AAPG Bulletin 0149-1423 2.64 Q2 3区 Acta Carsologica 0583-6050 1.08 Q4 4区 Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) Bulletin of the Geological Society of China 1000-9515 3.49 Q1 3区 Advances in Geo-Energy Research 2207-9963 9.16 Q1 1区 AGU Advances 2576-604X 8.13 Q1 1区 AIMS Geosciences 2471-2132 0.89 Q4 All Earth Geodinamica Acta 2766-9645 2.19 Q2 4区 American Journal of Science 0002-9599 1.76 Q3 3区 Annals of Glaciology 0260-3055 2.31 Q2 4区 Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 0084-6597 11.45 Q1 1区 Antarctic Science 0954-1020 1.82 Q3 4区 Anthropocene 2213-3054 3.23 Q2 2区 Anthropocene Review 2053-0196 2.64 Q2 2区 Applied Computing and Geosciences 2590-1974 2.40 Q2 Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 1866-9557 2.02 Q3 2区 Archaeological Prospection 1075-2196 2.02 Q3 3区 Archaeometry 0003-813X 1.58 Q3 3区 ArcheoSciences 1960-1360 0.38 Q4 4区 Astrobiology 1531-1074 3.69 Q1 3区 Australian Journal of Earth Sciences AGSO Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, BMR Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics, Journal of the Geological Society of Australia 0812-0099 1.18 Q3 4区 Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 0251-7493 0.74 Q4 4区 Basin Research 0950-091X 2.75 Q2 2区 Biogeochemistry 0168-2563 3.80 Q1 3区 Biogeosciences 1726-4170 3.82 Q1 2区 Boletim Paranaense de Geosciencias 0067-964X 0.51 Q4 Boletin de Ciencias de la Tierra 0120-3630 0.39 Q4 Boreas 0300-9483 2.49 Q2 3区 Brazilian Journal of Geology Revista Brasileira de Geociencias 2317-4692 1.37 Q3 4区 BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin 0037-9409 2.71 Q2 3区 Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 1570-761X 3.82 Q1 2区 Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology - Bulletin de l'Association Internationale de Géologie de l'Ingénieur 1435-9529 3.68 Q1 2区 Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 0016-7606 3.99 Q1 1区 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 0011-6297 1.14 Q4 4区 Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration 0026-4563 0.51 Q4 Bulletin of Volcanology Bulletin Volcanologique 0258-8900 3.53 Q1 2区 Canadian Geotechnical Journal 0008-3674 3.05 Q2 3区 Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 0008-4077 1.10 Q3 4区 China Geology 2096-5192 4.64 Q1 3区 Cold Regions Science and Technology 0165-232X 3.72 Q1 2区 Communications Earth and Environment 2662-4435 8.07 Q1 1区 Comptes Rendus - Geoscience Comptes Rendus - Academie des Sciences, Serie II: Sciences de la Terre, et des Planetes 1631-0713 2.13 Q3 4区 Computational Geosciences 1420-0597 2.07 Q3 3区 Computers and Geosciences 0098-3004 4.17 Q1 2区 Computers and Geotechnics 0266-352X 5.34 Q1 1区 Cryosphere 1994-0416 4.51 Q1 2区 Czech Polar Reports 1805-0689 0.30 Q4 Die Erde 0013-9998 1.23 Q3 4区 Doklady Earth Sciences Transactions Doklady - Russian Academy of Sciences: Earth Science Sections 1028-334X 0.84 Q4 4区 Earth (Switzerland) 2673-4834 1.93 Q3 Earth and Planetary Physics 2096-3955 2.62 Q2 3区 Earth and Space Science 2333-5084 2.78 Q2 3区 Earth Interactions 1087-3562 1.43 Q3 4区 Earth Science Informatics 1865-0473 2.69 Q2 4区 Earth Sciences Research Journal 1794-6190 0.61 Q4 4区 Earth Surface Dynamics 2196-6311 2.91 Q2 2区 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Earth Surfaces Processes 0197-9337 2.92 Q2 3区 Earth System Dynamics 2190-4979 7.78 Q1 2区 Earth-Science Reviews 0012-8252 10.76 Q1 1区 Earth, Moon and Planets 0167-9295 0.87 Q4 4区 Earth, Planets and Space Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, Journal of Physics of the Earth 1343-8832 2.92 Q2 3区 Engineering Geology Mining Science and Technology 0013-7952 6.75 Q1 1区 Environmental and Engineering Geoscience Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists 1078-7275 1.16 Q4 4区 Environmental Archaeology 1461-4103 1.37 Q3 3区 Environmental Earth Sciences Environmental Geology 1866-6280 2.68 Q2 4区 Episodes 0705-3797 2.31 Q2 3区 Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences: Geology 1736-4728 0.81 Q4 4区 Frontiers in Earth Science 2296-6463 1.84 Q3 3区 中科院 2023 年预警期刊 