin. Rehabil.0269-21552.52Q13区
Communication Disorders QuarterlyCommun. Disord. Q.1525-74010.66Q44区
Current Developmental Disorders ReportsCurr Dev Disord Rep2196-29872.06Q1
Current Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ReportsCurr Phys Med Rehabil Rep2167-48331.00Q4
Developmental NeurorehabilitationDev. Neurorehabil.1751-84230.99Q34区
Die RehabilitationRehabilitation0034-35361.30Q34区
Disability and Health JournalDisabil. Health. J.1876-75833.50Q12区
Disability and RehabilitationDisabil. Rehabilitation0963-82882.09Q14区
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology1748-31071.74Q24区
Disability and SocietyDisabil. Soc.0968-75992.03Q12区
Education and Training in Autism and Developmental DisabilitiesEduc. Train. Autism. Dev. Disabil.2154-16470.52Q44区
Education and Treatment of ChildrenEduc. Treat. Child.0748-84911.88Q24区
European Journal of Cancer CareEur J Cancer Care0961-54231.60Q24区
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation MedicineEur J Phys Rehabil Med1973-90873.12Q13区
European Journal of PhysiotherapyEur. J. Physiother.2167-91691.65Q3
Exceptional ChildrenExcept. Child.0014-40292.33Q13区
Focus on Autism and Other Developmental DisabilitiesFocus Autism Other Dev Disabl1088-35761.33Q34区
Folia Phoniatrica et LogopaedicaFolia Phoniatr Logop1021-77621.01Q34区
Frontiers in Rehabilitation SciencesFront. Rehabilit. Sci.2673-68611.31Q3
Games for health journalGames. Health. J.2161-783X2.37Q13区
Hand TherapyHand Ther.1758-99831.04Q4
Hong Kong Journal of Occupational TherapyHong Kong J. Occup. Ther.1569-18610.84Q44区
Hong Kong Physiotherapy JournalHong Kong Physiother. J.1013-70250.76Q4
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation EngineeringIEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehabil. Eng.1534-43204.78Q12区
Infants and Young ChildrenInfants. Young. Child.0896-37461.10Q34区
Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesIntellect. Dev. Disabil.1934-94911.87Q23区
International Journal of Art Therapy: InscapeInt. J. Art Ther.1745-48322.37Q1
International Journal of Developmental DisabilitiesInt. J. Dev. Disabil.2047-38691.62Q34区
International Journal of Disability, Development and EducationIntl. J. Disabil. Dev. Educ.1034-912X1.14Q34区
International Journal of Language and Communication DisordersIntl J Lang & Comm Disor1368-28221.67Q33区
International Journal of Osteopathic MedicineInt. J. Osteopath. Med.1746-06891.27Q34区
International Journal of Rehabilitation ResearchInt. J. Rehabil. Res.0342-52821.31Q34区
International Journal of Speech-Language PathologyInt. J. Speech. Lang. Pathol.1754-95071.45Q34区
International Journal of TelerehabilitationInt J Telerehab1945-20202.42Q1
International Journal of Therapy and RehabilitationInt. J. Ther. Rehabil.1741-16450.59Q4
Journal of acute care physical therapyJ. Acute Care Phys. Ther.2158-86860.41Q4
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual DisabilitiesResearch Intellect Disabil1360-23222.05Q13区
Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal RehabilitationBMR1053-81271.48Q34区
Journal of Bodywork and Movement TherapiesJ. Bodyw. Mov. Ther.1360-85921.17Q3
Journal of Communication DisordersJ. Commun. Disord.0021-99241.79Q23区
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf EducationDEAFED1081-41591.75Q23区
Journal of Developmental and Physical DisabilitiesJ Dev Phys Disabil1056-263X1.42Q34区
Journal of Disability Policy StudiesJ. Disabil. Policy Stud.1044-20730.95Q34区
Journal of Early InterventionJ. Early Interv.1053-81511.32Q34区
Journal of Enabling TechnologiesJ. Enabling Technol.2398-62631.88Q2
Journal of Exercise RehabilitationJ Exerc Rehabil2288-176X1.23Q3
Journal of Fluency DisordersJ. Fluency. Disord.0094-730X1.92Q13区
Journal of Geriatric Physical TherapyJ. Geriatr. Phys. Ther.1539-84121.64Q34区
Journal of Head Trauma RehabilitationJ. Head. Trauma. Rehabil.0885-97012.41Q13区
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental DisabilityJ. Intellect. Dev. Disabil.1366-82502.02Q24区
Journal of Intellectual DisabilitiesJ Intellect Disabil1744-62951.50Q34区
Journal of Intellectual Disability ResearchJ intellect Disabil Res0964-26332.08Q12区
Journal of Learning DisabilitiesJ Learn Disabil0022-21942.37Q12区
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological TherapeuticsJ. Manipulative. Physiol. Ther.0161-47541.14Q34区
Journal of Manual and Manipulative TherapyJ. Man. Manip. Ther.1066-98171.50Q2
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual DisabilitiesJ. Ment. Health. Res. Intellect. Disabil.1931-58641.58Q24区
Journal of Music TherapyJ. Music Ther.0022-29171.81Q23区
