Accreditation and Quality Assurance | Accredit. Qual. Assur. | 0949-1775 | 0.91 | Q4 | 4区 | | |
Actuators | | 2076-0825 | 2.10 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
Applied Spectroscopy | Appl Spectrosc | 0003-7028 | 2.08 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
Applied Spectroscopy Reviews | Appl. Spectrosc. Rev. | 0570-4928 | 5.20 | Q1 | 2区 | | |
Automation and Remote Control | Autom Remote Control | 0005-1179 | 0.75 | Q4 | 4区 | | |
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems | Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst. | 0169-7439 | 3.87 | Q1 | 2区 | | |
Chemosensors | Chemosensors. (Basel). | 2227-9040 | 3.79 | Q1 | 3区 | | |
EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation | EPJ Techn Instrum | 2195-7045 | 1.04 | Q4 | | | |
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation | Flow. Meas. Instrum. | 0955-5986 | 2.29 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine | IEEE Instrum. Meas. Mag. | 1094-6969 | 1.72 | Q3 | 4区 | | |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics | IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. | 0278-0046 | 7.49 | Q1 | 1区 | | |
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement | IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. | 0018-9456 | 5.69 | Q1 | 2区 | | |
IET Control Theory and Applications | | 1751-8644 | 2.24 | Q2 | 4区 | | |
Instrumentation Science and Technology | Instrum. Sci. Technol. | 1073-9149 | 1.10 | Q3 | 4区 | | |
Instruments and Experimental Techniques | Instrum Exp Tech | 0020-4412 | 0.36 | Q4 | 4区 | | |
International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management | IJPHM | 2153-2648 | 1.35 | Q3 | | | |
ISA Transactions | ISA Trans. | 0019-0578 | 6.31 | Q1 | 2区 | | |
Journal of Chemometrics | J. Chemom. | 0886-9383 | 1.70 | Q1 | 4区 | | |
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME | J. Dyn. Syst. Meas. Contr. | 0022-0434 | 1.89 | Q3 | 4区 | | |
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics | J. Guid. Control. Dyn. | 0731-5090 | 2.23 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
Journal of Instrumentation | J. Inst. | 1748-0221 | 1.26 | Q3 | 4区 | | |
Journal of Sensors | J. Sens. | 1687-725X | 1.49 | Q3 | 4区 | | 中科院 2024 年预警期刊 |
Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems | J. Sens. Sens. Syst. | 2194-8771 | 0.62 | Q4 | | | |
Measurement and Control (United Kingdom) | Meas. Control | 0020-2940 | 1.32 | Q3 | 4区 | | |
Measurement Science and Technology | Meas. Sci. Technol. | 0957-0233 | 2.56 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
Measurement Science Review | Meas. Sci. Rev. | 1335-8871 | 1.03 | Q4 | 4区 | | |
Measurement Techniques | Meas. Tech. | 0543-1972 | 0.44 | Q4 | | | |
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation | | 0263-2241 | 5.12 | Q1 | 2区 | | |
Metrology and Measurement Systems | | 0860-8229 | 0.83 | Q4 | 4区 | | |
Pribory i Metody Izmerenij | Prib. metody izmer. | 2220-9506 | 0.38 | Q4 | | | |
Sensing and Imaging | Sens Imaging | 1557-2064 | 1.58 | Q3 | | | |
Sensor Review | SR | 0260-2288 | 1.67 | Q3 | 4区 | | |
Sensors | | 1424-3210 | 3.20 | Q2 | | | |
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical | Sens. Actuator Phys. | 0924-4247 | 3.91 | Q1 | 3区 | | |
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical | Sens. Actuators. B. Chem. | 0925-4005 | 7.89 | Q1 | 1区 | | |
Smart Structures and Systems | Smart. Struct. Syst. | 1738-1584 | 2.15 | Q2 | 3区 | | |
Structural Control and Health Monitoring | Struct Control Health Monit | 1545-2255 | 4.61 | Q1 | 2区 | | |
Structural Health Monitoring | | 1475-9217 | 5.80 | Q1 | 2区 | | |
Technisches Messen | tm Tech. Mess. | 0171-8096 | 0.77 | Q4 | 4区 | | |
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control | Trans. Inst. Meas. Control. | 0142-3312 | 1.70 | Q3 | 4区 | | |
Ukrainian Metrological Journal | | 2306-7039 | 0.25 | Q4 | | | |