
期刊名称短名ISSNJournal Impact国际分区国内分区Top期刊预警期刊
Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwater1828-454X1.00Q4
ACS ES and T Water2690-06374.66Q1
Advances in Water Resources0309-17084.04Q12区
Agricultural Water Management0378-37745.98Q11区
Agua y Territorio2340-77430.73Q4
Applied Water Science2190-54875.68Q13区
Aqua Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and SocietyJournal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA2709-80281.95Q34区
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems1052-76132.49Q23区
Australian Journal of Water Resources1324-15832.32Q2
Blue-Green Systems2617-47822.25Q3
Canadian Water Resources Journal0701-17841.55Q34区
China Ocean Engineering0890-54871.98Q32区
Clean - Soil, Air, WaterActa Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica1863-06501.56Q44区
Desalination and Water Treatment1944-39861.14Q44区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Ecohydrology and HydrobiologyPolskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii1642-35932.57Q24区
Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental1413-41520.50Q44区
Environmental Earth SciencesEnvironmental Geology1866-62802.68Q24区
Environmental Fluid Mechanics1567-74191.79Q33区
Environmental Geochemistry and HealthMinerals and the Environment0269-40423.01Q23区
Environmental Modelling and SoftwareEnvironmental Software1364-81524.65Q12区
Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology2053-14003.67Q24区
Environmental ToxicologyEnvironmental Toxicology and Water Quality1520-40814.24Q13区
Exposure and HealthWater Quality, Exposure and Health2451-96854.36Q13区
Frontiers in Water2624-93752.67Q2
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk1947-57054.52Q13区
Ground Water0017-467X2.19Q34区
Groundwater for Sustainable Development2352-801X4.83Q1
GroundWater Monitoring and RemediationGround Water Monitoring Review1069-36291.99Q34区
H2Open Journal2616-65181.51Q4
Houille BlancheLHB: Hydroscience Journal0018-63680.89Q4
Hydrogeology Journal1431-21742.44Q23区
Hydrological Processes0885-60872.69Q23区
Hydrological Research Letters1882-34160.76Q4
Hydrological Sciences JournalHydrological Sciences Bulletin0262-66672.83Q23区
Hydrologie und WasserbewirtschaftungDeutsche Geowasserkundliche Mitteilungen1439-17831.21Q44区
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences1027-56065.72Q11区
Hydrology Research0029-12772.41Q2
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction2212-42094.21Q11区
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science2095-00552.73Q22区
International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology2042-78081.03Q4
International Journal of River Basin Management1571-51242.39Q3
International Journal of Sediment Research1001-62793.32Q22区
International Journal of Water Resources Development0790-06272.02Q33区
International Soil and Water Conservation Research2095-63397.13Q11区
Irrigation and Drainage1531-03531.73Q3
Irrigation Science0342-71883.25Q22区
Journal - American Water Works Association0003-150X0.58Q44区
Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research2324-96761.47Q4
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology0169-77223.60Q23区
Journal of contemporary water research & education1936-70310.96Q4
Journal of Ecohydraulics2470-53574.57Q1
Journal of Flood Risk Management1753-318X3.07Q23区
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering2305-70681.60Q34区
Journal of Hydraulic EngineeringAmerican Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Hydraulics Division0733-94291.98Q33区
Journal of Hydraulic Research/De Recherches Hydrauliques0022-16861.60Q33区
Journal of Hydro-Environment Research1570-64432.26Q23区
Journal of Hydroinformatics1464-71412.14Q33区
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering - ASCE1084-06992.25Q34区
Journal of Hydrology0022-16945.86Q11区
Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics0042-790X2.33Q34区
Journal of Hydrology X2589-91552.97Q2
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies2214-58184.71Q12区
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering - ASCEJournal of the Irrigation and Drainage Divisions, ASCE0733-94371.46Q34区
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice1949-11901.69Q34区
Journal of Soils and Water Conservation0022-45612.09Q34区
Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment2379-61111.97Q3
Journal of the American Water Resources AssociationWater Resources Bulletin1093-474X2.49Q24区
Journal of Water and Climate Change2040-22442.75Q24区
Journal of Water Management Modeling2292-60621.13Q4
Journal of Water Process Engineering2214-71446.28Q12区
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCEJournal of the Water Resources and Planning and Management Division, ASCE0733-94962.92Q23区
Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development2043-90831.51Q34区
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean EngineeringJournal of the Waterway, Port, Coastal & Ocean Division, ASCE, Proc. Paper 166320733-950X1.46Q43区
Lake and Reservoir Management0743-81411.04Q44区
LHB: Hydroscience JournalHouille Blanche2767-84900.41Q44区
Membrane and Water Treatment2005-86240.84Q44区
Meteorology Hydrology and Water Management. Research and Operational Application2299-38350.71Q4
Mine Water and the EnvironmentInternational Journal of Mine Water1025-91122.09Q34区
Natural Hazards0921-030X3.28Q23区
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences1561-86334.00Q12区
Natural Hazards Review1527-69881.88Q33区
npj Clean Water2059-703710.25Q11区
Ocean and Coastal ManagementOcean & Shoreline Management0964-56914.92Q12区
Physics and Chemistry of the EarthPhysics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial and Planetary Science1474-70653.07Q23区
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Maritime EngineeringProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Water and Maritime Engineering1741-75970.94Q43区
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Water ManagementProceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Water and Maritime Engineering1741-75891.30Q44区
Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hidricos1414-381X0.73Q4
River Research and ApplicationsRegulated Rivers: Research and Management1535-14591.69Q34区
Soil and Water Research1801-53951.51Q34区
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk AssessmentStochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics1436-32403.71Q13区
Sustainable Water Resources Management2363-50372.23Q3
Tecnologia y Ciencias del AguaIngenieria Hidraulica en Mexico0187-83360.25Q44区
Urban Water Journal1573-062X1.56Q33区
Vadose Zone Journal1539-16632.70Q23区
Water (Switzerland)2073-44413.07Q23区中国科学技术大学 2023 年预警期刊
Water Alternatives1965-01752.45Q22区
Water and Environment Journal1747-65851.71Q34区
Water Conservation Science and Engineering2364-56871.49Q4
Water Economics and Policy2382-624X0.84Q44区
Water Environment ResearchResearch Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation1061-43032.42Q24区
Water International0250-80601.56Q34区
Water Policy1366-70171.53Q44区
Water Practice and Technology1751-231X1.80Q3
Water Quality Research JournalWater Quality Research Journal of Canada2709-80442.55Q24区
Water Quality Research Journal of CanadaWater Pollution Research Journal of Canada, Water Quality Research Journal1201-30802.02Q3
Water ResearchAir and water pollution, WR0043-135411.28Q11区
Water Research X2589-91477.19Q12区
Water Resources0097-80781.00Q44区
Water Resources and Economics2212-42842.46Q33区
Water Resources and Industry2212-37174.34Q13区
Water Resources and Irrigation Management-WRIM2316-68862.85Q2
Water Resources Management0920-47414.06Q13区
Water Resources Research0043-13974.41Q11区
Water ReuseJournal of Water Reuse and Desalination2709-60924.13Q14区
Water S.A.0378-47380.93Q44区
Water Science and Engineering1674-23703.87Q1
Water Science and TechnologyProgress in Water Technology0273-12232.51Q24区
Water SupplyWater Science and Technology: Water Supply, Water Supply0735-19171.93Q34区
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution0049-69793.98Q14区
Wetlands Ecology and ManagementMangroves and Salt Marshes0923-48611.62Q34区
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water2049-19486.91Q11区
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