
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
ACM Communications in Computer AlgebraACM Commun. Comput. Algebra1932-22320.46Q4
ACM Transactions on AlgorithmsACM Trans. Algorithms1549-63250.79Q33区
ACM Transactions on Mathematical SoftwareACM Trans. Math. Softw.0098-35002.83Q11区
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer SimulationACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul.1049-33010.83Q34区
Acta Applicandae MathematicaeActa Appl. Math.0167-80191.00Q24区
Acta Mathematica Sinica, English SeriesActa Math. Sin. Engl. Ser.1439-76170.77Q33区
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae SinicaActa Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser.0168-96731.05Q34区
Advanced Nonlinear StudiesAdv. Nonlinear Stud.1536-13651.98Q12区
Advances in Applied MathematicsAAM0196-88581.05Q33区
Advances in Calculus of Variations1864-82581.34Q23区
Advances in Computational MathematicsAdv Comput Math1019-71681.56Q23区
Advances in Continuous and Discrete ModelsAdv Cont Discr Mod2731-42352.32Q12区
Advances in Difference EquationsAdv Differ Equ1687-18393.01Q13区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Advances in Differential EquationsAdv. Differential Equations1079-93891.57Q23区
Advances in differential equations and control processes0974-32430.38Q4
Advances in Fuzzy SystemsAdv. Fuzzy Syst.1687-71011.48Q2
Advances in Mathematics of CommunicationsAMC1930-53380.78Q34区
Advances in Nonlinear AnalysisAdv. Nonlinear Anal.2191-94963.12Q11区
Aequationes MathematicaeAeq. Math.0001-90540.82Q33区
AIMS MathematicsMATH2473-69881.69Q13区
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and CombinatoricsAKCE Int. J. Graphs Comb.0972-86001.04Q34区
Algebra and Discrete Mathematics1726-32550.27Q4
Algebra ColloquiumAlgebra Colloq.0219-17330.53Q44区
Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Matematica1224-17840.72Q34区
Analysis and ApplicationsAnal. Appl.0219-53052.07Q12区
Analysis and Mathematical PhysicsAnal.Math.Phys.1664-235X1.23Q23区
Analysis and PDEAPDE1948-206X1.64Q11区
Analysis in Theory and ApplicationsATA1573-81750.50Q4
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non LineaireAnn. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire0294-14491.92Q11区
Annales Mathematicae Silesianae0860-21070.49Q4
Annali di Matematica Pura ed ApplicataAnnali di Matematica pura ed applicata0373-31140.91Q33区
Annals of CombinatoricsAnn. Comb.0218-00060.77Q44区
Annals of Functional AnalysisAnn. Funct. Anal.2008-87521.01Q23区
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial IntelligenceAnn Math Artif Intell1012-24431.14Q24区
Annals of Pure and Applied LogicAnn. Pure. Appl. Log.0168-00720.47Q42区
ANZIAM JournalANZIAM J.1446-18111.18Q34区
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and ComputingAAECC0938-12790.65Q44区
Applicable AnalysisAppl. Anal.0003-68111.15Q24区
Applicable Analysis and Discrete MathematicsAPPL ANAL DISCRETE M1452-86301.15Q34区
Applications and applied mathematics1932-94660.67Q4
Applications of MathematicsAppl. Math. (Prague).0862-79400.73Q44区
Applied and Computational Harmonic AnalysisAppl. Comput. Harmon. Anal.1063-52032.72Q12区
Applied and Computational Mathematics1683-6154Q12区
Applied and Computational MathematicsACM1683-35114.72Q1
Applied MathematicsAppl. Math. J. Chin. Univ.1005-10311.25Q24区
Applied Mathematics and ComputationAppl. Math. Comput.0096-30033.57Q12区
Applied Mathematics and OptimizationAppl Math Optim0095-46161.61Q22区
Applied Mathematics LettersAppl. Math. Lett.0893-96593.06Q12区
Applied Numerical MathematicsAppl. Numer. Math.0168-92742.27Q12区
Archives of Control SciencesArch. Control Sci.1230-23841.10Q24区
Ars Mathematica ContemporaneaArs Math. Contemp.1855-39660.64Q43区
Asian Journal of MathematicsAsian J. Math.1093-61060.60Q44区
Asymptotic AnalysisAsymptot. Anal.0921-71340.93Q24区
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti Lincei Matematica E ApplicazioniAtti Accad. Naz. Lincei Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur.1120-63300.56Q44区
Banach Journal of Mathematical AnalysisBanach J. Math. Anal.1735-87871.21Q22区
BIT Numerical MathematicsBit Numer Math0006-38351.65Q23区