Frontiers of Earth Science Frontiers of Earth Science 2095-0195 1.77 Q3 4区 Geoambiente on-line 1679-9860 0.13 Q4 Geoarchaeology - An International Journal 0883-6353 1.32 Q3 3区 Geobiology 1472-4669 2.68 Q2 2区 Geochronology 2628-3697 2.88 Q2 Geochronometria 1733-8387 0.73 Q4 4区 Geodinamica Acta All Earth, Revue de Geologie Dynamique et de Geographie Physique 0985-3111 1.57 Q4 Geoenvironmental Disasters 2197-8670 3.89 Q1 GeoFocus 1578-5157 0.44 Q4 Geoheritage 1867-2477 2.21 Q2 2区 Geologica Carpathica Geologicky Zbornik 1335-0552 0.85 Q4 4区 Geological Journal 0072-1050 1.56 Q3 4区 Geological Magazine 0016-7568 2.06 Q3 3区 Geologie en Mijnbouw/Netherlands Journal of Geosciences Mededelingen - Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO 0016-7746 1.49 Q3 2区 Geology, Geophysics & Environment 2299-8004 0.39 Q4 Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 2363-8419 3.72 Q1 2区 Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 2352-3808 3.30 Q2 2区 Geomicrobiology Journal 0149-0451 2.08 Q2 4区 Geomorphologie. Relief, Processus, Environnement 1266-5304 0.15 Q4 4区 Geomorphology 0169-555X 3.11 Q2 2区 Geopersia 2228-7817 0.88 Q4 Geophysical Research Letters GRL 0094-8276 4.42 Q1 1区 Georisk 1749-9518 6.67 Q1 3区 Geoscience Canada 0315-0941 1.97 Q3 4区 Geoscience Frontiers 1674-9871 8.49 Q1 1区 Geosciences (Switzerland) 2076-3263 2.59 Q2 Geosciences Journal 1226-4806 1.19 Q4 4区 Geoscientific Model Development 1991-959X 4.19 Q1 3区 Geosfernye Issledovaniya 2541-9943 0.45 Q4 Geosphere 1553-040X 1.88 Q3 3区 Geosystem Engineering 1226-9328 1.45 Q3 Geotechnical Testing Journal 0149-6115 1.19 Q3 4区 Geotextiles and Geomembranes 0266-1144 4.74 Q1 1区 Geothermal Energy Geothermal Energy Science 2195-9706 2.92 Q2 2区 Geothermics 0375-6505 3.67 Q1 2区 Global and Planetary Change Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 0921-8181 4.09 Q1 1区 Gondwana Research 1342-937X 7.37 Q1 1区 Holocene 0959-6836 1.67 Q3 3区 Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 2355-9306 0.23 Q4 International Journal of Astrobiology 1473-5504 1.74 Q3 4区 International Journal of Coal Geology 0166-5162 5.48 Q1 2区 International Journal of Earth Sciences Geologische Rundschau 1437-3254 1.90 Q3 3区 International Journal of Speleology 0392-6672 1.25 Q3 4区 Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences 2008-8779 1.10 Q4 Island Arc 1038-4871 1.00 Q4 4区 Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment 1825-6635 0.78 Q4 Italian Journal of Geosciences Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana 2038-1719 1.07 Q4 4区 Jokull 0449-0576 0.61 Q4 4区 Journal of African Earth Sciences 1464-343X 2.18 Q2 4区 Journal of Archaeological Science 0305-4403 2.73 Q2 1区 Journal of Asian Earth Sciences Journal of Southeastern Asian Earth Sciences 1367-9120 2.51 Q2 3区 Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 2590-0560 1.86 Q3 Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 1090-6924 0.39 Q4 4区 Journal of Cold Regions Engineering - ASCE 0887-381X 1.15 Q4 4区 Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 0169-7722 3.60 Q2 3区 Journal of Disaster Research 1881-2473 0.70 Q4 Journal of Earth Science 1674-487X 4.27 Q1 2区 Journal of Earth System Science Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences 0973-774X 1.43 Q3 Journal of Earthquake Engineering 1363-2469 2.32 Q2 3区 Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology 2617-2119 0.40 Q4 Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences Journal of Geophysical Research 2169-8953 3.88 Q1 3区 Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface Journal of Geophysical Research 2169-9003 3.61 Q1 2区 Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering - ASCE Journal of Geotechcnical Engineering 1090-0241 4.02 Q1 2区 Journal of Glaciology 0022-1430 2.63 Q2 3区 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production 2190-0558 2.35 Q2 4区 Journal of Petroleum Geology 0141-6421 1.87 Q3 4区 Journal of Quaternary Science 0267-8179 1.93 Q3 3区 Journal of South American Earth Sciences 0895-9811 1.88 Q3 4区 Journal of Structural Geology 0191-8141 