
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
ACI Structural JournalACI Struct. J.0889-32411.34Q44区
Advanced Steel ConstructionAdv. Steel Constr.1816-112X1.83Q33区
Advances in Civil EngineeringAdv. Civ. Eng.1687-80861.40Q34区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Advances in Concrete ConstructionAdv. Concr. Constr.2287-53012.13Q34区
Advances in Structural EngineeringAdv. Struct. Eng.1369-43321.93Q24区
Architectural Engineering and Design ManagementArchit. Eng. Des. Manage.1745-20072.60Q24区
Architecture Civil Engineering Environment1899-01420.50Q4
Archives of Civil and Mechanical EngineeringArchiv.Civ.Mech.Eng1644-96654.46Q23区
Archives of Civil EngineeringArch. Civ. Eng.1230-29451.15Q3
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil EngineeringASCE-ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Eng. Syst., Part A: Civ. Eng.2376-76422.23Q23区
Australian Journal of Civil EngineeringAust. J. Civ. Eng.1448-83531.55Q3
Australian Journal of Structural EngineeringAust. J. Struct. Eng.1328-79820.97Q4
Automation in ConstructionAutom. Constr.0926-58059.41Q11区
Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge EngineeringBJRBE1822-427X0.53Q44区
Beton- und StahlbetonbauBeton‐ und Stahlbetonbau0005-99000.84Q44区
Building and Environment0360-13237.06Q11区
Buildings2075-53093.19Q23区中科院 2023 年预警期刊
Built Environment Project and Asset ManagementBEPAM2044-124X2.05Q3
Canadian Journal of Civil EngineeringCan. J. Civ. Eng.0315-14681.15Q34区
Case Studies in Construction MaterialsCase Stud. Constr. Mater.2214-50956.38Q12区
China Ocean EngineeringChina Ocean Eng.0890-54871.98Q32区
Civil and Environmental EngineeringCiv. Environ. Eng.1336-58351.26Q3
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports2080-51870.73Q4
Civil EngineeringCiv. Eng.0885-70241.34Q34区
Civil Engineering and Environmental SystemsCiv. Eng. Environ. Syst.1028-66081.69Q33区
Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal2322-20931.11Q4
Civil Engineering JournalCEJ1210-40270.16Q4
Civil Engineering Journal (Iran)Civ. Eng. J.2476-30554.11Q1
Coastal EngineeringCoast. Eng.0378-38394.26Q12区
Coastal Engineering JournalCoastal Eng. J.1793-62921.81Q23区
Cold Regions Science and TechnologyCold. Reg. Sci. Technol.0165-232X3.72Q12区
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure EngineeringComputer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering1093-96878.53Q11区
Computers and ConcreteComput. Concr.1598-818X2.92Q24区
Computers and StructuresComput. Struct.0045-79494.28Q12区
Construction and Building Materials0950-06187.29Q11区
Developments in the Built EnvironmentDev. Built Environ.2666-16596.39Q12区
Earthquake and StructuresEarthquakes Struct.2092-76141.38Q34区
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering VibrationEarthq. Eng. Eng. Vib.1671-36642.49Q22区
Earthquake Engineering and Structural DynamicsEarthq Engng Struct Dyn0098-88474.40Q12区
Earthquake SpectraEarthq. Spectra8755-29303.23Q22区
Electronic Journal of Structural EngineeringElectron. J. Struct. Eng.1443-92550.61Q4
Energy and BuildingsEnergy Build.0378-77886.69Q12区
Engineering Journal0013-80290.98Q44区
Engineering StructuresEng. Struct.0141-02965.62Q11区
Engineering, Construction and Architectural ManagementECAM0969-99883.57Q22区
European Journal of Environmental and Civil EngineeringEur. J. Environ. Civ. Eng.1964-81892.13Q34区
Fire Safety JournalFire Saf. J.0379-71123.54Q23区
Frontiers in Built EnvironmentFront. Built Environ.2297-33622.24Q2
Frontiers of Structural and Civil EngineeringFront. Struct. Civ. Eng.2095-24302.71Q23区
Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee0393-1641Q4
Geomechanics and EngineeringGeomech. Eng.2005-307X2.49Q23区
Građevinski Materijali i Konstrukcije2217-81390.44Q4
Hormigon y Acero0439-56890Q4
IEEE Journal of Oceanic EngineeringIEEE J. Oceanic Eng.0364-90593.87Q12区
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation SystemsIEEE Trans. Intell. Transport. Syst.1524-90507.91Q11区
Informes de la ConstruccionInf. constr.0020-08830.33Q44区
Ingegneria Sismica0393-14201.53Q33区
Ingeniería del Aguaing.agua1134-21960.71Q4
Innovative Infrastructure SolutionsInnov. Infrastruct. Solut.2364-41762.49Q2