Boundary Value ProblemsBound. Value Probl.1687-27621.02Q34区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques0007-44971.15Q23区
Bulletin of Computational Applied MathematicsBull. Comput. Appl. Math.2244-8659Q4
Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software2071-02160.16Q4
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential EquationsCalc. Var.0944-26692.00Q12区
Carpathian Journal of MathematicsCarpathian J. Math.1584-28511.42Q24区
Collectanea MathematicaCollect. Math.0010-07570.82Q32区
Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization2538-21280.70Q3
Communications in Contemporary MathematicsCommun. Contemp. Math.0219-19971.36Q22区
Communications in Mathematical SciencesCommun. Math. Sci.1539-67461.17Q24区
Communications in Partial Differential EquationsCommun. Partial. Differ. Equ.0360-53022.28Q12区
Communications on Applied Mathematics and ComputationCommun. Appl. Math. Comput.2096-63851.42Q24区
Communications on Pure and Applied AnalysisCPAA1534-03920.91Q33区
Communications on Pure and Applied MathematicsComm. Pure Appl. Math.0010-36402.97Q11区
COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringCOMPEL0332-16491.01Q34区
Complex Analysis and Operator TheoryComplex Anal. Oper. Theory1661-82540.83Q34区
Computational and Applied MathematicsComp. Appl. Math.1807-03022.41Q13区
Computational and Mathematical Methods2577-74080.80Q3
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications0925-77210.58Q44区
Computational Methods and Function TheoryComput. Methods Funct. Theory1617-94470.51Q44区
Computational Methods for Differential Equations2345-39821.12Q2
Computational Methods in Applied MathematicsJ. Comput. Methods. Appl. Math.1609-48401.16Q34区
Computer Aided Geometric DesignComput. Aided Geom. Des.0167-83961.48Q24区
Computers and Mathematics with ApplicationsComput. Math. Appl.0898-12212.71Q12区
Contemporary Mathematics (Singapore)2705-10560.74Q4
Cryptography and CommunicationsCryptogr. Commun.1936-24471.28Q23区
CSIAM Transactions on Applied MathematicsCSIAM-AM2708-05601.21Q2
Designs, Codes, and CryptographyDes. Codes Cryptogr.0925-10221.44Q22区
Differential and Integral EquationsDifferential Integral Equations0893-49831.98Q14区
Differential Equations and Applications1847-120X0.63Q3
Differential Equations and Dynamical SystemsDiffer Equ Dyn Syst0971-35140.72Q3
Differential Geometry and its ApplicationDiffer. Geom. Appl.0926-22450.53Q44区
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series BDCDS-B1531-34921.34Q24区
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series SDCDS-S1937-11791.30Q24区
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems- Series ADCDS1078-09470.92Q23区
Discrete Applied MathematicsDiscrete. Appl. Math.0166-218X1.00Q33区
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and ApplicationsDiscrete Event Dyn Syst0924-67031.55Q34区
Discrete Mathematics and ApplicationsDiscrete Math. Appl.0924-92650.34Q4
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceDiscret. Math. Theor. Comput. Sci.1365-80500.66Q44区
Discrete Mathematics Letters2664-25571.16Q3
Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and ApplicationsDiscrete Math. Algorithm. Appl.1793-83090.61Q4
Dynamics of Partial Differential EquationsDyn. Partial Differ. Equ.1548-159X1.02Q23区
East Asian Journal on Applied MathematicsEAJAM2079-73621.30Q24区
Electronic Journal of CombinatoricsElectron. J. Combin.1077-89260.89Q34区
Electronic Journal of Differential Equationsejde1072-66910.96Q34区
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential EquationsElectron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ.1417-38751.15Q24区
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysisetna1068-96130.70Q34区
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical SystemsErgod. Th. Dynam. Sys.0143-38570.92Q33区
ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of VariationsESAIM: COCV1262-33771.34Q23区
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical AnalysisESAIM: M2AN0764-583X1.97Q1
European Journal of Applied MathematicsEur. J. Appl. Math.0956-79252.24Q14区
Evolution Equations and Control TheoryEECT2163-24721.29Q24区
