
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Accounts of Chemical Research0001-484216.35Q11区
ACS Central Science2374-794312.71Q11区
ACS Omega2470-13433.76Q23区
ACS Organic and Inorganic Au2694-247X3.46Q2
Acta Chemica Iasi2067-24380.43Q4
Acta Chimica Sinica0567-73511.52Q34区
Acta Chimica Slovaca1337-978X0.93Q4
Acta Chimica Slovenica1318-02071.28Q34区
Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta. Seria Chimie1583-24301.10Q4
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition1433-785116.28Q11区
Arabian Journal of Chemistry1878-53525.22Q22区
Australian Journal of Chemistry0004-94250.94Q44区
BMC Chemistry2661-801X4.13Q22区
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia1011-39241.35Q34区
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan0009-26733.46Q23区
Bulletin of the Karaganda University Chemistry SeriesEurasian Journal of Chemistry2518-718X0.71Q4
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society0253-29642.32Q34区
Canadian Journal of Chemistry0008-40421.15Q34区
CCS Chemistry2096-57459.43Q11区
Chemical and Engineering News0009-23471.63Q34区
Chemical Bulletin of Kazakh National University1563-03310.49Q4
Chemical CommunicationsJournal of the Chemical Society D: Chemical Communications1359-73454.31Q22区
Chemical Methodologies2588-43443.51Q2
Chemical Papers0366-63522.10Q34区
Chemical Record1527-89997.18Q12区
Chemical Research in Chinese Universities1005-90402.92Q24区
Chemical Reviews0009-266551.58Q11区
Chemical Science2041-65207.50Q11区
Chemical Society ReviewsQuarterly Reviews, Chemical Society, Royal Institute of Chemistry, Reviews0306-001240.45Q11区
Chemicke Listy0009-27700.71Q44区
Chemie in Unserer Zeit0009-28511.04Q44区
Chemistry - A European Journal0947-65393.86Q22区
Chemistry - An Asian Journal1861-471X3.33Q23区
Chemistry (Switzerland)2624-85492.49Q3
Chemistry Africa2522-57582.29Q3
Chemistry and Biodiversity1612-18722.47Q33区
Chemistry and Chemical Technology1996-41961.07Q4
Chemistry Journal of Moldova1857-17270.54Q4
Chemistry Letters0366-70221.50Q34区
ChemPlusChemCollection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications2192-65062.94Q24区
Chinese Chemical Letters1001-84179.29Q11区
Chinese Journal of ChemistryActa Chimica Sinica English Edition, Chinese Journal of Chemistry0256-76605.56Q21区
Communications Chemistry2399-36695.96Q12区
Comptes Rendus ChimieComptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences - Series IIc: Chemistry1631-07481.37Q34区
Croatica Chemica Acta0011-16430.70Q44区
Current Microwave Chemistry2213-33560.84Q4
Doklady ChemistryDoklady. Chemical technology0012-50080.65Q44区
Egyptian Journal of Chemistry0449-22851.20Q3
Energetic Materials Frontiers2666-64723.44Q2
Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal1562-39200.49Q4
Fibre chemistry0015-05410.43Q44区
Frontiers in Chemistry2296-26463.97Q23区
Glasnik hemičara i tehnologa Bosne i Hercegovine0367-44440.14Q4
Green Processing and Synthesis2191-95423.75Q34区
Green Synthesis and Catalysis2666-55498.12Q1
Helvetica Chimica Acta0018-019X1.50Q34区
Heteroatom Chemistry1042-71630.96Q34区
Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical ChemistryIndian J Chem0376-47100.28Q44区
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry1411-94201.12Q4
International Journal of Molecular Sciences1422-00674.83Q22区
Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering1021-99860.84Q44区
Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry2008-90150.81Q4
Israel Journal of Chemistry0021-21482.28Q34区
Izvestiâ Vuzov: Prikladnaâ Himiâ i Biotehnologiâ2227-29250.07Q4
JACS Au2691-37048.30Q1
Jordan Journal of Chemistry1814-91110.48Q4
Journal of Chemical and Engineering DataIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry - Chemical and Engineering Data Series0021-95681.90Q23区
Journal of Chemical ResearchJournal of Chemical Research - Part S1747-51981.15Q44区
Journal of Chemical Technology and BiotechnologyJournal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Chemical Technology, Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology. Biotechnology0268-25752.71Q34区
Journal of ChemistryE-Journal of Chemistry, Journal of Chemistry0973-49452.82Q24区
Journal of Chemistry and Technologies2663-29340.34Q4
Journal of CO2 Utilization2212-98207.14Q12区
Journal of Computational Biophysics and ChemistryJournal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry2737-41651.82Q34区
Journal of Computational Chemistry0192-86513.29Q23区
Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan1347-17670Q4
