3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing | 3D. Print. Addit. Manuf. | 2329-7662 | 2.29 | Q3 | 4区 | | |
Additive Manufacturing | Addit. Manuf. | 2214-7810 | 10.39 | Q1 | 1区 | | |
Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer and Composites Science | Adv. Manuf. Polym. Compos. Sci. | 2055-0340 | 1.62 | Q3 | | | |
Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | Adv. Ind. Manuf. Eng. | 2666-9129 | 4.08 | Q2 | | | |
Advances in Manufacturing | Adv. Manuf. | 2095-3127 | 4.16 | Q2 | 2区 | | |
Advances in Production Engineering And Management | Adv produc engineer manag | 1854-6250 | 2.73 | Q3 | 3区 | | |
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM | AIEDAM | 0890-0604 | 1.86 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
Assembly Automation | AA | 0144-5154 | 1.89 | Q3 | 4区 | | |
CIRP Annals | CIRP Ann. | 0007-8506 | 3.38 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology | CIRP. J. Manuf. Sci. Technol. | 1755-5817 | 4.67 | Q2 | 2区 | | |
Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications | | 1063-293X | | | 4区 | | |
Design Science | Des. Sci. | 2053-4701 | 1.60 | Q3 | | | |
Design Studies | Des. Stud. | 0142-694X | 3.27 | Q1 | 1区 | | |
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal | Flex Serv Manuf J | 1936-6582 | 2.42 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries | Hum. Factors Man. | 1090-8471 | 2.27 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology | IEEE Trans. Compon., Packag. Manufact. Technol. | 2156-3950 | 2.12 | Q3 | 3区 | | |
IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing | IEEE Trans. Semicond. Manufact. | 0894-6507 | 2.14 | Q3 | 3区 | | |
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics | IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatron. | 1083-4435 | 6.12 | Q1 | 1区 | | |
IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing | IET Collab Intel Manufact | 2516-8398 | 2.59 | Q3 | | | |
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology | Int J Adv Manuf Technol | 0268-3768 | 2.86 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing | Int. J. Comput. Integr. Manuf. | 0951-192X | 3.75 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
International Journal of Crashworthiness | Int. J. Crashworthiness | 1358-8265 | 1.97 | Q3 | 4区 | | |
International Journal of Design | Int. J. Des. | 1991-3761 | 1.49 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation | Int. J. Des. Creativity Innovation | 2165-0349 | 1.27 | Q4 | | | |
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing | Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. | 2631-7990 | 16.05 | Q1 | 1区 | | |
International Journal of Industrial Engineering : Theory Applications and Practice | Int. J. Ind. Eng.Theory Appl. Pract. | 1072-4761 | 1.33 | Q4 | 4区 | | |
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture | Int. J. Mach. Tools. Manuf. | 0890-6955 | 14.11 | Q1 | 1区 | | |
International Journal of Manufacturing Research | Int. J. Manuf. Res. | 1750-0591 | 0.52 | Q4 | | | |
International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering | Int. J. Manuf. Mater. Mech. Eng. | 2156-1672 | 0.70 | Q4 | | | |
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing | Int. J. Precis. Eng. Manuf. | 1229-8557 | 2.58 | Q2 | 4区 | | |
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology | Int. J. of Precis. Eng. and Manuf.-Green Tech. | 2198-0810 | 5.14 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
International Journal of Production Economics | Int. J. Prod. Econ. | 0925-5273 | 9.80 | Q1 | 1区 | | |
International Journal of Production Research | Int. J. Prod. Res. | 0020-7543 | 7.16 | Q1 | 2区 | | |
International Journal of Simulation Modelling | Int. j. simul. model. | 1726-4529 | 2.51 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing | Int J Interact Des Manuf | 1955-2505 | 2.25 | Q3 | | | |
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems | J. Adv. Manuf. Syst. | 0219-6867 | 1.07 | Q4 | | | |
Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems and Manufacturing | JAMDSM | 1881-3054 | 0.75 | Q4 | 4区 | | |
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering | J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng. | 1530-9827 | 2.70 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
Journal of Engineering Design | J. Eng. Des. | 0954-4828 | 2.68 | Q1 | 2区 | | |
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing | J Intell Manuf | 0956-5515 | 6.08 | Q1 | 2区 | | |
Journal of Manufacturing Processes | J. Manuf. Process. | 1526-6125 | 6.11 | Q1 | 1区 | | |
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering | J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. | 1087-1357 | 2.44 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
Journal of Manufacturing Systems | J. Manuf. Syst. | 0278-6125 | 12.31 | Q1 | 1区 | | |
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management | J. Manuf. Technol. Manag. | 1741-038X | 7.13 | Q1 | 2区 | | |
Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing | J. Micro. Nanomanuf. | 2166-0468 | 1.08 | Q4 | | | |
Journal of Scheduling | J. Sched. | 1094-6136 | 1.34 | Q3 | 4区 | | |
Machining Science and Technology | Mach. Sci. Technol. | 1091-0344 | 2.74 | Q3 | 4区 | | |
Manufacturing Engineering | | 0361-0853 | | Q4 | 4区 | | |
Manufacturing Review | Manufacturing Rev. | 2265-4224 | 1.93 | Q3 | | | |
Packaging Technology and Science | Packag. Technol. Sci. | 0894-3214 | 2.64 | Q2 | 4区 | | |
Precision Engineering | Precis. Eng. | 0141-6359 | 3.67 | Q3 | 2区 | | |
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture | Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. B. J. Eng. Manuf. | 0954-4054 | 1.71 | Q3 | 3区 | | |
Production Engineering | Prod. Eng. Res. Devel. | 0146-1737 | 1.79 | Q4 | | | |
Research in Engineering Design - Theory, Applications, and Concurrent Engineering | Res Eng Design | 0934-9839 | 2.39 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems | Smart Sustain. Manuf. Syst. | 2520-6478 | 0.91 | Q4 | | | |
Virtual and Physical Prototyping | Virtual. Phys. Prototyp. | 1745-2759 | 10.25 | Q1 | 1区 | | |