Finite Fields and their ApplicationsFinite Fields Appl.1071-57971.25Q23区
Fixed Point TheoryFPT-RO1583-50220.94Q34区
Forum MathematicumForum Math.0933-77411.01Q33区
Forum of Mathematics, Pi2050-50862.93Q11区
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma2050-50941.26Q22区
Foundations of Computational MathematicsFound Comput Math1615-33752.59Q11区
Functional Analysis and its ApplicationsFunct Anal Its Appl0016-26630.65Q44区
Fundamenta InformaticaeFundam. Inform.0169-29680.43Q44区
Funkcialaj Ekvacioj0532-87210.68Q34区
Fuzzy Information and EngineeringFuzzy Inf. Eng.1616-86581.43Q2
Glasnik MatematickiGlas. Mat.0017-095X0.31Q44区
Homology, Homotopy and Applications1532-00730.66Q34区
Illinois Journal of MathematicsIllinois J. Math.0019-20820.60Q4
IMA Journal of Applied MathematicsIMA J Appl Math0272-49601.29Q24区
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and InformationIMA J Math Control Info0265-07541.72Q24区
IMA Journal of Numerical AnalysisIMA J. Numer. Anal.0272-49792.32Q12区
Image Analysis and StereologyImage Anal Stereol1580-31390.97Q34区
Information and ComputationInf. Comput.0890-54010.74Q34区
Information and InferenceInf. inference.2049-87641.58Q24区
Integral Transforms and Special FunctionsIntegral. Transform. Spec. Funct.1065-24690.90Q33区
Interfaces and Free BoundariesInterfaces Free Bound.1463-99631.30Q24区
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer ScienceInt. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci.1641-876X1.45Q24区
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics0973-13770.31Q4
International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science1752-28620.30Q4
International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics2007-15580.22Q4
International Journal of Computer MathematicsInt. J. Comput. Math.0020-71601.82Q24区
International Journal of Differential EquationsInt. J. Differ. Equ.1687-96431.45Q2
International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential EquationsInt. J. Dyn. Syst. Differ. Equations1752-35830.14Q4
International Journal of Dynamics and ControlInt. J. Dynam. Control2195-268X2.30Q1
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical SciencesInt. J. Math. Math. Sci.0161-17120.94Q3
International Journal of Mathematics for Industry2661-33440.30Q4
International Journal of Numerical Analysis and ModelingInt. J. Numer. Anal. Model.1705-51051.42Q24区
International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories and ApplicationsInt. J. Optim. Control, Theor. Appl. (IJOCTA)2146-09572.29Q1
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear ControlInt J Robust Nonlinear Control1049-89233.18Q13区
Iranian Journal of Fuzzy SystemsIran. J. Fuzzy Syst.1735-06541.72Q14区
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied MathematicsJapan J. Indust. Appl. Math.0916-70050.73Q34区
Journal des Mathematiques Pures et AppliqueesJ. Math. Pures. Appl.0021-78242.03Q11区
Journal of Algebra and its ApplicationsJ. Algebra Appl.0219-49880.69Q43区
Journal of Applied AnalysisJ. Appl. Anal.1425-69080.71Q4
Journal of Applied Analysis and Computationjaac2156-907X1.08Q34区
Journal of Applied Mathematics and ComputingJ. Appl. Math. Comput.1598-58652.37Q13区
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics2234-84170.21Q4
Journal of applied mathematics, statistics and informatics1336-91800.31Q4
Journal of Combinatorial OptimizationJ. Comb. Optim.1382-69050.76Q34区
Journal of Combinatorics2150-959X0.31Q4
Journal of ComplexityJ. Complex.0885-064X1.84Q12区
Journal of Computational and Applied MathematicsJ. Comput. Appl. Math.0377-04271.97Q12区
Journal of Computational MathematicsJ. Comput. Math.0254-94090.79Q34区
Journal of CryptologyJ Cryptol0933-27902.35Q13区
Journal of Difference Equations and ApplicationsJ. Differ. Equations Appl.1023-61981.21Q24区
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and CryptographyJDMSC0972-05291.09Q2
Journal of Dynamical and Control SystemsJ Dyn Control Syst0925-46680.63Q44区
Journal of Dynamics and Differential EquationsJ Dyn Diff Equat1040-72941.47Q24区
Journal of Evolution EquationsJ. Evol. Equ.1424-31991.29Q23区
