
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Acta AdriaticaActa Adriat.0001-51130.96Q44区
Acta Oceanologica SinicaActa Oceanol. Sin.0253-505X1.49Q33区
Annual Review of Marine ScienceAnnu. Rev. Mar. Sci.1941-061114.18Q11区
Anthropocene CoastsAnthropocene Coasts2561-41501.46Q3
Applied Ocean ResearchAppl. Ocean Res.0141-11874.18Q12区
Atmosphere - OceanAtmos. Ocean0705-59001.74Q34区
Bulletin of Marine ScienceBull. Mar. Sci.0007-49771.55Q34区
Continental Shelf ResearchCont. Shelf Res.0278-43431.98Q23区
Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research PapersDeep. Sea Res. Part Oceanogr. Res. Pap.0967-06372.14Q23区
Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in OceanographyDeep. Sea. Res. 2. Top. Stud. Oceanogr.0967-06452.48Q23区
Dynamics of Atmospheres and OceansDyn. Atmos. Oceans0377-02651.71Q24区
Environmental Fluid MechanicsEnviron Fluid Mech1567-74191.79Q33区
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf ScienceEstuarine Coastal Shelf Sci.0272-77142.69Q23区
Fisheries OceanographyFish. Oceanogr.1054-60061.83Q22区
Geo-Marine LettersGeo-Mar Lett0276-04601.25Q34区
ICES Journal of Marine ScienceICES J. Mar. Sci.1054-31392.90Q12区
IEEE Journal of Oceanic EngineeringIEEE J. Oceanic Eng.0364-90593.87Q12区
Indian Journal of Marine SciencesIndian J. Mar. Sci.0379-51360.34Q44区
Izvestiya - Atmospheric and Oceanic PhysicsIzv. Atmos. Ocean. Phys.0001-43380.93Q44区
Journal of Geophysical Research: OceansJGR Oceans2169-92753.36Q12区
Journal of Marine ResearchJ. Mar. Res.0022-24020.32Q44区
Journal of Marine Science and EngineeringJMSE2077-13122.87Q23区
Journal of Marine SystemsJ. Mar. Syst.0924-79632.65Q23区
Journal of NavigationJ. Navigation0373-46332.00Q24区
Journal of Ocean University of ChinaJ. Ocean Univ. China1672-51821.37Q33区
Journal of OceanographyJ Oceanogr0916-83701.38Q44区
Journal of Oceanology and LimnologyJ. Ocean. Limnol.2096-55081.42Q42区
Journal of Operational OceanographyJ. Oper. Oceanogr.1755-876X1.72Q33区
Journal of Physical OceanographyJ. Phys. Oceanogr.0022-36702.93Q12区
Journal of Plankton ResearchJ. Plankton Res.0142-78731.70Q23区
Journal of Sea ResearchJ. Sea Res.1385-11012.11Q24区
Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems ScienceJSHESS2206-58652.70Q24区
Limnology and OceanographyLimnol. Oceanogr.0024-35903.75Q11区
Limnology And Oceanography LettersLimnol Oceanogr Letters2378-22425.26Q12区
Limnology and Oceanography: MethodsLimnol. Oceanogr. Methods1541-58562.11Q23区
Marine and Freshwater ResearchMar. Freshwater Res.1323-16501.89Q34区
Marine ChemistryMar. Chem.0304-42033.02Q13区
Marine Ecology - Progress SeriesMar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.0171-86302.29Q23区
Marine GeologyMar. Geol.0025-32272.56Q23区
Marine Geophysical ResearchMar. Geophys. Res.0025-32351.47Q34区
Marine Georesources and GeotechnologyMar. Georesources Geotechnol.1064-119X1.92Q24区
Marine Technology Society JournalMar. Technol. Soc. J.0025-33240.80Q44区
Naval Engineers JournalNav. Eng. J.0028-14250.20Q44区
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater ResearchN. Z. J. Mar. Freshwater. Res.0028-83301.39Q34区
Ocean and Coastal ResearchOcean Coastal Res2675-28240.92Q44区
Ocean DynamicsOcean Dyn.1616-72282.32Q23区
Ocean EngineeringOcean Eng.0029-80184.48Q12区
Ocean ModellingOcean. Model. (Oxf).1463-50032.97Q13区
Ocean ScienceOcean Sci.1812-07844.02Q13区
Ocean Science JournalOcean Sci. J.1738-52611.39Q44区
Oceanological and Hydrobiological StudiesOceanol. Hydrobiol. Stud.1730-413X1.02Q44区
OceanologyRuss. Acad. Sci. Oceanol.0001-43701.35Q44区
Physical OceanographyPhys. Oceanogr.0928-51050.78Q4
Plankton and Benthos ResearchPlankton Benthos Res1880-82470.77Q44区
Polar ResearchPolar Res.0800-03952.03Q24区
Progress in OceanographyProg. Oceanogr.0079-66113.70Q13区
Revista de Biologia Marina y OceanografiaRev. biol. mar. oceanogr.0717-33260.03Q44区
Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and OceanographyTellus A0280-64951.85Q34区
Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic SciencesTerr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci.1017-08390.71Q44区
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