Journal of NeuroEngineering and RehabilitationJ NeuroEngineering Rehabil1743-00035.29Q12区
Journal of Neurologic Physical TherapyJ. Neurol. Phys. Ther.1557-05762.63Q13区
Journal of PhysiotherapyJ. Physiother.1836-95539.77Q11区
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual DisabilitiesPolicy Practice Intel Disabi1741-11222.58Q14区
Journal of Prosthetics and OrthoticsJ. Prosthet. Orthot.1040-88000.42Q4
Journal of Special Education TechnologyJ Spec Educ Technol0162-64341.00Q34区
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing ResearchJ Speech Lang Hear Res1092-43882.00Q12区
Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness0145-482X0.95Q44区
Journal of Vocational RehabilitationJ. Vocat. Rehabil.1052-22631.13Q3
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in SchoolsLSHSS0161-14612.22Q13区
Learning Disabilities Research and PracticeLearn Disabil Res Pract0938-89822.09Q23区
Learning Disability QuarterlyLearn. Disabil. Q.0731-94871.65Q24区
Manuelle Medizin0025-25140.32Q4
MSK – Muskuloskelettale Physiotherapie2701-69860.39Q4
Musculoskeletal Science and PracticeMusculoskelet. Sci. Pract.2468-78122.37Q13区
Music Therapy PerspectivesMusic Ther. Perspect.0734-68750.84Q4
Neurorehabilitation and Neural RepairNeurorehabil Neural Repair1545-96833.76Q12区
Nordic Journal of Music TherapyNord. J. Music Ther.0809-81311.59Q24区
Occupational Therapy in Health CareOccup. Ther. Health. Care.0738-05771.09Q4
Occupational Therapy in Mental HealthOccup. Ther. Ment. Health.0164-212X0.52Q4
Occupational Therapy InternationalOccup. Ther. Int.0966-79031.21Q34区
OTJR Occupation, Participation and HealthOTJR. (Thorofare. N. J).1539-44921.34Q34区
Pediatric Physical TherapyPediatr. Phys. Ther.0898-56691.34Q34区
Physical and Occupational Therapy in GeriatricsPhysical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics0270-31810.13Q4
Physical and Occupational Therapy in PediatricsPhys. Occup. Ther. Pediatr.0194-26381.48Q34区
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North AmericaPhys. Med. Rehabil. Clin. N. Am.1047-96511.22Q34区
Physical TherapyPhys. Ther.0031-90233.38Q14区
Physical Therapy ReviewsPhys. Ther. Rev.1083-31960.65Q4
Physiotherapy (United Kingdom)0031-94063.24Q13区
Physiotherapy Canada. Physiotherapie CanadaPhysiother. Can.0300-05081.00Q44区
Physiotherapy Practice and ResearchPPR2213-06830.32Q4
Physiotherapy Research InternationalPhysiother Res Int1358-22671.60Q3
Physiotherapy Theory and PracticePhysiother. Theory. Pract.0959-39851.47Q24区
Prosthetics and Orthotics InternationalProsthet. Orthot. Int.0309-36460.96Q44区
Psychiatric Rehabilitation JournalPsychiatr. Rehabil. J.1095-158X1.80Q23区
Rehabilitation Counseling BulletinRehabil. Couns. Bull.0034-35522.09Q24区
Rehabilitation NursingRehabil Nurs0278-48071.28Q34区
Rehabilitation Process and OutcomeRehabil. Process. Outcome.1179-57272.35Q1
Rehabilitation PsychologyRehabil. Psychol.0090-55502.08Q24区
Rehabilitation Research and PracticeRehabil. Res. Pract.2090-28671.64Q3
Rehabilitation research, policy, and educationRehabilitation Research Policy and Education2168-66530.60Q4
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilitiesres prac pers severe dis1540-79691.98Q23区
Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities2329-70181.89Q2
Research in Autism Spectrum DisordersRes. Autism Spectr. Disord.1750-94672.06Q14区
Research in Developmental DisabilitiesRes. Dev. Disabil.0891-42222.71Q12区
Revista Española de Discapacidad2340-51040.65Q4
Scandinavian Journal of Disability ResearchScand. J. Disabil. Res.1501-74191.82Q2
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational TherapyScand. J. Occup. Ther.1103-81281.97Q24区
Seminars in Speech and LanguageSemin Speech Lang0734-04781.20Q44区
Sexuality and DisabilitySex Disabil0146-10441.24Q34区
South African Journal of PhysiotherapyS. Afr. J. Physiother.0379-61750.89Q4
Spinal Cord1362-43932.23Q14区
Spinal cord series and casesSpinal Cord Ser Cases2058-61240.62Q4
Supportive Care in CancerSupport Care Cancer0941-43552.64Q13区
Technology and DisabilityTAD1055-41810.60Q4
Therapeutic Recreation Journal0040-59140.70Q4
Topics in Geriatric RehabilitationTop. Geriatr. Rehabil.0882-75240.33Q44区
Topics in Language DisordersTop. Lang. Disord.0271-82941.81Q24区
Topics in Spinal Cord Injury RehabilitationTop. Spinal. Cord. Inj. Rehabil.1082-07442.35Q1
Topics in Stroke RehabilitationTop. Stroke. Rehabil.1074-93572.39Q14区
Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and RehabilitationTurk J Phys Med Rehab2587-08231.08Q3
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and RehabilitationTurk. J. Physiother. Rehabil.2651-44511.24Q3
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