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and ApplicationsJ. Fixed Point Theory Appl.1661-77381.26Q23区
Journal of Fourier Analysis and ApplicationsJ Fourier Anal Appl1069-58691.10Q23区
Journal of Function SpacesJ. Funct. Spaces2314-88881.84Q13区
Journal of Inequalities and ApplicationsJ Inequal Appl1025-58341.35Q23区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Journal of Integral Equations and ApplicationsJ. Integral Equations Applications0897-39620.88Q34区
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed ProblemsJ. Inverse. Ill. Posed. Probl.0928-02190.73Q34区
Journal of Mathematical Analysis2217-34120.32Q4
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and ApplicationsJ. Math. Anal. Appl.0022-247X1.30Q23区
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and VisionJ Math Imaging Vis0924-99071.50Q24区
Journal of Mathematical InequalitiesJ. Math. Inequal.1846-579X1.03Q23区
Journal of Modern DynamicsJ. Mod. Dyn.1930-53110.73Q31区
Journal of Nonlinear and Convex AnalysisJ. Nonlinear. Convex. Anal.1345-47730.66Q34区
Journal of Nonlinear and Variational AnalysisJ. Nonlinear Var. Anal.2560-67782.51Q12区
Journal of Nonlinear Functional AnalysisJ. Nonlinear Funct. Anal.2052-532X1.27Q2
Journal of Numerical MathematicsJ. Numer. Math.1569-39533.73Q12区
Journal of Partial Differential EquationsJ. Partial Differ. Equ.1000-940X0.35Q44区
Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and ApplicationsJ. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl.1662-99810.73Q33区
Journal of Pure and Applied AlgebraJ. Pure. Appl. Algebra.0022-40490.68Q32区
Journal of Scientific ComputingJ Sci Comput0885-74742.87Q12区
Journal of Spectral TheoryJ. Spectr. Theory1664-039X1.10Q33区
Journal of Symbolic ComputationJ. Symb. Comput.0747-71710.50Q44区
Journal of the European Mathematical SocietyJ. Eur. Math. Soc.1435-98552.56Q11区
Journal of the Korean Mathematical SocietyJ. Korean Math. Soc.0304-99140.77Q34区
Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics1226-94330.31Q4
JSIAM Letters1883-06090.21Q4
Kinetic and Related ModelsKinet. Rel. Models1937-50771.04Q34区
Linear Algebra and Its ApplicationsLinear Algebra it Appl.0024-37951.03Q33区
Logic Journal of the IGPLLog. J. IGPL.1367-07510.69Q44区
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical SystemsMath. Comput. Model. Dyn. Syst.1387-39541.80Q14区
Mathematical CommunicationsMath. Commun.1331-06230.88Q34区
Mathematical Control and Related FieldsMCRF2156-84720.91Q34区
Mathematical Methods in the Applied SciencesMath Methods in App Sciences0170-42142.00Q13区
Mathematical Modelling and Control2767-89461.60Q24区
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied SciencesMath. Models Methods Appl. Sci.0218-20253.56Q11区
Mathematical SciencesMath. Sci.2008-13592.03Q14区
Mathematics and Computers in SimulationMath. Comput. Simul.0378-47544.55Q12区
Mathematics in Applied Sciences and EngineeringMath Appl Sci Eng2563-19260.41Q4
Mathematics in Computer ScienceMath.Comput.Sci.1661-82701.01Q2
Mathematics of ComputationMath. Comp.0025-57182.24Q12区
Mediterranean Journal of MathematicsMediterr. J. Math.1660-54461.00Q23区
Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics1512-00150.30Q4
Methods and applications of analysisMethods Appl. Anal.1073-27720.68Q4
Milan Journal of MathematicsMilan J. Math.1424-92861.12Q23区
Minimax Theory and its Applications2199-14130.41Q4
Moscow Mathematical JournalMosc. Math. J.1609-33210.51Q44区
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and ApplicationsNonlinear. Anal. Theory. Methods. Appl.0362-546X1.48Q22区
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid SystemsNonlinear Anal. Hybrid Syst1751-570X3.50Q12区
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World ApplicationsNonlinear Anal. Real World Appl.1468-12181.73Q13区
Nonlinear Differential Equations and ApplicationsNonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl.1021-97221.30Q24区
Numerical Algebra, Control and OptimizationNACO2155-32891.01Q2
Numerical AlgorithmsNumer. Algorithms1017-13981.90Q23区
Numerical Analysis and ApplicationsNumer. Analys. Appl.1995-42390.59Q4
