
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Advances in AutismAIA2056-38681.04Q4
Applied Developmental ScienceAppl. Dev. Sci.1088-86911.74Q33区
Attachment and Human DevelopmentAttach. Hum. Dev.1461-67343.34Q12区
Autism and Developmental Language ImpairmentsAutism. Dev. Lang. Impair.2396-94152.61Q2
Autism ResearchAutism Res1939-37925.34Q12区
British Journal of Developmental PsychologyBritish J of Dev Psycho0261-510X2.40Q23区
Child and Youth Care ForumChild Youth Care Forum0893-08481.86Q34区
Child Development PerspectivesChild Dev Perspectives1750-85925.03Q11区
Child Psychiatry and Human DevelopmentChild Psychiatry Hum Dev0009-398X2.19Q23区
Child: Care, Health and DevelopmentChild0305-18621.64Q34区
Clinical Child Psychology and PsychiatryClin Child Psychol Psychiatry1359-10451.97Q34区
Clinical Practice in Pediatric PsychologyClin. Pract. Pediatr. Psychol.2169-48261.05Q4
Development and PsychopathologyDev Psychopathol0954-57942.92Q22区
Developmental Cognitive NeuroscienceDev. Cogn. Neurosci.1878-92934.63Q12区
Developmental PsychologyDev. Psychol.0012-16493.02Q22区
Developmental ReviewDev. Rev.0273-22975.52Q11区
Early Child Development and CareEarly Child Dev. Care0300-44301.05Q44区
Early Childhood Research QuarterlyEarly Child. Res. Q.0885-20063.09Q11区
Early Education and DevelopmentEarly. Educ. Dev.1040-92891.99Q23区
Educational and Developmental Psychologist2059-07762.03Q2
European Child and Adolescent PsychiatryEur Child Adolesc Psychiatry1018-88275.83Q12区
European Journal of Developmental PsychologyEur. J. Dev. Psychol.1740-56101.76Q34区
First LanguageFirst Lang.0142-72371.15Q42区
GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry1662-96470.84Q4
Human DevelopmentHum. Dev.0018-716X4.25Q12区
Infancia y AprendizajeJournal for the Study of Education and Development0210-37020.87Q44区
Infant and Child DevelopmentInf Child Dev1522-72192.85Q24区
Infant Behavior and DevelopmentInfant Behav. Dev.0163-63831.72Q33区
Infant Mental Health JournalInfant Ment. Health J.0163-96412.14Q33区
International Journal of Adolescence and YouthInt. J. Adolesc. Youth.0267-38431.89Q3
International Journal of Aging and Human DevelopmentInt J Aging Hum Dev0091-41501.06Q44区
International Journal of Behavioral DevelopmentInt. J. Behav. Dev.0165-02542.25Q22区
Journal of AdolescenceJ. Adolesc.0140-19713.10Q22区
Journal of Adolescent ResearchJ. Adolesc. Res.0743-55842.02Q23区
Journal of Adult DevelopmentJ. Adult Dev.1068-06671.69Q33区
Journal of Applied Developmental PsychologyJ. Appl. Dev. Psychol.0193-39732.09Q22区
Journal of Attention DisordersJ Atten Disord1087-05472.66Q23区
Journal of Autism and Developmental DisordersJ Autism Dev Disord0162-32573.00Q12区
Journal of Child and Family StudiesJ Child Fam Stud1062-10241.67Q33区
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied DisciplinesJ Child Psychol Psychiatr0021-96306.39Q11区
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent PsychologyJ. Clin. Child. Adolesc. Psychol.1537-44164.20Q11区
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral PediatricsJ Dev Behav Pediatr0196-206X1.70Q33区
Journal of Early AdolescenceJ. Early. Adolesc.0272-43161.97Q33区
Journal of Pediatric NeuropsychologyJ. Pediatr. Neuropsychol.2199-26730.90Q4
Journal of Pediatric PsychologyJ. Pediatr. Psychol.0146-86932.72Q23区
Journal of Research on AdolescenceJ Res Adolesc1050-83924.74Q12区
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryJ. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry0890-85679.09Q11区
Journal of Youth and AdolescenceJ. Youth Adolescence0047-28913.79Q11区
Journal of Youth DevelopmentJ. Youth Dev.2325-40090.60Q4
Kindheit und EntwicklungKindheit und Entwicklung0942-54030.81Q44区
Merrill-Palmer QuarterlyMerrill-palmer Q.0272-930X1.22Q44区
Mind, Brain, and EducationMind Brain and Education1751-22711.90Q34区
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child DevelopmentMonographs Society Res Child0037-976X9.44Q11区
Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und KinderpsychiatriePrax. Kinderpsychol. Kinderpsychiatr.0032-70340.58Q44区
Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo1824-078X0.29Q4
Psychology and AgingPsychol. Aging0882-79743.82Q11区
Research in Human DevelopmentRes. Hum. Dev.1542-76091.60Q44区
Research on Child and Adolescent PsychopathologyRes Child Adolesc Psychopathol2730-71662.86Q22区
Review Journal of Autism and Developmental DisordersRev J Autism Dev Disord2195-71772.72Q23区
Revista de Psicologia Clinica con Ninos y AdolescentesRPCNA2340-83400.88Q4
Social DevelopmentSoc. Dev.0961-205X1.56Q34区
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