Acta Geologica Polonica 0001-5709 1.07 Q3 4区 Acta Petrologica Sinica 1000-0569 1.61 Q2 3区 Andean Geology Revista Geologica de Chile 0718-7092 0.71 Q3 4区 Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 0208-9068 1.15 Q2 4区 Atlantic Geology Maritime Sediments and Atlantic Geology 0843-5561 1.16 Q2 4区 Baltica 0067-3064 0.37 Q4 4区 Boletin de Geologia 0120-0283 0.66 Q4 Boletin de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana 1405-3322 0.49 Q4 4区 Boletin Geologico y Minero 0366-0176 0.25 Q4 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland 0367-5211 1.11 Q2 4区 Carbonates and Evaporites 0891-2556 1.20 Q3 4区 Cuaternario y Geomorfologia 0214-1744 0.42 Q4 Depositional Record 2055-4877 1.86 Q1 3区 E and G Quaternary Science Journal 0424-7116 1.17 Q2 Economic and Environmental Geology 1225-7281 0.27 Q4 Eksplorium: Buletin Pusat Pengembangan Bahan Galian Nuklir 0854-1418 0.22 Q4 Estudios Geologicos 0367-0449 0.82 Q3 4区 Geofluids 1468-8115 1.08 Q2 4区 中科院 2023 年预警期刊 Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography 0435-3676 1.49 Q2 4区 Geologia Croatica Geoloski Vjesnik 1330-030X 1.25 Q3 4区 Geologica Acta Acta Geologica Hispanica 1695-6133 1.45 Q2 4区 Geologica Belgica Annales de la Societe Geologique de Belgique 1374-8505 1.05 Q2 4区 Geological Field Trips and Maps 2611-6189 1.07 Q2 Geological Quarterly Kwartalnik Geologiczny 1641-7291 0.95 Q3 4区 Geologos 1426-8981 0.73 Q3 Geology 0091-7613 4.90 Q1 1区 GEUS Bulletin Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin 2597-2154 1.88 Q1 4区 Himalayan Geology 0971-8966 1.10 Q3 4区 International Geology Review 0020-6814 2.12 Q1 3区 Journal of Diabetic Research & Clinical Metabolism 1728-2713 0.37 Q4 Journal of Geology 0022-1376 1.59 Q2 4区 Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences 1994-3237 0.39 Q4 Journal of Iberian Geology 1698-6180 1.42 Q2 4区 Journal of Metamorphic Geology 0263-4929 3.56 Q1 2区 Journal of Sedimentary Research Journal of Sedimentary Research, Section A: Sedimentary Petrology and Processes, Journal of Sedimentary Research, Section B: Stratigraphy and Global Studies 1527-1404 2.11 Q1 4区 Krajowa Rada Sadownictwa 2410-7360 0.27 Q4 Lithosphere 1941-8264 1.81 Q1 4区 Moscow University Geology Bulletin 0145-8752 0.18 Q4 Newsletters on Stratigraphy 0078-0421 2.10 Q1 3区 Ofioliti 0391-2612 1.40 Q2 4区 Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 1045-6740 2.98 Q1 3区 Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 0044-0604 0.44 Q4 4区 Scottish Journal of Geology 0036-9276 0.40 Q4 4区 Sedimentary Geology 0037-0738 2.77 Q1 2区 Sedimentology 0037-0746 2.69 Q1 2区 South African Journal of Geology Transactions - Geological Society of South Africa 1012-0750 1.24 Q2 4区