
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Acta Silvae et Ligni2335-31120.23Q4
Agroforestry SystemsAgrofor. Syst.0167-43661.89Q23区
Annals of Forest ResearchAnn. For. Res.1844-81351.88Q23区
Annals of Forest ScienceAnn. For. Sci.1286-45602.47Q13区
Applied Vegetation ScienceAppl. Veg. Sci.1402-20012.07Q23区
Australian ForestryAust. For.0004-91580.85Q34区
Austrian Journal of Forest ScienceAustrian J. For. Sci.0008-95830.97Q34区
Baltic ForestryBalt. For.1392-13550.62Q34区
Bois et Forets des Tropiques0006-579X0.66Q34区
BosqueBosque. (Valdivia).0304-87990.10Q44区
Canadian Journal of Forest ResearchCan. J. For. Res.0045-50671.82Q23区
Central European Forestry JournalCent. Eur. For. J.2454-034X1.32Q2
Ciencia FlorestalCiencia Florestal0103-99540.60Q44区
Croatian Journal of Forest EngineeringCroat. J. For. Eng.1845-57192.57Q12区
Current Forestry ReportsCurr. For. Rep.2198-64369.04Q11区
European Journal of Forest ResearchEur. J. For. Res.1612-46692.75Q12区
Floresta e AmbienteFloresta Ambient.1415-09800.61Q4
Forest and SocietyFS2549-43331.75Q2
Forest Ecology and ManagementFor. Ecol. Manage.0378-11273.68Q12区
Forest EcosystemsFor. Ecosyst.2095-63553.97Q11区
Forest PathologyFor. Pathol.1437-47811.15Q34区
Forest Policy and EconomicsFor. Policy. Econ.1389-93413.95Q12区
Forest ScienceFor. Sci.0015-749X1.59Q24区
Forest Science and TechnologyForest. Sci. Technol.2158-01031.79Q2
Forest SystemsFor. Syst.2171-50680.88Q34区
ForestryForestry. (Lond).0015-752X3.18Q12区
Forestry ChronicleFor. Chron.0015-75461.21Q34区
Forests Trees and LivelihoodsFor. Trees Livelihoods1472-80280.97Q3
Frontiers in Forests and Global ChangeFront. For. Glob. Change2624-893X2.69Q13区
Global Journal of Flexible Systems ManagementGlob. J. Flex. Syst. Manag.0972-26963.67Q1
IAWA JournalIAWA J.0928-15411.30Q23区
Indonesian Journal of Forestry ResearchIndones. J. For. Res.2355-70790.50Q4
International Forestry Reviewint. forest. rev.1465-54891.32Q24区
International Journal of Forest EngineeringInt. J. For. Eng.1494-21191.91Q23区
International Journal of Wildland FireInt. J. Wildland Fire1049-80013.04Q13区
Journal of Forest EconomicsJFE1104-68990.88Q34区
Journal of Forest ResearchJ. For. Res.1341-69791.19Q34区
Journal of Forest ScienceJ. For. Sci.1212-48341.20Q3
Journal of ForestryJ. For.0022-12011.81Q23区
Journal of Forestry ResearchJ. For. Res.1007-662X3.51Q12区
Journal of Land Use ScienceJ. Land Use Sci.1747-423X2.87Q14区
Journal of Plant EcologyJPECOL1752-99212.99Q22区
Journal of Sustainable ForestryJ. Sustain. For.1054-98111.13Q34区
Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood ScienceJ Indian Acad Wood Sci0972-172X0.37Q4
Journal of Tropical Forest ScienceJ. Trop. For. Sci.0128-12830.70Q44区
Journal of Vegetation ScienceJ Vegetation Science1100-92332.20Q23区
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropikajtfm2087-04690.39Q4
Kastamonu Universitesi Orman Fakultesi Dergisi1303-23990.92Q3
Lesnoy Zhurnal0536-10360.24Q4
Madera y BosquesMYB1405-04710.36Q44区
Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences1946-76640.37Q4
Natural Areas JournalNat. Areas J.0885-86080.82Q34区
New ForestsNew. For. (Dordr).0169-42861.79Q23区
New Zealand Journal of Forestry ScienceN. Z. J. For. Sci.0048-01341.52Q24区
Plant EcologyPlant Ecol1385-02371.90Q24区
Revista ArvoreRev. Árvore0100-67620.44Q44区
Revista Chapingo, Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente2007-38280.55Q44区
Revista Cubana de Ciencias Forestales2310-34690.38Q4
Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kuru2215-25040.35Q4
Scandinavian Journal of Forest ResearchScand. J. For. Res.0282-75811.69Q23区
Scientia Forestalis/Forest SciencesSci. For.1413-93240.40Q44区
Silva FennicaSilva Fenn.0037-53301.63Q23区
Small-scale ForestrySmall-Scale For.1873-76171.57Q23区
South-East European Forestry1847-64810.75Q3
Southern ForestsSouth. For.2070-26200.66Q34区
Sumarski ListŠumar. list (Online)0373-13320.48Q44区
Tree PhysiologyTree Physiol0829-318X3.55Q12区
Tree-Ring ResearchTree. Ring. Res.1536-10981.11Q34区
Trees - Structure and Function0931-18902.06Q23区
Trees, Forests and PeopleTrees. For. People.2666-71932.52Q1
Urban Forestry and Urban Greening1610-81676.20Q12区
Zpravy Lesnickeho Vyzkumu0322-96880.27Q4
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