2.52 Q2 2区 Journal of the American Water Resources Association Water Resources Bulletin 1093-474X 2.49 Q2 4区 Journal of the Geological Society 0016-7649 2.47 Q2 3区 Journal of the Geological Society of India 0016-7622 1.28 Q3 4区 Journal of the Geological Society of Korea 0435-4036 0.51 Q4 Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 0377-0273 2.35 Q2 3区 Landscape Ecology 0921-2973 4.10 Q1 2区 Landslides 1612-510X 5.91 Q1 2区 Led i Sneg 2076-6734 0.76 Q4 Marine and Petroleum Geology 0264-8172 3.82 Q1 2区 Natural Resources Research Nonrenewable Resources 1520-7439 4.94 Q1 2区 Nature Geoscience 1752-0894 15.52 Q1 1区 Nature Reviews Earth and Environment 2662-138X 49.73 Q1 1区 New Zealand Journal of Geology, and Geophysics 0028-8306 1.81 Q3 4区 Norwegian Journal of Geology Norsk Geologisk Tiddsskrift 2387-5844 0.48 Q4 4区 Open Geosciences Central European Journal of Geosciences 2391-5447 1.54 Q3 4区 Petroleum Exploration and Development 1876-3804 6.92 Q1 1区 Petroleum Geoscience 1354-0793 2.10 Q3 4区 Physio-Geo 1958-573X 1.05 Q4 Polar Science 1873-9652 1.30 Q3 4区 Polish Polar Research 0138-0338 0.76 Q4 4区 Precambrian Research 0301-9268 3.19 Q2 2区 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences Journal of Earth System Science 0253-4126 1.70 Q3 4区 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering 1353-2618 2.02 Q3 4区 Proceedings of the Tula States University-Sciences of Earth 2218-5194 0.28 Q4 Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2197-4284 3.30 Q1 3区 Progress in Physical Geography 0309-1333 2.86 Q2 3区 Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 1470-9236 1.49 Q3 4区 Quaternaire Bulletin de l'Association Franciase pour l'Etude du Quaternaire 1142-2904 0.89 Q4 4区 Quaternary 2571-550X 2.21 Q2 Quaternary Geochronology 1871-1014 1.61 Q3 2区 Quaternary International 1040-6182 1.74 Q3 3区 Quaternary Research 0033-5894 1.69 Q3 3区 Quaternary Science Advances 2666-0334 2.95 Q2 Quaternary Science Reviews 0277-3791 3.16 Q2 1区 Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana 2035-8008 0.51 Q4 Revista de la Sociedad Geologica de Espana 0214-2708 0.19 Q4 Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geologicas 1026-8774 0.70 Q4 4区 Riset geologi dan pertambangan 0125-9849 0 Q4 Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering Felsmechanik und Ingenieurgeologie, Rock Mechanics, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 0035-7448 5.64 Q1 2区 Russian Geology and Geophysics 1068-7971 1.26 Q3 4区 Russian Journal of Earth Sciences 1681-1178 0.86 Q4 Russian Journal of Pacific Geology 1819-7140 0.99 Q4 4区 Science China Earth Sciences Science in China, Series D: Earth Sciences 1674-7313 5.89 Q1 2区 Scientific Drilling JOIDES Journal 1816-3459 1.67 Q3 Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering International journal of soil dynamics and earthquake engineering 0267-7261 4.34 Q1 2区 Soils and Foundations 0038-0806 3.40 Q2 2区 Solid Earth Sciences 2451-912X 1.83 Q3 4区 SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering SPE Formation Evaluation, SPE Reservoir Engineering 1094-6470 2.24 Q3 4区 Spisanie na Bŭlgarskoto geologichesko druzhestvo 0007-3938 0.36 Q4 Studia Quaternaria Quaternary Studies in Poland 1641-5558 0.50 Q4 Swiss Journal of Geosciences Ecologae Geologicae Helvetiae, Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 1661-8726 1.84 Q3 2区 Terra Nova 0954-4879 2.28 Q2 3区 Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Applied Earth Science AusIMM Proceedings, Transactions Institution of Mining & Metallurgy 0371-7453 0.87 Q4 Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 1300-0985 1.46 Q3 4区 Türkiye jeoloji bülteni 1016-9164 0.45 Q4 Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Earth Sciences 2541-9668 0.30 Q4 VIETNAM JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 0866-7187 2.30 Q2 Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Geowissenschaften Zeitschrift fur Geologische Wissenschaften 1860-1804 1.59 Q3 4区 Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie 0372-8854 1.60 Q3 3区 한국지구과학회지 1225-6692 0.13 Q4