
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Ageing and SocietyAgeing. Soc.0144-686X2.47Q23区
Ageing InternationalAgeing Int.0163-51581.05Q4
Anthropology and Aging2374-22670.56Q4
Australasian Journal on AgeingAustralas J Ageing1440-63811.38Q34区
BMC GeriatricsBMC Geriatr1471-23183.49Q22区
Canadian Journal on AgingCan. J. Aging0714-98081.61Q34区
Educational GerontologyEduc. Gerontol.0360-12771.25Q34区
European Journal of AgeingEur J Ageing1613-93723.87Q12区
Geriatrics and Gerontology InternationalGeriatr. Gerontol. Int.1444-15862.24Q24区
Innovation in AgingInnov. Aging.2399-53004.79Q13区
Journal of Aging and EnvironmentJ. Aging. Environ.2689-26181.19Q3
Journal of Aging and Social PolicyJ. Aging. Soc. Policy.0895-94202.18Q23区
Journal of Aging StudiesJ. Aging Stud.0890-40651.90Q23区
Journal of Applied GerontologyJ Appl Gerontol0733-46482.33Q23区
Journal of Cross-Cultural GerontologyJ Cross Cult Gerontol0169-38161.10Q3
Journal of Elder Abuse and NeglectJ. of Elder Abuse & Neglect0894-65661.78Q32区
Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics2499-65640.51Q4
Journal of Intergenerational RelationshipsJ. Intergener. Relatsh.1535-07701.06Q3
Journal of Population AgeingJ. Popul. Ageing1874-78761.34Q3
Journal of the American Geriatrics SocietyJ Am Geriatr Soc0002-86144.38Q12区
Journal of the Economics of AgeingJ. Econ. Ageing.2212-828X1.75Q23区
Journal of Women and AgingJ. Women. Aging.0895-28411.72Q24区
Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical SciencesGERONA1079-50064.24Q12区
Quality in Ageing and Older AdultsQual. Ageing. Older. Adults.1471-77940.82Q4
Research on Ageing and Social Policy2014-671X0.63Q4
Research on AgingRes Aging0164-02751.62Q23区
The GerontologistGERONT0016-90134.59Q12区
Turk Geriatri Dergisitjgeri1304-29470.39Q44区
Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und GeriatrieZ Gerontol Geriat0948-67041.20Q34区
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