
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Advances and Applications in Statistics0972-36170.08Q4
Advances in Applied ProbabilityAdv. Appl. Probab.0001-86780.70Q34区
Advances in Data Analysis and ClassificationAdv Data Anal Classif1862-53471.35Q24区
American StatisticianAm. Stat.0003-13051.82Q14区
Annales de l'institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and StatisticsAnn. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist.0246-02031.33Q22区
Annals of Actuarial ScienceAnn. Actuar. Sci.1748-49951.65Q2
Annals of Applied ProbabilityAnn. Appl. Probab.1050-51641.43Q22区
Annals of Applied StatisticsAnn. Appl. Stat.1932-61571.21Q24区
Annals of ProbabilityAnn. Probab.0091-17982.19Q11区
Annals of StatisticsAnn. Statist.0090-53643.22Q11区
Annals of the Institute of Statistical MathematicsAnn Inst Stat Math0020-31570.87Q34区
Annual Review of Statistics and Its ApplicationAnnu. Rev. Stat. Appl.2326-82987.22Q11区
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and IndustryAppl Stoch Models Bus & Ind1524-19041.12Q24区
AStA Advances in Statistical AnalysisAdv Stat Anal1863-81711.60Q24区
ASTIN BulletinASTIN Bull.0515-03611.61Q13区
Australian and New Zealand Journal of StatisticsAust. N. Z. J. Stat.1369-14730.98Q34区
Austrian Journal of StatisticsAustrian J. Stat.1026-597X0.49Q4
Bayesian AnalysisBayesian Anal.1931-66904.78Q12区
Biometrical JournalBiom. J.0323-38471.40Q23区
Brazilian Journal of Probability and StatisticsBraz. J. Probab. Stat.0103-07520.75Q44区
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical PsychologyBrit J Math & Statis0007-11021.68Q23区
Canadian Journal of StatisticsCan J Statistics0319-57240.90Q34区
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory SystemsChemom. Intell. Lab. Syst.0169-74393.87Q12区
Chilean Journal of Statistics0718-79120.60Q4
Cogent Mathematics & Statistics2574-2558Q4
Combinatorics Probability and ComputingCombinator. Probab. Comp.0963-54830.92Q34区
Communications for Statistical Applications and MethodsCSAM2287-78430.57Q4
Communications in Statistics - Theory and MethodsComm. in Stats. - Theory & Methods0361-09260.67Q44区
Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and ComputationCommun. Stat. Simul. Comput.0361-09180.60Q34区
Computational StatisticsComput. Stat.0943-40620.93Q34区
Computational Statistics and Data AnalysisComput. Stat. Data. Anal.0167-94731.37Q23区
Dependence Modeling2300-22980.56Q4
Econometric ReviewsEconom. Rev.0747-49380.79Q34区
Econometric TheoryEcon. Theory0266-46660.98Q34区
Econometrics and StatisticsEconom. Stat.2452-30622.16Q1
Econometrics JournalEconometrics Journal1368-42213.07Q14区
Electronic Communications in ProbabilityElectron. Commun. Probab.1083-589X0.45Q44区
Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical AnalysisElectron. J. Appl. Stat. Anal.2070-59480.40Q4
Electronic Journal of ProbabilityElectron. J. Probab.1083-64891.39Q23区
Electronic Journal of StatisticsElectron. J. Statist.1935-75241.00Q34区
Environmental and Ecological StatisticsEnviron Ecol Stat1352-85052.99Q14区
ESAIM - Probability and StatisticsESAIM: PS1262-33180.73Q44区
European Actuarial JournalEur. Actuar. J.2190-97330.97Q3
ExtremesExtremes. (Boston).1386-19991.29Q33区
Finance and StochasticsFinance Stoch0949-29840.95Q32区
Foundations of Data ScienceFoDS2639-80011.62Q1
Fuzzy Sets and SystemsFuzzy. Sets. Syst.0165-01143.33Q11区
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and StatisticsHJMS1303-50100.50Q3
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and BioinformaticsIEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. and Bioinf.1545-59633.40Q13区
Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics0219-02570.62Q44区
Insurance: Mathematics and EconomicsInsur. Math. Econ.0167-66871.98Q12区
International Journal of BiostatisticsInt. J. Biostat.1557-46791.16Q34区
International Journal of Game TheoryInt. J. Game Theory0020-72760.45Q44区
International Statistical ReviewInt Statistical Rev0306-77341.88Q13区
Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data ScienceJpn J Stat Data Sci2520-87561.11Q3
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental StatisticsJABES1085-71171.21Q24区
Journal of Applied ProbabilityJ. Appl. Probab.0021-90020.63Q34区
Journal of Applied StatisticsJ. Appl. Stat.0266-47631.01Q24区
Journal of Biopharmaceutical StatisticsJ. Biopharm. Stat.1054-34061.20Q24区
Journal of Business and Economic StatisticsJ. Bus. Econ. Stat.0735-00152.84Q12区
Journal of ChemometricsJ. Chemom.0886-93831.70Q14区
Journal of Computational and Graphical StatisticsJ. Comput. Graph. Stat.1061-86001.60Q22区
Journal of Computational BiologyJ. Comput. Biol.1066-52771.33Q24区
Journal of Multivariate AnalysisJ. Multivar. Anal.0047-259X1.39Q23区
Journal of Nonparametric StatisticsJ. Nonparametr. Stat.1026-76540.67Q34区
Journal of Official StatisticsJ. Off. Stat.0282-423X0.32Q44区
Journal of Probability and StatisticsJ. Probab. Stat.1687-952X0.82Q3
Journal of Quality TechnologyJ. Qual. Technol.0022-40652.41Q12区
Journal of Reliability and Statistical StudiesJRSS0974-80240.96Q3
Journal of Statistical Computation and SimulationJ. Stat. Comput. Simul.0094-96551.14Q34区
Journal of Statistical Planning and InferenceJ. Stat. Plan. Inference.0378-37580.61Q34区
Journal of Statistical SoftwareJ. Stat. Soft.1548-76605.48Q12区
Journal of Statistical Theory and ApplicationsJ Stat Theory Appl1538-78871.02Q3
Journal of Statistical Theory and PracticeJ Stat Theory Pract1559-86080.59Q4
Journal of Statistics & Management SystemsJ. Stat. Manag. Syst.0972-05101.06Q2
Journal of Survey Statistics and MethodologyJ. Surv. Stat. Methodol.2325-09841.67Q14区
Journal of the American Statistical AssociationJ. Am. Stat. Assoc.0162-14593.08Q11区
Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics2364-95691.00Q3
Journal of the Iranian Statistical SocietyJIRSS.1726-40570.01Q4
Journal of the Korean Statistical SocietyJ. Korean Stat. Soc.1226-31920.68Q44区
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in SocietyJ R Stat Soc Series A0964-19981.67Q23区
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical MethodologyJ Royal Statistical Soc B1369-74122.98Q11区
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied StatisticsJ. R. Stat. Soc. C0035-92541.02Q34区
Journal of Theoretical ProbabilityJ. Theor. Probab.0894-98400.90Q34区
Journal of Time Series AnalysisJ. Time Ser. Anal.0143-97821.23Q24区
JP Journal of Biostatistics0973-51430.17Q4
Law, Probability and RiskLaw. Probab. Risk.1470-83961.38Q24区
Lifetime Data AnalysisLifetime Data Anal.1380-78701.19Q23区
Markov Processes and Related FieldsMarkov. Process. Relat. Fields.1024-29530.29Q44区
Mathematical Methods of StatisticsMath. Meth. Stat.1066-53070.66Q3
Mathematical Population StudiesMath. Popul. Stud.0889-84801.46Q23区
Methodology and Computing in Applied ProbabilityMethodol Comput Appl Probab1387-58410.84Q34区
Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications2351-60460.54Q3
Monte Carlo Methods and ApplicationsMonte. Carlo. Methods. Appl.0929-96290.77Q3
Multivariate Behavioral ResearchMultivariate Behavioral Res.0027-31715.39Q13区
Open Systems and Information DynamicsOpen Syst. Inf. Dyn.1230-16121.15Q24区
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsOxf Bull Econ Stat0305-90491.30Q23区
Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation ResearchPak.j.stat.oper.res.1816-27110.97Q3
Pharmaceutical StatisticsPharm. Stat.1539-16041.28Q24区
Probabilistic Engineering MechanicsProbabilistic Eng. Mech.0266-89203.04Q13区
Probability and Mathematical Statisticspms0208-41470.32Q44区
Probability in the Engineering and Informational SciencesProb. Eng. Inf. Sci.0269-96480.72Q33区
Probability SurveysProbab. Surv.1549-57871.22Q2
Probability Theory and Related FieldsProbab Theory Relat Fields0178-80511.63Q21区
Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative RiskPUQR2095-96720.99Q32区
Quality EngineeringQual. Eng.0898-21121.26Q24区
Quality Technology and Quantitative ManagementQual. Technol. Quant. Manag.1684-37032.21Q12区
R JournalR. J.2073-48592.36Q14区
Random Matrices: Theory and ApplicationRandom Matrices: Theory Appl.2010-32630.99Q34区
Random Operators and Stochastic Equations0926-63640.18Q4
Research in MathematicsRes. Math.2768-48300.97Q3
REVSTAT-Statistical JournalRevstat Stat. J.1645-67260.58Q34区
RMS: Research in Mathematics & Statistic2765-84490.83Q3
Sankhya A0976-836X0.42Q4
Sankhya B0976-83860.76Q4
Scandinavian Actuarial JournalScand. Actuar. J.0346-12381.74Q13区
Scandinavian Journal of StatisticsScand J Stat0303-68980.91Q34区
Sequential AnalysisSequential Anal.0747-49460.62Q44区
South African Statistical JournalS. Afr. Stat. J.0038-271X0.26Q4
Spatial StatisticsSpat. Stat.2211-67532.27Q12区
Stata JournalThe Stata Journal1536-867X3.10Q12区
Statistica NeerlandicaStat. Neerl.0039-04021.43Q23区
Statistica SinicaSTAT SINICA1017-04051.66Q23区
Statistical Analysis and Data MiningStatistical Analy Data Mining1932-18642.10Q14区
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular BiologyStat. Appl. Genet. Mol. Biol.1544-61150.84Q34区
Statistical Inference for Stochastic ProcessesStat Inference Stoch Process1387-08740.64Q3
Statistical Methods and ApplicationsStat Methods Appl1121-91301.17Q34区
Statistical Methods in Medical ResearchStat Methods Med Res0962-28021.54Q13区
Statistical ModellingStat. Modelling.1471-082X1.15Q24区
Statistical PapersStat Papers0932-50261.02Q23区
Statistical ScienceStatist. Sci.0883-42373.79Q11区
Statistical Theory and Related FieldsStat. Theory. Relat. Fields.2475-42690.58Q3
StatisticsStatistics. (Ber).0233-18881.22Q24区
Statistics and applications2454-73950.24Q4
Statistics and ComputingStat Comput0960-31741.46Q12区
Statistics and Probability LettersStat. Probab. Lett.0167-71521.10Q34区
Statistics and Risk Modeling2193-14021.14Q2
Statistics in Biopharmaceutical ResearchStat. Biopharm. Res.1946-63151.62Q24区
Statistics in MedicineStatist. Med.0277-67151.78Q14区
Statistics SurveysStatist. Surv.1935-751611.07Q1
StatsStats. (Basel).2571-905X0.79Q3
Stochastic Analysis and ApplicationsStoch. Anal. Appl.0736-29940.64Q34区
Stochastic ModelsStoch. Models1532-42140.46Q44区
Stochastic Processes and their ApplicationsStoch. Process. Their. Appl.0304-41490.99Q32区
Stochastics and DynamicsStoch. Dyn.0219-49370.78Q34区
Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and ComputationsStoch PDE: Anal Comp2194-04011.24Q23区
Survey MethodologySurv. Methodol.0714-00451.27Q24区
TestTest. (Madr).1133-06861.17Q24区
Thailand StatisticianThail. Stat. Thail.1685-90570.43Q4
Theory of Probability and its ApplicationsTheory Probab. Appl.0040-585X0.62Q44区
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics0094-90000.48Q4
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational StatisticsWIREs Computational Stats1939-00684.56Q12区
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