Journal of Flow Chemistry2062-249X2.09Q34区
Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic ChemistryJournal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry0167-78611.73Q34区
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry1226-086X5.96Q13区
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data0047-26894.51Q12区
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines1088-42461.06Q44区
Journal of Saudi Chemical Society1319-61035.96Q12区
Journal of Siberian Federal University: Chemistry1998-28360.31Q4
Journal of Sulfur ChemistrySulfur Letters1741-59932.24Q33区
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyJACS0002-786314.59Q11区
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society0103-50531.32Q34区
Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan0253-51060.56Q44区
Journal of the Chilean Chemical SocietyBoletin de la Sociedad Chilena de Quimica0717-93241.41Q34区
Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society0009-45361.56Q34区
Journal of the Indian Chemical Society0019-45223.15Q24区
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society1735-207X2.27Q34区
Journal of the Korean Chemical Society1017-25480.40Q4
Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society1665-96861.09Q34区
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society0352-51391.15Q44区
Journal of Theoretical and Computational ChemistryJournal of Computational Biophysics and Chemistry0219-63362.59Q3
Kao Teng Hsueh Hsiao Hua Heush Hsueh Pao/ Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities0251-07900.82Q44区
Kemija u industriji/Journal of Chemists and Chemical Engineers0022-98300.74Q4
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering0256-11152.97Q24区
Lab on a Chip1473-01896.12Q22区
Main Group Chemistry1024-12211.21Q34区
Mendeleev Communications0959-94361.75Q34区
Molecular Diversity1381-19913.75Q22区
Molecules1420-30494.06Q22区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Monatshefte fur ChemieMonatshefte für Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften0026-92471.54Q34区
Moroccan Journal of Chemistry2351-812X2.34Q3
Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin0027-13140.69Q4
Nature Chemistry1755-433019.04Q11区
Nature Reviews Chemistry2397-335837.99Q11区
New Journal of Chemistry1144-05462.76Q23区
Open Chemistry2391-54202.05Q34区
Oriental Journal of Chemistry0970-020X0.40Q4
Periodico Tche Quimica1806-03740.17Q4
Physical Chemistry Research2322-55211.29Q3
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Chemical SciencesJournal of Chemical Sciences, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - Section A, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Chemical Sciences0253-41341.90Q34区
Progress in Chemistry1005-281X0.99Q44区
Przemysl Chemiczny0033-24960.39Q44区
Pure and Applied Chemistry0033-45452.01Q34区
Quimica Nova0100-40420.64Q44区
Research on Chemical IntermediatesReviews of Chemical Intermediates0922-61682.63Q23区
Results in Chemistry2211-71562.64Q2
Revista Colombiana de Quimica0120-28040.38Q4
Revista Virtual de Quimica1984-68350.59Q4
Revue Roumaine de Chimie0035-39300.57Q44区
RSC Advances2046-20694.03Q23区
RSC Chemical Biology2633-06794.08Q2
Russian Chemical BulletinBulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Division of Chemical Science, Russian Chemical Bulletin0568-52301.75Q34区
Russian Chemical Reviews0036-021X7.04Q12区
Russian Journal of General Chemistry1070-36320.91Q44区
Science China ChemistryScience in China, Series B: Chemistry1674-729110.24Q11区
Scientific Study and Research: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry1582-540X0.23Q4
Separation Science and TechnologySep Sci0149-63952.17Q34区
Solid Fuel Chemistry0361-52190.90Q44区
Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange0736-62991.61Q34区
Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan1341-72150.73Q44区
South African Journal of Chemistry0379-43500.82Q44区
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia1224-71540.63Q44区
Supramolecular Chemistry1029-04782.06Q34区
Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry0040-57600.77Q44区
Topics in Current Chemistry2364-89617.19Q12区
Trends in Chemistry2589-597413.88Q12区
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry1350-41778.68Q11区
UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series B: Chemistry and Materials Science1454-23310.33Q4
Vietnam Journal Of Chemistry0866-71441.49Q3
Химия в интересах устойчивого развития0869-85380.58Q4
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