
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
3C Tecnología3C Tecnología2254-41430.86Q3
Acta PolytechnicaActa Polytech.1210-27090.60Q3
Acta Polytechnica HungaricaACTA POLYTECH HUNG1785-88601.49Q24区
Advanced Engineering InformaticsAdv. Eng. Inform.1474-03467.84Q11区
Advances in Engineering Software0965-99783.81Q12区
Advances in Science and Technology Research JournalAdv. Sci. Technol. Res. J.2080-40751.05Q3
AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering SocietyJ. Audio Eng. Soc.1549-49500.92Q34区
Ain Shams Engineering JournalAin Shams Eng. J.2090-44796.08Q12区
Alexandria Engineering JournalAlex. Eng. J.1110-01686.01Q12区
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAMAIEDAM0890-06041.86Q23区
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering2332-90171.98Q2
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical SciencesBull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Tech. Sci.0239-75281.27Q34区
Ciencia e ingeniería1316-70810.13Q4
Cogent EngineeringCogent Eng.2331-19162.13Q2
Computer Applications in Engineering EducationComput Appl Eng Educ1061-37732.14Q23区
Cuaderno Activa2027-81010Q4
Data-Centric EngineeringDCE2632-67362.25Q2
Defence TechnologyDef. Technol.2096-34594.92Q12区
Design StudiesDes. Stud.0142-694X3.27Q11区
Dyna (Spain)0012-73610.80Q34区
Eksploatacja i NiezawodnoscEiN1507-27112.35Q23区
Enfoque UTE1390-65420.43Q3
Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri LankaEngineer1800-11220.31Q4
Engineering Applications of Artificial IntelligenceEng. Appl. Artif. Intell.0952-19767.47Q12区
Engineering JournalEJ0125-82810.77Q3
Engineering Letters1816-093X0.23Q44区
Engineering Research ExpressEng. Res. Express2631-86951.55Q2
Engineering ReviewEng. Rev.1330-95870.80Q3
Engineering Science and Technology, an International JournalEng. Sci. Technol. Int. J.2215-09865.26Q12区
Entre Ciencia e Ingeniería1909-83670.26Q4
IEEE Transactions on Industry ApplicationsIEEE Trans. on Ind. Applicat.0093-99944.17Q12区
IIUM Engineering JournalIIUMEJ1511-788X0.79Q3
Ingenier+¡a Solidaria1900-31020.31Q4
Ingenieria (Colombia)ing.0121-750X0.34Q4
Ingenieria e InvestigacionIng. Inv.0120-56090.56Q34区
Ingenieria y competitividad0123-30330.56Q4
Integrated Computer-Aided EngineeringICA1069-25095.65Q12区
International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied MathematicsInt J Adv Eng Sci Appl Math0975-07701.03Q3
International Journal of Computing Science and MathematicsIJCSM1752-50550.58Q4
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure ProtectionInt. J. Crit. Infrastruct. Prot.1874-54824.20Q13区
International Journal of Critical InfrastructuresInt. J. Crit. Infrastruct.1475-32190.68Q4
International Journal of Engineering and Technology InnovationInt. j. eng. technol. innov.2223-53291.27Q3
International Journal of Engineering EducationInt. J. Eng. Educ.0949-149X0.78Q34区
International Journal of Engineering Research in AfricaJERA1663-35710.66Q3
International Journal of Engineering ScienceInt. J. Eng. Sci.0020-72255.54Q11区
International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and SimulationIJESMS1755-97580.95Q3
International Journal of Integrated EngineeringInt. J. Integr. Eng.2229-838X0.60Q4
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and PipingInt. J. Press. Vessels Pip.0308-01612.95Q12区
International Journal of Production Management and EngineeringInt. J. Prod. Manag. Eng.2340-48761.20Q3
International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety EngineeringInt. J. Rel. Qual. Saf. Eng.0218-53930.82Q3
International Journal of Structural IntegrityInt. J. Struct. Integr.1757-98643.59Q1
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and ManagementInt J Syst Assur Eng Manag0975-68091.51Q2
International Journal of TechnologyIJTech2086-96141.14Q3
International Journal of Technology and Design EducationInt J Technol Des Educ0957-75722.08Q23区
InventionsInventions. (Basel).2411-51342.04Q2