International Journal of Architectural HeritageInt. J. Archit. Heritage1558-30582.36Q23区
International Journal of Bridge Engineering2241-74430.01Q4
International Journal of Civil EngineeringInt. J. Civ. Eng.1735-05221.76Q34区
International Journal of Concrete Structures and MaterialsInt J Concr Struct Mater1976-04853.51Q23区
International Journal of GEOMATEGEOMATE2186-29820.81Q4
International Journal of Offshore and Polar EngineeringIJOPE1053-53810.78Q44区
International Journal of Pavement EngineeringInt. J. Pavement Eng.1029-84363.34Q13区
International Journal of Protective StructuresInt. J. Prot. Struct.2041-41962.02Q2
International Journal of Steel StructuresInt. J. Steel Struct.1598-23511.05Q34区
International Journal of Structural EngineeringInt. J. Struct. Eng.1758-73280.57Q4
International Journal of Structural Stability and DynamicsInt. J. Str. Stab. Dyn.0219-45542.88Q23区
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil EngineeringIran J Sci Technol Trans Civ Eng2228-61601.75Q34区
ITE Journal (Institute of Transportation Engineers)ITE J.0162-81780.19Q44区
Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering1993-04611.03Q4
Journal of Advanced Concrete TechnologyACT1346-80141.63Q44区
Journal of Advanced TransportationJ. Adv. Transp.0197-67292.11Q34区
Journal of Aerospace EngineeringJ. Aerosp. Eng.0893-13211.35Q34区
Journal of Applied Engineering SciencesJ. Appl. Eng. Sci.2247-37690.83Q4
Journal of Bridge EngineeringJ. Bridge Eng.1084-07023.29Q22区
Journal of Building EngineeringJ. Build. Eng.2352-71026.86Q12区
Journal of Civil Engineering and ManagementJ. Civ. Eng. Manage.1392-37304.38Q13区
Journal of Civil Engineering EducationJ. Civ. Eng. Educ.2643-91071.10Q34区
Journal of Civil Structural Health MonitoringJ. Civ. Struct. Health Monit.2190-54523.74Q12区
Journal of Cold Regions Engineering - ASCEJ. Cold Reg. Eng.0887-381X1.15Q44区
Journal of Composites for ConstructionJ. Compos. Constr.1090-02682.85Q22区
Journal of Computing in Civil EngineeringJ. Comput. Civ. Eng.0887-38014.56Q12区
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCEJ. Constr. Eng. Manage.0733-93644.19Q22区
Journal of Constructional Steel ResearchJ. Constr. Steel Res.0143-974X3.88Q12区
Journal of Earthquake EngineeringJ. Earthq. Eng.1363-24692.32Q23区
Journal of Energy Engineering - ASCEJ. Energy Eng.0733-94022.00Q24区
Journal of Hydraulic EngineeringJ. Hydraul. Eng.0733-94291.98Q33区
Journal of Hydraulic Research/De Recherches HydrauliquesJ. Hydraul. Res.0022-16861.60Q33区
Journal of HydroinformaticsJ. Hydroinf.1464-71412.14Q33区
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering - ASCEJ. Hydrol. Eng.1084-06992.25Q34区
Journal of Information Technology in ConstructionITcon1874-47533.72Q1
Journal of Infrastructure SystemsJ. Infrastruct. Syst.1076-03422.00Q23区
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCEJ. Irrig. Drain Eng.0733-94371.46Q34区
Journal of Management in Engineering - ASCEJ. Manage. Eng.0742-597X5.42Q11区
Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Taiwan)J Mar Sci Technol0948-42800.22Q44区
Journal of Materials in Civil EngineeringJ. Mater. Civ. Eng.0899-15612.98Q23区
Journal of Performance of Constructed FacilitiesJ. Perform. Constr. Facil.0887-38282.23Q23区
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and PracticeJ. Pipeline Syst. Eng. Pract.1949-11901.69Q34区
Journal of Ship ResearchJ. Ship. Res.0022-45021.37Q34区
Journal of Structural EngineeringJ. Struct. Eng.0733-94453.57Q13区
Journal of Structural Integrity and MaintenanceJ. Struct. Integrity Maint.2470-53142.81Q2
Journal of Surveying Engineering, - ASCEJ. Surv. Eng.0733-94531.77Q33区
Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial StructuresJournal IASS1028-365X1.10Q3
Journal of the South African Institution of Civil EngineeringJ. S. Afr. Inst. Civ. Eng.1021-20190.24Q44区
Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCEJ. Urban Plann. Dev.0733-94881.69Q33区
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (english Ed.2095-75647.59Q12区
Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: SystemsJ. Transp. Eng., Part A: Systems2473-28931.84Q34区
Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B: PavementsJ. Transp. Eng., Part B: Pavements2573-54381.85Q34区
