
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Annals of Regional ScienceAnn Reg Sci0570-18642.35Q34区
Applied Spatial Analysis and PolicyAppl. Spatial Analysis1874-46211.99Q34区
Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional ScienceAsia-Pac J Reg Sci2509-79461.81Q3
Computational Urban ScienceComput.Urban Sci.2730-68522.55Q2
Computers, Environment and Urban SystemsComput. Environ. Urban. Syst.0198-97157.23Q11区
Environment and Planning C: Politics and SpaceEnviron. Plan. C Politics Space2399-65442.56Q22区
Growth and ChangeGrowth. Change.0017-48152.71Q23区
International Development Planning ReviewInt. Dev. Plan. Rev.1474-67431.60Q44区
International Journal of E-Planning Research2160-99181.74Q4
International Planning StudiesInt. Plan. Stud.1356-34751.51Q4
Journal of Environment and DevelopmentJ. Environ. Dev.1070-49652.37Q33区
Journal of Environmental Planning and ManagementJ. Environ. Plann. Manage.0964-05684.52Q14区
Journal of Environmental Policy and PlanningJ. Environ. Policy Plan.1522-72002.77Q23区
Journal of Futures Studies1027-60840.51Q4
Journal of Planning HistoryJ. Plan. Hist.1538-51320.30Q4
Journal of Regional and City Planningjrcp2502-64290.34Q4
Journal of Regional ScienceJ. Reg. Sci.0022-41463.01Q23区
Journal of Rural StudiesJ. Rural Stud.0743-01675.13Q11区
Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCEJ. Urban Plann. Dev.0733-94881.69Q33区
Local Government StudiesLocal Gov. Stud.0300-39302.30Q34区
Papers in Regional SciencePap Reg Sci1056-81902.43Q23区
Planning Practice and Research0269-74591.93Q3
Planning TheoryPlan. Theory1473-09523.21Q12区
Progress in PlanningProg. Plann.0305-90065.12Q11区
Regional StudiesReg. Stud.0034-34044.21Q11区
Sustainable DevelopmentSD0968-08029.89Q1
Technological Forecasting and Social ChangeTechnol. Forecast. Soc. Chang.0040-162512.98Q11区
Town and Regional Planning1012-280X0.40Q4
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