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest (Applied Physics Laboratory)Johns Hopkins APL Tech. Dig.0270-52140.18Q4
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (Taiwan)2708-99671.03Q3
Journal of Civil Engineering EducationJ. Civ. Eng. Educ.2643-91071.10Q34区
Journal of Computational Design and EngineeringJ. Comput. Des. Eng.2288-43004.63Q12区
Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and EngineeringJCM1472-79780.38Q4
Journal of Defense Modeling and SimulationJournal of Defense Modeling & Simulation1548-51291.15Q3
Journal of EngineeringJ. Eng.2051-33050.87Q3
Journal of Engineering (United Kingdom)jcoeng1726-40731.52Q2
Journal of Engineering and Technological SciencesJ. Eng. Technol. Sci.2337-57791.02Q3
Journal of Engineering DesignJ. Eng. Des.0954-48282.68Q12区
Journal of Engineering EducationJ. Eng. Educ.1069-47303.78Q12区
Journal of Engineering Research (Kuwait)J. Eng. Res.2307-18770.88Q34区
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology1823-46900.86Q3
Journal of Engineering TechnologyJ. Eng. Technol.0747-99641.14Q34区
Journal of Engineering, Design and TechnologyJEDT1726-05312.65Q1
Journal of Failure Analysis and PreventionJ Fail. Anal. and Preven.1547-70290.84Q3
Journal of Integrated Design and Process ScienceJID1092-06170.36Q4
Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Taiwan)J Mar Sci Technol0948-42800.22Q44区
Journal of Materials and Engineering Structures2170-127X0.36Q4
Journal of Optimization2314-64860.84Q3
Journal of Scientific and Industrial ResearchJSIR0022-44560.64Q34区
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Series A/Chung-kuo Kung Ch'eng Hsuch K'anJ. Chin. Inst. Eng.0253-38391.03Q34区
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi UniversityGUMMFD1300-18841.00Q34区
Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational MechanicsJ. Serbian. Soc. Comput. Mech.1820-65300.69Q4
Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty QuantificationJ. Verif. Valid. Uncertain. Quantif.2377-21580.52Q4
Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and EngineeringJ Women Minor Scien Eng1072-83251.25Q2
Jurnal Kejuruteraanjkukm0128-01980.43Q3
Jurnal TeknologiJ. Teknol.0127-96960.77Q3
Makara Journal of TechnologyMST2355-27860.12Q4
Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and TechnologyMehran Univ. res. j. eng. technol.0254-78210.57Q3
Memoria Investigaciones en Ingeniería2301-10920.34Q4
Modelling and Simulation in EngineeringModell. Simul. Eng.1687-55910.93Q3
Nauka i TehnikaNauka teh.2227-10310.34Q4
Noise Control Engineering JournalNoise Control Eng. J.0736-25010.16Q44区
Open EngineeringOpen Eng.2391-54391.50Q2
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering SciencesPamukkale J Eng Sci1300-70090.28Q4
Politeknik dergisi1302-09000.31Q4
Research in Engineering Design - Theory, Applications, and Concurrent EngineeringRes Eng Design0934-98392.39Q23区
Results in EngineeringResult Eng.2590-12305.82Q1
Revista Cubana de Ingeniería2223-17810.40Q4
Revista Educacion en Ingenieria1900-82600.05Q4
Revista Facultad de IngenieriaRev.Fac.Ing.Univ.Antioquia0120-62301.02Q3
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería0121-11290Q4
Revista Ingeniería UC1316-68320.15Q4
Revista UIS Ingenieríasrevuin1657-45830.17Q4
Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering SciencesSadhana0250-54441.26Q24区
Science and Engineering EthicsSci Eng Ethics1353-34522.89Q22区
Scientia IranicaSci. Iran.1026-30981.25Q24区
Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural SciencesSigma J Eng Nat Sci - Sigma Müh Fen Bil Derg1304-71910.59Q3
Structural Integrity and Life1451-37490.78Q3
TechnologiesTechnologies. (Basel).2227-70804.02Q1
Tehnicki GlasnikTeh. glas. (Online)1846-61680.84Q3
Tehnicki VjesnikTeh. vjesn.1330-36510.98Q34区
World Journal of EngineeringWJE1708-52841.33Q2
Инженерные технологии и системы2658-41230Q4
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