Numerical Functional Analysis and OptimizationNumer. Funct. Anal. Optim.0163-05631.50Q24区
Numerical Linear Algebra with ApplicationsNumer Linear Algebra Appl1070-53251.96Q13区
Numerical MathematicsNMTMA1004-89792.07Q14区
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential EquationsNumerical Methods Partial0749-159X1.95Q13区
Numerische MathematikNumer. Math.0029-599X1.98Q12区
Optimal Control Applications and MethodsOptim Control Appl Methods0143-20872.18Q24区
Periodica Mathematica HungaricaPeriod. Math. Hung.0031-53030.80Q43区
Portugaliae MathematicaPort. Math.0032-51550.34Q44区
Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika2071-04100.32Q4
Problems of Information TransmissionProbl. Inf. Transm.0032-94600.32Q44区
Proceedings of the American Mathematical SocietyProc. Amer. Math. Soc.0002-99390.95Q33区
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: MathematicsProc. R. Soc. Edinb. Sect. Math.0308-21051.18Q23区
Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics0081-54380.21Q44区
Publications de l'Institut MathematiquePubl. Inst. Math. (Belgr.)0350-13020.30Q4
Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly1558-85990.48Q44区
Qualitative Theory of Dynamical SystemsQual. Theory Dyn. Syst.1575-54601.94Q13区
Quarterly of Applied MathematicsQuart. Appl. Math.0033-569X0.84Q34区
RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and ApplicationsRAIRO-Theor. Inf. Appl.0988-37540.29Q44区
Random Structures and AlgorithmsRandom Struct. Alg.1042-98321.06Q33区
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell 'Universita' di Padova/Mathematical Journal of the University of PadovaRend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova0041-89940.33Q44区
Results in Applied MathematicsResults Appl. Math.2590-03741.34Q2
Results in MathematicsResults Math1420-90121.21Q23区
Revista de la Union Matematica ArgentinaRev. Union Mat. Argent.0041-69320.42Q44区
Revista Matematica ComplutenseRev. Mat. Complut.1139-11381.36Q23区
Ricerche di MatematicaRicerche mat0035-50381.23Q24区
Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical ModellingRuss. J. Numer. Anal. Math. Model.0927-64670.46Q44区
Science China MathematicsSci. China Math.1674-72831.42Q22区
Selecta Mathematica, New SeriesSel. math., New ser.1022-18241.12Q22区
Set-Valued and Variational AnalysisSet-Valued Var. Anal1877-05331.42Q23区
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and GeometrySIAM J. Appl. Algebra Geometry2470-65661.43Q22区
SIAM Journal on Applied MathematicsSIAM J. Appl. Math.0036-13991.76Q14区
SIAM Journal on ComputingSIAM J. Comput.0097-53971.23Q23区
SIAM Journal on Control and OptimizationSIAM J. Control Optim.0363-01292.31Q12区
SIAM Journal on Discrete MathematicsSIAM J. Discrete Math.0895-48011.07Q33区
SIAM Journal on Imaging SciencesSIAM J. Imaging Sci.1936-49542.24Q13区
SIAM Journal on Mathematical AnalysisSIAM J. Math. Anal.0036-14102.31Q12区
Siam Journal on Mathematics of Data ScienceSIAM. J. Math. Data. Sci.2577-01871.72Q12区
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and ApplicationsSIAM J. Matrix Anal. & Appl.0895-47981.58Q22区
SIAM Journal on Numerical AnalysisSIAM J. Numer. Anal.0036-14292.65Q12区
SIAM Journal on OptimizationSIAM J. Optim.1052-62342.41Q11区
SIAM Journal on Scientific ComputingSIAM J. Sci. Comput.1064-82753.09Q12区
SIAM ReviewSIAM Rev.0036-144510.71Q11区
Studies in Applied MathematicsStud Appl Math0022-25262.68Q12区
Theory and Applications of CategoriesTheory Appl. Categ.1201-561X0.52Q44区
Topology and its ApplicationsTopol. Appl.0166-86410.56Q44区
Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN0134-48890.22Q4
Turkish World Mathematical Society Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics2146-11470.34Q4
Twms Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics2076-25853.61Q12区
Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki1815-60880.16Q4
Ukrainian Mathematical JournalUkr Math J0041-59950.55Q44区
Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre AnwendungenZ. Anal. Anwend.0232-20640.84Q33区
Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und PhysikZ. Angew. Math. Phys.0044-22751.67Q23区
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