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean EngineeringJ. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng.0733-950X1.46Q43区
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial AerodynamicsJ. Wind. Eng. Ind. Aerodyn.0167-61054.03Q12区
KSCE Journal of Civil EngineeringKSCE J Civ Eng1226-79881.96Q34区
Latin American Journal of Solids and StructuresLat. Am. j. solids struct.1679-78171.46Q34区
Magazine of Civil EngineeringMag. Civ. Eng.2071-03050.97Q4
Marine StructuresMar. Struct.0951-83394.02Q12区
Materials and Structures/Materiaux et ConstructionsMater Struct1359-59973.51Q23区
Natural Hazards ReviewNat. Hazards Rev.1527-69881.88Q33区
Naval Engineers JournalNav. Eng. J.0028-14250.20Q44区
Ocean EngineeringOcean Eng.0029-80184.48Q12区
Periodica Polytechnica Civil EngineeringPeriod. Polytech. Civil Eng.0553-66261.37Q34区
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and ConstructionPract. Period. Struct. Des. Constr.1084-06801.60Q3
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Bridge EngineeringEng. Sustain.1478-46371.35Q3
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering0965-089X0.53Q44区
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering and Computational MechanicsProc. Inst. Civ. Eng. Eng. Comput. Mech.1755-07771.09Q3
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability1478-46291.65Q44区
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Forensic EngineeringProc. Inst. Civ. Eng. Forensic Eng.2043-99030.50Q4
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Maritime EngineeringInst. Civ. Eng. Proc. Marit. Eng.1741-75970.94Q43区
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal EngineerProc. Inst. Civ. Eng. Munic. Eng.0965-09030.96Q44区
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and BuildingsProc. Inst. Civ. Eng. Struct. Build.0965-09111.23Q34区
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport0965-092X0.92Q44区
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Water ManagementProc. Inst. Civ. Eng. Water Manag.1741-75891.30Q44区
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid TransitProc. Inst. Mech. Eng. F. J. Rail. Rapid. Transit.0954-40971.63Q34区
Revista de la Construccionrdlc0717-79251.39Q34区
Road Materials and Pavement DesignRoad Mater. Pavement Des.1468-06293.40Q23区
Romanian Journal of Transport InfrastructureRom. J. Transp. Infrastruct.2286-22180.15Q4
Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering1210-38960.67Q4
Smart Structures and SystemsSmart. Struct. Syst.1738-15842.15Q23区
Steel and Composite StructuresSteel Compos. Struct.1229-93673.92Q23区
Structural ConcreteStruct Concrete1464-41772.82Q23区
Structural Control and Health MonitoringStruct Control Health Monit1545-22554.61Q12区
Structural Design of Tall and Special BuildingsStruct. Design Tall Spec. Build.1541-77941.76Q33区
Structural Engineering and MechanicsStruct. Eng. Mech.1225-45682.02Q24区
Structural Engineering International: Journal of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE)Struct. Eng. Int.1016-86641.02Q34区
Structural Monitoring and Maintenance2288-66051.64Q3
Structural SafetyStruct. Saf.0167-47305.54Q11区
Structure and Infrastructure EngineeringStruct. Infrastruct. Eng.1573-24792.58Q23区
Sustainable and Resilient InfrastructureSustain. Resilient. Infrastruct.2378-96892.60Q2
Teknik Dergi/Technical Journal of Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers0300-27210.91Q44区
Thin-Walled StructuresThin-Walled Struct.0263-82315.69Q11区
TransportationDiscrete Optim.0049-44880.98Q42区
Transportation GeotechnicsTransp. Geotech.2214-39124.88Q12区
Transportation Research Part B: MethodologicalTransp. Res. Part B Methodol.0191-26155.77Q11区
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation ReviewTransp. Res. Part Logist. Transp. Rev.1366-55458.11Q11区
Transportation Research RecordTransportation Research Record0361-19811.69Q34区
Tunnelling and Underground Space TechnologyTunn. Undergr. Space Technol.0886-77986.80Q11区
Underground Space (new)2096-27548.15Q11区
Wind and Structures, An International JournalWind Struct.1226-61161.39Q34区
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